# Introduction
This project aim is to implement a simple and extensible way of accessing configuration.
The configuration values can be provided in json files, environment variables, secrets, etc.
# Getting Started
## installation
you can install the package from [pypi](https://pypi.org/project/configlookup/):
`pip install configlookup`
## usage
The configuration class is implemented as a singleton.
Main usage:
- define environment vars:
- CONFIGLOOKUP_ENV - {dev|prod} - default: dev
- CONFIGLOOKUP_DIR - absolute path where the config json files can be found - default: local dir
- CONFIGLOOKUP_FILE_PREFIX - prefix of configuration files name - default: configlookup
from configlookup.main import Configuration
config_value = Configuration.get("root.config_group.key")
## rationale
As a singleton, Configuration is loaded when it's called by the first time.
The initialization process can be depicted in the following diagram
( read env vars:
=> ( find json files with prefix [P] and with suffixes ["", "_all", "_local"] in [D] ) =>
=> ( process json files by natural order:
- build a dict structure with all the values,
- override the value if equivalent key is found in any variable overrider,
- environment overrider is always the last one to be scanned, so it has higher priority
Do note the possibility of extending the configuration in runtime, so as an example,
we can have the following primitive configurations in the json file
"dev": {
"server": {
"password": "gonna-get-it-from-a-new-overrider",
"user": "gonna-get-it-from-env",
remember the environment overrider is enabled always,
and once we enable a secrets overrider, for instance azure keyvault,
we can read the secret there with key `SERVER--PASSWORD`
...bear in mind the translation of config keys:
- property notation `*.*-*.*` => `*__*_*__*` env var notation
- property notation `*.*-*.*` => `*--*-*--*` key secret notation
## defining config values
### json file
"common": {...},
"dev": {
"server": {
"url": "http://www.dev.site.com",
"resources": {
"mem": 2048,
"color": "yellow",
"mem_min": 1024
"prod": {
"server": {
"url": "https://www.site.com",
"resources": {
"color": "green",
The main idea is to define values in the `common` section and then override it accordingly
to the runtime environment, `dev` or `prod`.
The environment is resolved by reading the environment variable `CONFIGLOOKUP_ENV`.
By default, it assumes `dev`.
In the snippet above if eventually the env var is set:
`Configuration.get("server.url")` == `"https://www.site.com"`
...and as a leaf primitive value it can also be obtained by a _var-like_ key:
`Configuration.get("SERVER__URL")` == `"https://www.site.com"`
...the same doesn't happen with
`Configuration.get("server.url.resources")` == `{"mem": 2048, "color": "green", "mem_min": 1024}`
`Configuration.get("SERVER__URL__RESOURCES")` == `None`
...as it is not a primitive value.
# Build
- check the `helper.sh` script
# Publish
- we publish to pypi, you need to have a pypi account token in `~/.pypirc` to be able to publish it
# Test
- check the `helper.sh` script
# Contribute
- just submit a PR to our [repository](https://github.com/tgedr/configlookup) when you want, we'll look at it