Concurrent Utils
Master: |travis-master|_ |coveralls-master|_
Develop: |travis-develop|_ |coveralls-develop|_
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.. _travis-master:
.. |coveralls-master| image::
.. _coveralls-master:
.. |travis-develop| image::
.. _travis-develop:
.. |coveralls-develop| image::
.. _coveralls-develop:
Concurrency utilities for Python 3.7 + asyncio; the main portion is a component abstraction.
To support this, some pipe implementations for inter-task, inter-thread, and inter-process communication
and some serialization utilities are provided as well.
Inter-process communication is based on ZeroMQ.
Finally a class ``EventLoopThread`` is provided that can be used for bridging synchronous and asynchronous code.
A "component" is code that is executing on its own, like an asyncio task, a thread, a worker thread's load, or a process.
Components process commands issued by their owner, and create events to be handler by their owner.
Components may also produce a result, and of course may communicate with other entities than their owner.
Although asyncio is used heavily, the connection between a workload and its owner decouples the two
to allow for any model of concurrency.
Here is an example, taken and adapted from the test suite::
import asyncio
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from concurrent_utils.component import Component, component_workload, start_component_in_thread
async def test_thread_component_result_success_and_command():
async def component(x, *, commands, events):
await events.send(Component.EVENT_START)
### startup complete
# reply to command
await commands.send(await commands.recv() + 1)
# return
return x
e = ThreadPoolExecutor(1)
comp = await start_component_in_thread(e, component, 1)
assert await comp.request(1) == 2
assert await comp.result() == 1
Although the component is defined as a coroutine, it is (in this case) not executed on the owner's event loop.
The same component could, without modification, be run on the owner's event loop,
or, with minor modifications to make the ``component`` function pickle-able, be run in a worker process instead.