
Python module wrapper around `ConfigParser` to ensure strict operation when working with configuration (.ini) files.
## Example Usage
Assume a configuration file, `config.ini`, with the following content:
api_key = api-private-key
conversion_factor = 123.456
print_results = False
Config parser can be used to ensure the expected values appear in the file, extra values are ignored with default values used as substitutes where entries are missing.
from configchecker import ConfigChecker
config = ConfigChecker()
# Set the configuration values which are to be used.
# set_expectations(SectionName,SectionOption,DataType,DefaultValue)
# Try to load a configuration (.ini) file.
# Any previously set expectation which exists in the file has its value updated.
# Any value which doesn't exist in the file has its default value applied.
# Any configuration value in the file which isn't an expectation is ignored.
# This should be called before a file is written, or configuration value set or get
# Get the value of a configuration variable
printResults = config.get_value("General','print_results')
# Set the value of a configuration variable
# Write a configuration (.ini) file.
# This operation creates a new file with all the previously set expectations
# If a value hasn't been added for the option, then the default value is used.
The resulting (new) configuration file look as follows:
api_key = 123-23423csdfs3-2342-234
retries = 5
conversion_factor = 123.456
print_results = False
Notice the option `retries` has been added with the default value based on the expectation, and the `api_key` has been updated. The values of `conversion_factor` and `print_results` remained unchanged, as they existed in the original configuration file.