Concrete Settings
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:alt: Documentation Status
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Welcome to Concrete Settings
**Concrete Settings** is a Python library which facilitates
configuration management in big and small projects.
The library was born out of necessity to manage a huge
decade-old Django-based SaaS solution with more than two hundred
different application settings scattered around ````.
*What does this setting do?*
*What type is it?*
*Why does it have such a weird format?*
*Is this the final value, or it changes somewhere on the way?*
Sometimes developers spent *hours* seeking answers to these
Concrete Settigns tackles these problems altogether.
It was designed to be developer and end-user friendly.
The settings are defined via normal Python code with few
tricks which significantly improve readability
and maintainability.
.. contents:: :depth: 2
A small example
Take a look at a small example of Settings class with one
boolean setting ``DEBUG``. A developer defines the
settings in application code, while an end-user
chooses to store the configuration in a YAML file:
.. code-block:: python
from concrete_settings import Settings
class AppSettings(Settings):
#: Turns debug mode on/off
DEBUG: bool = False
app_settings = AppSettings()
.. code-block:: yaml
# settings.yml
DEBUG: true
Accessing settings:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> print(app_settings.DEBUG)
>>> print(AppSettings.DEBUG.__doc__)
Turns debug mode on/off
Concrete concepts
Settings are **defined in classes**. Python mechanism
of inheritance and composition apply here, so settings can be **mixed** (multiple inheritance)
and be **nested** (settings as class fields).
Settings are **type-annotated** and are **validated**.
Documentation matters! Each settings can be documented in Sphinx-style comments ``#:`` written
above its definition.
An instance of ``Settings`` can be updated i.e. read from any kind of source:
YAML, JSON or Python files, environmental variables, Python dicts, and you can add more!
Finally, Concrete Settings comes with batteries like Django 3.0 support out of the box.
Concrete Settings are here to improve configuration handling
whether you are starting from scratch, or dealing with an
old legacy Cthulhu.
Are you ready to try it out?
``pip install concrete-settings`` and welcome to the `documentation <>`__!
What's inside?
So, you are a kind of a developer who expects more show cases in a ``README``?
Let's see!
Catch an invalid value early
For example, the default *type validator* works like this:
.. code-block:: python
from concrete_settings import Settings
class AppSettings(Settings):
SPEED: int = 'abc'
app_settings = AppSettings()
.. code-block::
{'SPEED': ["Expected value of type `<class 'int'>` got value of type `<class 'str'>`"]}
Easily warn about deprecation
Use **behaviors** to control settings during their *initialization*, *validation*,
*reading* and *writing* operations:
.. code-block:: python
from concrete_settings import Settings, Setting
from concrete_settings.contrib.behaviors import deprecated
class AppSettings(Settings):
MAX_SPEED: int = 30 @deprecated
app_settings = AppSettings()
Running this code with ``python -Wdefault`` yields:
.. code-block::
DeprecationWarning: Setting `MAX_SPEED` in class `<class '__main__.AppSettings'>` is deprecated.
Group settings and nest them
Different settings in a huge setting file?
Why have those stupid ``GROUP_PREFIXES_...``?
Instead group and nest settings:
.. code-block:: python
from concrete_settings import Settings
class DBSettings(Settings):
USER = 'alex'
PASSWORD = 'secret'
SERVER = 'localhost@5432'
class CacheSettings(Settings):
ENGINE = 'DatabaseCache'
class LoggingSettings(Settings):
FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)-15s %(message)s'
class AppSettings(Settings):
DB = DBSettings()
CACHE = CacheSettings()
LOG = LoggingSettings()
app_settings = AppSettings()
app_settings.is_valid() # also invokes DB, CACHE and LOG validation
There is even more
There is even more for you to discover in
`documentation <>`__,
and there is more to come. **Your** contribution, be it
a *bug report*, *pull request*, *suggested feature*,
*comments* and *criticism* are very welcome!
Awesome configuration projects
Concrete Settings is not the first and surely not the last library to handle
configuration in Python projects.
* `goodconf <>`_
- Define configuration variables and load them from environment or
JSON/YAML file. Also generates initial configuration files and
documentation for your defined configuration.
* `profig <>`_
- is a straightforward configuration library for Python.
Its objective is to make the most common tasks of configuration
handling as simple as possible.
* `everett <>`_
- is a Python configuration library with the following goals:
flexible configuration from multiple configured environments;
easy testing with configuration and easy documentation of configuration
for users.
* `python-decouple <>`_
- strict separation of settings from code. Decouple helps you to organize
your settings so that you can change parameters without having to redeploy
your app.
Why should you trust Concrete Settings instead of picking some other library?
Concrete Settings tries to make configuration definition, processing and maintenance smooth and transparent for developers. Its implicit definition syntax eliminates extra code and allows you to focus on what is important.
Words of gratitude
It is hard to imagine a software project without the infrastructure that supports it.
Concrete Settings exists as an open source library only thanks to the services and the tools
that are used to host, build and maintain it.
My warmest words of gratitude go to
`Github <>`_ for hosting the project source,
`Read the Docs <>`_ for hosting the documentation,
`Travis CI <>`_ for continuous integration process
and`pyupio <>`_ for keeping dependencies up-to-date!
Many thanks for the authors and contributors of the libraries used to build the project.
All these wonderful services and tools have been provided *pro bono*.