# Concurrent Buffer
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The available number of central processing units (CPUs) in home and server computers can help to parallelize and speed up specific tasks. The python programming language comes with a [multiprocessing package](https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html) that allows running tasks on multiple CPUs. In addition, python 3.8 introduced [shared memory](https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.shared_memory.html), allowing for sharing data between processes. A potential use case for this shared memory is to compensate for possible speed variance when transferring data via a buffer.
This package aims to be a general solution for a concurrent buffer, .i.e., a buffer filled with data using parallel running 'producer' processes.
A commander process controls the produced data via user-defined dictionary messages. At the same time, the main process can consume the data using a BufferIterator in a fast and user-friendly way.
Please see below the [installation instructions](#installation-and-dependencies) and an [example](#example-usage) on how to use this package as well as how to [create your own commander](#creating-a-commander) and how to [create your own producer](#creating-a-producer). For more information please see the [docs](https://martvanrijthoven.github.io/concurrent-buffer/). Feel free to open an issue if you have any questions or remarks.
## Installation and Dependencies
This package requires [python>=3.8](https://www.python.org/downloads/) and [numpy](https://github.com/numpy/numpy)
A binary installer for the latest version is available at the [Python Package Index (PyPI)](https://pypi.org/project/concurrentbuffer/)
pip install concurrentbuffer
## Example usage:
Important note:
- 'spawn' multiprocessing context will not work in a jupyter notebook/lab, use fork instead when working in a jupyter notebook / jupyter lab
###### Easy Usage:
from concurrentbuffer.iterator import buffer_iterator_factory
# the number of cpus/producers
cpus = 8
# the buffershape in the shared memory
buffer_shapes = ((64, 256, 256, 3),)
# the context of multiprocess (spawn or fork)
context = 'spawn'
# if the messages from the commander and the produced data are first in first out
deterministic = True
# You will have to create your own Commander class, please see instructions below
# a user defined commander, should subclass the Commander class
commander = IndexCommander(max_index=10)
# You will have to create your own Producer class, please see instructions below
# a user defined producer, should subclass the Producer class
producer = DataProducer(data_shapes=buffer_shapes)
# create a buffer iterator
buffer_iterator = buffer_iterator_factory(
# loop through the buffer that is filled concurrently
for index in range(10):
data = next(buffer_iterator)
# always stop the iterator to close all processes and free the shared memory
###### Advanced Usage:
from multiprocessing.context import ForkContext, SpawnContext
from concurrentbuffer.factory import BufferFactory
from concurrentbuffer.info import BufferInfo
from concurrentbuffer.iterator import BufferIterator
from concurrentbuffer.state import BufferState
from concurrentbuffer.system import BufferSystem
# the number of cpus/producers
cpus = 8
# the buffershape in the shared memory
buffer_shapes = ((64, 256, 256, 3),)
# the context of multiprocess (spawn or fork)
context = SpawnContext()
# if the messages from the commander and the produced data are first in first out
deterministic = True
# the number of buffers each with shape of buffer_shape
count = cpus * len(BufferState)
# buffer system contains the information of the system
buffer_system = BufferSystem(
cpus=cpus, context=context, deterministic=deterministic
# buffer info contains the information of the buffers
buffer_info = BufferInfo(count=count, shapes=buffer_shapes)
# You will have to create your own Commander class, please see instructions below
# a user defined commander, should subclass the Commander class
commander = IndexCommander(max_index=10)
# You will have to create your own Producer class, please see instructions below
# a user defined producer, should subclass the Producer class
producer = DataProducer(data_shapes=buffer_shapes)
# a factor class that builds the buffer components
buffer_factory = BufferFactory(
# a buffer iterator created with the buffer factory that allows iterating throught the 'concurrent' buffer.
with BufferIterator(buffer_factory=buffer_factory) as data_buffer_iterator:
for index in range(10):
data = next(data_buffer_iterator)
#### Creating a Commander
from concurrentbuffer.commander import Commander
class IndexCommander(Commander):
def __init__(self, max_index: int):
self._max_index = max_index
self._index = 0
def create_message(self) -> dict:
message = {"index": self._index}
self._index = (self._index + 1) % self._max_index
return message
#### Creating a Producer
import numpy as np
from concurrentbuffer.producer import Producer
class DataProducer(Producer):
def __init__(self, data_shapes: tuple):
self._data_shapes = data_shapes
def create_data(self, message: dict) -> np.ndarray:
index = message['index']
return self._time_consuming_processing(index)
def _time_consuming_processing(self, index) -> np.ndarray:
#TODO use index and self._data_shape to create and process a numpy array