# Python interface for Game of Life
Python wrapper for C implementation of Conway's Game of Life algorithm.
This only provides low-level utilities. It is intended to be used as a dependency for higher-level
pure Python packages; as of this update, they are:
<td><A href="https://pypi.org/project/life-web-ui/">life-web-ui</A></td>
<td>Web UI for Conway Game of Life</td>
## Installation
Use PyPi package [conway-life](https://pypi.org/project/conway-life/)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade conway-life
## Design notes
None of the methods allocate any Python objects; output objects must be created by caller.
This both simplifies memory management and makes it possible to avoid unneeded
garbage collection for large objects.
## API
#### run(width, height, n_threads, n_iters, pos_start, pos_end, calllback)
`width`: Width of the board; *integer*<br>
`height`: Height of the board; *integer*<br>
`n_threads`: Number of worker threads (not yet supported); *integer*<br>
`n_iters`: Number of iterations to run; *integer*<br>
`pos_start`: Initial position; boolean *list* of size `width` x `height`<br>
`pos_end`: (Output) Final position; boolean *list* of size `width` x `height`. Must be pre-allocated.<br>
`callback`: Iteration calllback, or `None` (see below)<br>
return value: number of actually executed iterations
(never more than `n_iters`, but could be less, see below)<br>
**callback(n_iter, count, bhash, pos_ptr, fin)**
`n_iter`: current iteration (see below); *integer*<br>
`count`: count of cells; *integer*<br>
`bhash`: hash of current position; *integer*<br>
`pos_ptr`: internal memory pointer to the current position; *integer*.
Method `read_ptr` can be used to extract the position<br>
`fin`: 1 if this is final iteration, 0 if not<br>
return value: `None` or *integer*; value 1 will trigger iterations to stop immediately.<br>
1. `callback` (if defined) is called *before* first iteration, and then
again *after* every iterations, including the last (where fin=1). Therefore,
*normally* callback method is called `1 + n_iters` times.
1. However this method also detects loops and if your sequence deteriorates
to a loop, it will cut it short; `fin` would still be set to 1 on the last
iteration only regardless. Hash values used in loop detection is passed
to the callback.
#### read_ptr(width, height, pos_ptr, position)
`width`: Width of the board; *integer*<br>
`height`: Height of the board; *integer*<br>
`pos_ptr`: Internal memory pointer returned in a callback (see method `run`); *integer*<br>
`position`: (Output) Intermediary position; boolean *list* of size `width` x `height`.
Must be pre-allocated.<br>
return value: 1 on success