# Python Config Injector
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## What is this
It is a simple library to inject non-sensitive configurations into class variables.
Basically, it's like `BaseSettings` in `pydantic` library but for constants in `json`, `yaml`, `toml` or `ini` formats.
`conjector` can work with different Python types (like `tuple`, `datetime`, `dataclass` and so on) and recursively cast config values to them.
More information about the library and all features you can find in the official [documentation](https://conjector.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
## When to use
* If you deal with constants in your code, like error messages, default values for something, numeric coefficients, and so on.
* If you hate global variables, and you like non-python files to store static information.
* If you want to have an easy way to manage different constants depending on environments (like `test`, `dev`, `prod`).
* If you like type hints and clean code.
## How to install
To install this library just enter:
pip install conjector
By default, `conjector` work only with the builtin `json` and `ini` deserializers.
To work with `yaml` or `toml` (if you are using `python <= 3.10`):
pip install conjector[yaml]
# or
pip install conjector[toml]
# or faster version of json
pip install conjector[json]
## How to use
For injecting values you need only the decorator `properties` under a target class.
By default, the library will search a config file `application.yml` in the same directory
where your file with the used decorator is located, like below:
| | email_message_service.py
| | application.yml
size: 14
weight: bold
font: "Times New Roman"
- 128
- 128
- 128
- language: english
text: hello
- language: german
text: hallo
- language: french
text: bonjour
wellcome_message: "{greeting}! Thank you for registration, {username}!"
days: 5
hours: 12
from typing import TypedDict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import timedelta
from conjector import properties
class TextStyle:
size: int
weight: str
font: str
color: tuple[int, int, int] | str
class GreetingDict(TypedDict):
language: str
text: str
class EmailMessageService:
default_text_style: TextStyle
language_greetings: list[GreetingDict]
wellcome_message: str
mailing_frequency: timedelta | None
# And using these class variables in some methods...
And that's how will look an equivalent of the code above but with "hard-coded" constants, without config files and `@properties` decorator:
class EmailMessageService:
default_text_style = TextStyle(
size=14, weight="bold", font="Times New Roman", color=(128, 128, 128)
language_greetings = [
GreetingDict(language="english", text="hello"),
GreetingDict(language="german", text="hallo"),
GreetingDict(language="french", text="bonjour"),
wellcome_message = "{greeting}! Thank you for registration, {username}!"
mailing_frequency = timedelta(days=5, hours=12)
# And using these class variables in some methods...
All config values will be inserted and cast according to the type annotations once during the application or script start.
## Different environments
Using this library it's easy to manage different environments and corresponding config files.
It could be done like so:
import os
from conjector import properties
@properties(filename=os.getenv("CONFIG_FILENAME", "application.yml"))
class SomeEnvDependingService:
env_depend_var: str
In this case, you can set `CONFIG_FILENAME=application-dev.yml` in env variables, and `conjector` will use that file.
## About contributing
You will make `conjector` better if you open issues or create pull requests with improvements.