# coneref
`coneref` is a Python package for iteratively refining an approximate solution to a conic linear program. It has an interface to [`cvxpy`](https://www.cvxpy.org) and is easy to use.
### Installation
`coneref` is available on PyPI. Install it with
pip install coneref
`coneref` uses [`Eigen`](https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page) for linear algebra. Eigen has a built-in support for vectorization. To enable vectorization, install `coneref` from the source distribution using the command (on Linux)
MARCH_NATIVE=1 pip install coneref --no-binary=coneref
Enabling vectorization typically decreases the refinement time by a factor of 2 for problems with matrix variables and by 10% for problems with vector variables.
Building `coneref` from the source distribution requires a compiler that supports C++11.
### Refinement
The basic idea of the refinement procedure is to reduce the problem of solving a conic linear program to the problem of finding a zero of a nonlinear map. A Newton-based method is then applied to solve the root-finding problem. For more details, see the paper [Solution Refinement at Regular Points of Conic Problems](https://web.stanford.edu/~boyd/papers/cone_prog_refine.html). Also see the note [refinement_theory_note.pdf](https://github.com/dance858/coneref/blob/main/refinement_theory_note.pdf).
### Basic example
`coneref` can be used in combination with [`cvxpy`](https://www.cvxpy.org). The following optimization problem arises in the context of sparse inverse covariance estimation:
$$\begin{equation*} \begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & \text{log det} (S) + \text{Tr} (S Q) + \alpha \left\lVert S\right\rVert_1 \end{array} \end{equation*},$$
where the optimization variable is $S \in \bf{S}^n$. The following code snippet generates a problem instance, solves it using [`SCS`](https://github.com/cvxgrp/scs), takes two refinement steps and then two additional refinement steps.
import numpy as np
import scipy
from sklearn.datasets import make_sparse_spd_matrix
import cvxpy as cp
import coneref
# Generate problem data.
q = 40
p = (7 + np.random.randint(0, 6))*q
ratio = 0.9
S_true = make_sparse_spd_matrix(q, alpha = ratio)
Sigma = np.linalg.inv(S_true)
z_sample = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(Sigma).dot(np.random.randn(q,p))
Q = np.cov(z_sample)
mask = np.ones(Q.shape, dtype=bool)
np.fill_diagonal(mask, 0)
alpha_max = np.max(np.abs(Q)[mask])
alpha = 0.005*alpha_max
# Build optimization model using cvxpy.
S = cp.Variable((q, q), PSD = True)
obj = -cp.log_det(S) + cp.trace(S @ Q) + alpha*cp.sum(cp.abs(S))
problem = cp.Problem(objective = cp.Minimize(obj))
# Solve problem using SCS, take two refinement steps.
print("Solve problem with SCS and take two refinement steps.")
coneref.cvxpy_solve(problem, verbose_scs=False)
# Refine again.
print("Take two additional refinement steps.")
# Retrieve the solution.
estimated_covariance_matrix = S.value
Running this code snippet produces the following output.
Solve problem with SCS and take two refinement steps.
After SCS (total time = 8.74e+02s):
Primal residual/dual residual/duality_gap: 4.7324e-05 1.7722e-02 -7.7714e-04
After refinement (ref time = 5.68e+00s):
Primal residual/dual residual/duality_gap: 1.6998e-05 6.8185e-07 1.4947e-07
Take two additional refinement steps.
After refinement (ref time = 5.16e+00s):
Primal residual/dual residual/duality_gap: 6.5164e-06 3.5763e-07 -3.4035e-08
### Interface
The package exposes the function
cvxpy_solve(prob, ref_iter=2, lsqr_iter=300, verbose_scs=True, scs_opts={}, warmstart=False, verbose_ref1=True, verbose_ref2=True).
Here the arguments are defined as follows.
* `prob` - The problem you want to solve in CVXPY-format.
* `ref-iter` - number of refinement steps.
* `lsqr_iter` - each refinement step requires solving a sparse linear system approximately. This parameter determines the maximum number of LSQR iterations.
* `verbose_scs` - verbose parameter sent to SCS. If true, SCS outputs its progress.
* `warm_start` - Whether to warm-start SCS or not.
* `verbose_ref1` - If true the refinement algorithm outputs the norm of the KKT-residuals/infeasibility certificates.
* `verbose_ref2` - If true the refinement algorithm outputs the norm of the normalized residual map. This option is mainly for developers.
The function modifies the object `prob` in the following way: `TODO`
### How well does it work?
The refinement algorithm can often produce a more accurate solution with just a small additional cost, see Section 4 of [refinement_theory_note.pdf](https://github.com/dance858/coneref/blob/main/refinement_theory_note.pdf) for empirical results.
### Acknowledgements
`TODO` Some code has been modified from ...
Also add tests.
### Citing
If you find this package useful, consider citing the following works.
author = {Cederberg, D. and Boyd, S.},
title = {{coneref}: conic LP refinement, version 0.1},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/dance858/coneref}},
year = 2022
author = {Busseti, E. and Moursi, W. and Boyd, S.},
title = {Solution refinement at regular points of conic problems},
journal = {Computational Optimization and Applications},
year = {2019},
volume = {74},
number = {3},
pages = {627--643},