# convmoji
A simple cli tool to commit Conventional Commits.
### Requirements
![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/convmoji)
### Install
pip install convmoji
convmoji --help
## Commit types
For details on commit types see [conventional commits spec](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#specification).
* `feat`: ✨
* `fix`: 🐛
* `docs`: 📚
* `style`: 💎
* `refactor`: 🔨
* `perf`: 🚀
* `test`: 🚨
* `build`: 📦
* `ci`: 👷
* `chore`: 🔧
## Examples
A conventianal commit
convmoji "epic feature added" feat
One with a scope
convmoji "epic feature added" feat --scope somescope
# ✨: epic feature added
With options
convmoji "epic feature added" feat --scope somescope --amend --no-verify
# ✨(somescope): epic feature added --amend --no-verify
With more informative text
convmoji "epic feature added" feat --scope somescope \
--body "more body information" --foot "more footer information"
# ✨(somescope): epic feature added
# more body information
# more footer information
Inform people about breaking changes
convmoji "epic feature added" feat --scope somescope \
--body "more body information" --footer "more footer information" \
--breaking-changes "breaks somthing"
# ✨‼️(somescope): epic feature added
# more body information
# BREAKING CHANGE: breaks somthing
# more footer information
Lost track of what scope string to use? Run the following to view all scopes used in
the mentioned **conventional commits spec** format.
convmoji --show-scopes
# action
# actions
# cli-options
# coverage
# documentation
# error-handling
# pipy
# readme
# trynerror
> If you want to see what to does without performing the action, run it with `--debug`.
> This will prompt the commit command.
> If you want to work with some sort of paste tool or other workflow, for example to pipe results
> back to ide and commit stuff there, run command with `--print`.
> This will only prompt the commit message.
## convmoji --help
* `DESCRIPTION`: Commit message, as in 'git commit -m "..."' [required]
* `[COMMIT_TYPE]`: Either of [feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, perf, test, build, ci, chore] [default: feat]
* `-s, --scope TEXT`: Scope for commit (any string) [default: ]
* `-b, --body TEXT`: Body message for commit [default: ]
* `-f, --foot TEXT`: Footer message (formatted two blank lines below body) [default: ]
* `--breaking-changes, --bc TEXT`: Specially formatted message to show changes might break previous versions [default: ]
* `--amend`: Execute commit with --amend [default: False]
* `--no-verify`: Execute commit with --no-verify [default: False]
* `--co-authored_by, --co TEXT`: A string of authors formatted like: _`--co-authored-by '<User user@no-reply> ' --co-authored-by '<User2 user2@no-reply>'`_
* `--debug`: Debug mode (does not execute commit) [default: False]
* `--show-scopes`: A helper that shows scopes used with convmoji. (does not execute commit)
* `--info`: Prompt convmoji info (does not execute commit)
* `--version`: Prompt convmoji version (does not execute commit)
* `--install-completion`: Install completion for the current shell.
* `--show-completion`: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
* `--help`: Show this message and exit.