The Simplest and Most Powerful Concurrent Helper
pip install concurrent-helper
Key Features
- Simplest and powerful, very easy to use, **only 2 core functions**.
- Works well both on ``Python2`` and ``Python3``.
- Support for multiple concurrent modes: ``thread pool, process pool and independent multi-processes``.
- Support the mode of ``Message Queue + Service``.
- Multiple progress bar display modes.
Quick Start
import concurrent_helper
import os
def init(gpu_id):
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(gpu_id)
def work(task_id, gpu_id=None):
if gpu_id is not None:
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(gpu_id)
print("{}: I am working on {} for {}".format(
return task_id * 2
total_gpu_num = 3
todos = [(x, x % total_gpu_num) for x in range(10)]
rtvs = concurrent_helper.run_with_concurrent(work, todos, "thread")
rtvs = concurrent_helper.run_with_concurrent(work, todos, "process")
rtvs = concurrent_helper.run_with_concurrent(work, todos, "x-process")
rtvs = concurrent_helper.run_with_message_queue(
init, list(range(3)), # start 3 services
work, list(range(10)) # has 10 tasks to do
Core Function: run_with_concurrent
def run_with_concurrent(
concurrent_type="thread", # ["single", "thread", "process", "x-process"]
show_process="print", # ["", "tqdm", "print"]
Run a function by concurrent mode.
Key Params
| Param Value | Description |
| ----------- | ----------------------------|
| single | like normal for-loop |
| thread | thread pool |
| process | process pool |
| x-process | independent multi-processes |
> Arrocding to this issue: <>, there is a bug in ``concurrent.futures`` of Python2.
The relevant fix upstream uses Python 3 features and cannot be backported.
> This bug only happen when child-process killed by system (for exapmle, memory overflow). If you encounter this problem, use the ``x-process`` instead of ``process`` when you are using Python2.
| Param Value | Description |
| ----------- | ----------------------------|
| "" | don't show process |
| tqdm | use tqdm style process bar |
| print | print process bar info |
> Please note that tqdm is not thread safe, use print if you need the guarantee of thread safe.
| Param Value | Description |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------|
| >= 1 | update progress bar by every N task |
| < 1 | update progress bar by percentage |
Core Function: run_with_message_queue
def run_with_message_queue(
init_args_list, # concurrent_num == len(init_args_list)
show_process="print", # ["", "tqdm", "print"]
Run function by ``Message Queue + Service`` mode.
> Fist, start N (``N=len(init_args_list)``) services, these services will inited by ``init_func``.
> After that, these services will obtain M (``M=len(args_list)``) tasks from message queue and run these by ``func``.
Why we need ``Message Queue + Service`` mode?
> In order to maximize resource utilization (like GPU), we should to start a certain number of services according to the number of resources. Then, these services will obtain tasks from the message queue and run them.
import concurrent_helper
import os
def init(gpu_id):
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(gpu_id)
def work(task_id, gpu_id=None):
if gpu_id is not None:
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(gpu_id)
print("{}: I am working on {} for {}".format(
return task_id * 2
total_gpu_num = 3
todos = [(x, x % total_gpu_num) for x in range(5)]
rtvs = concurrent_helper.run_with_concurrent(work, todos, "thread", 3)
rtvs = concurrent_helper.run_with_concurrent(work, todos, "process", 3)
rtvs = concurrent_helper.run_with_concurrent(work, todos, "x-process", 3, "tqdm")
rtvs = concurrent_helper.run_with_message_queue(
init, list(range(3)),
work, list(range(5))
37059: I am working on 0 for 0
37059: I am working on 1 for 1
37059: I am working on 2 for 2
[ 1/5 ] ...... Fns work with thread ...... in 0.0001 seconds.
37059: I am working on 0 for 3
37059: I am working on 1 for 4
[ 2/5 ] ...... Fns work with thread ...... in 0.0001 seconds.
[ 3/5 ] ...... Fns work with thread ...... in 0.0003 seconds.
[ 4/5 ] ...... Fns work with thread ...... in 0.0002 seconds.
[ 5/5 ] ...... Fns work with thread ...... in 0.0001 seconds.
>>>>>> Fns 5 work with thread total use 0.0020 seconds.
37063: I am working on 0 for 0
37064: I am working on 1 for 1
37064: I am working on 0 for 3
37065: I am working on 2 for 2
37063: I am working on 1 for 4
[ 1/5 ] ...... Fns work with process ...... in 0.0003 seconds.
[ 2/5 ] ...... Fns work with process ...... in 0.0003 seconds.
[ 3/5 ] ...... Fns work with process ...... in 0.0000 seconds.
[ 4/5 ] ...... Fns work with process ...... in 0.0000 seconds.
[ 5/5 ] ...... Fns work with process ...... in 0.0006 seconds.
>>>>>> Fns 5 work with process total use 0.0126 seconds.
37066: I am working on 0 for 0
37067: I am working on 1 for 1
37068: I am working on 2 for 2
37069: I am working on 0 for 3
37070: I am working on 1 for 4
[work / x-process]: 100%|█████████████████| 5/5 [00:00<00:00, 346.26it/s]
37074: I am working on 0 for 0
37075: I am working on 1 for 1
37076: I am working on 2 for 2
[ 1/1 ] ...... Fns work with x-process ...... in 0.0003 seconds.
>>>>>> Fns 1 work with x-process total use 0.0085 seconds.
[ 1/1 ] ...... Fns work with x-process ...... in 0.0004 seconds.
[ 1/5 ] ...... Fns work with run_with_message_queue ...... in 0.0090 seconds.
>>>>>> Fns 1 work with x-process total use 0.0090 seconds.
[ 1/1 ] ...... Fns work with x-process ...... in 0.0003 seconds.
>>>>>> Fns 1 work with x-process total use 0.0087 seconds.
[ 2/5 ] ...... Fns work with run_with_message_queue ...... in 0.0093 seconds.
[ 3/5 ] ...... Fns work with run_with_message_queue ...... in 0.0090 seconds.
37077: I am working on 0 for 3
37078: I am working on 1 for 4
[ 1/1 ] ...... Fns work with x-process ...... in 0.0003 seconds.
>>>>>> Fns 1 work with x-process total use 0.0061 seconds.
[ 4/5 ] ...... Fns work with run_with_message_queue ...... in 0.0063 seconds.
[ 1/1 ] ...... Fns work with x-process ...... in 0.0003 seconds.
>>>>>> Fns 1 work with x-process total use 0.0060 seconds.
[ 5/5 ] ...... Fns work with run_with_message_queue ...... in 0.0061 seconds.
>>>>>> Fns 5 work with run_with_message_queue total use 0.0182 seconds.
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
- [DONE] Test codes.
- [DONE] Detail docs & English describe about ``run_with_message_queue`` & More code examples.
- [DONE] Add params ``show_process, show_interval`` to ``run_with_message_queue``.
- [DONE] Remove ``raise_exception`` param, it will be default action.