# content-negotiation
[![Read the Docs](https://readthedocs.org/projects/content-negotiation/badge/)](https://content-negotiation.readthedocs.io/)
A small Python library supporting content-negotiation.
It is used to decide content type based on a list of media ranges in the accept header, as well as deciding content-language based on the accept-language header.
* Media ranges/language ranges with a q-value of 0.0 will be ignored.
* Q-values above 1.0 will be treated as 1.0. Q-values below 0.0 will be treated as 0.0.
* When a media range is not specified, it will be treated as `*/*`.
* When a language range is not specified, it will be treated as `*`.
* When media ranges and language ranges are equal, the first one will be returned.
For more information on the accept header, see [RFC 7231, section-5.3.2](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.3.2).
For more information on the accept-language header, see [RFC 7231, section-5.3.5](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7231#section-5.3.5)
## Usage
### Install
% pip install content-negotiation
### Getting started
#### Content type
from content_negotiation import decide_content_type, NoAgreeableContentTypeError
accept_headers = ["application/json", "text/html", "text/plain, text/*;q=0.8"]
supported_content_types = ["text/turtle", "application/json"]
content_type = decide_content_type(accept_headers, supported_content_types)
except NoAgreeableContentTypeError:
print("No agreeable content type found.")
# Handle error, by returning e.g. 406 Not Acceptable
#### Content language
from content_negotiation import decide_content_language, NoAgreeableContentLanguageError
accept_language_headers = ["en-GB;q=0.8", "nb-NO;q=0.9"]
supported_languages = ["en-GB", "en", "nb-NO", "nb", "en-US"]
content_language = decide_decide_language(accept_language_headers, supported_languages)
except NoAgreeableLanguageError:
print("No agreeable language found.")
# Handle error, by returning e.g. 406 Not Acceptable
## Development
### Requirements
* [pyenv](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv) (recommended)
* python3
* [pipx](https://github.com/pipxproject/pipx) (recommended)
* [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) # version v1.2.0 or higher
* [nox](https://nox.thea.codes/en/stable/)
% pipx install poetry==1.2.0
% pipx install nox==2022.8.7
% pipx inject nox nox-poetry==1.0.1
### Install developer tools
% git clone https://github.com/Informasjonsforvaltning/content-negotiation.git
% cd content-negotiation
% pyenv install 3.8.13
% pyenv install 3.9.13
% pyenv install 3.10.6
% pyenv local 3.8.13 3.9.13 3.10.6
% poetry install
### Run all sessions
% nox
### Run all tests with coverage reporting
% nox -rs tests
### Debugging
You can enter into [Pdb](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pdb.html) by passing `--pdb` to pytest:
% nox -rs tests -- --pdb --log-cli-level=DEBUG
You can set breakpoints directly in code by using the function `breakpoint()`.