- license changed to the MIT
- support for python 3.4
- support for django 1.9.x
- support for django-compressor up to 1.6 (2.0 not officially supported but may work in some circumstances)
- support for utf8 encoding in files (required encoding)
- install_requires added,
- support for django compressor 1.4 precompiler constructor
- invalidate cache on compiling error,
- support for custom logging
This module ables django compressor to compile requirejs files into one
or a few bigger files using r.js.
- compiling plenty of files into one file
- making a few compiled files for splitting functionality
- all features of django compressor i.e.:
- caching files,
- adding hashes,
- processing with django template markup,
- post compiling
- tracing build files for modification (caching results)
- Django >= 1.6
- django\_compressor >= 1.3 and < 2.0
- PyExecJs >= 1.1.0
- node js
1. Add ``compressor_requirejs`` to installed apps
2. Setup ``django_compressor`` properties for working with django
3. Setup ``compressor_requirejs``:
- Set ``COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS`` of django compressor for using with
standard markup in compress tags
- Set ``CACHE`` backends for django compressor and requirejs plugin,
recomended for development is ``'default'`` with ``DummyCache``
and ``'locmem'`` with ``LocMemCache``
- Set ``COMPRESSOR_REQUIREJS_TMP`` to a custom **existing**
temporary directory path
.. code:: python
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache'
'locmem': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache'
('text/requirejs', 'compressor_requirejs.compressor.r_precompiler.RequireJSPrecompiler'),
COMPRESSOR_REQUIREJS_TMP = django_project_path_join('tmp')
Advanced configuration
.. code:: python
#absolute path to r.js
#default: path in resources of this package
#absolute path to temporary directory
#path to global configuration for requirejs bulid aka 'mainConfigFile' in r.js configuration
# WARNING setting this path overwrites built in global config of this plugin and some feature can not working
COMPRESSOR_REQUIREJS_GLOBAL_CONFIG = 'path/to/global/requirejs/config.js'
#setup compressor_requirejs caching backend, preferred local memory backend mainly for development,
#backend should be configured in django CACHE configuration
#default: 'locmem'
#timeout for caching results in cache (in seconds)
#default: 3600
#node js executable path, it is preferred to have mapped 'node' in your PATH
#default: node
#setup custom logging function for output
def logging_compressor_requirejs(text):
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('mainapp.custom')
Prepare at least two js files, one build file and one module file:
.. code:: javascript
baseUrl: '.',
name: 'main'
.. code:: javascript
require([], function () {
console.log('wow, its working');
Put those files in static directory of your app. ``build.js`` pointing
to ``main.js`` with ``name`` attribute, so launching build file compile
``main.js`` with other dependencies.
Django template configuration
{% compress js %}
<script type="text/requirejs" src="{{ STATIC_URL }}mainapp/js/build.js"></script>
{% endcompress %}
Of course you have to include ``require.js`` file, ex:
{% compress js %}
<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}mainapp/js/require.js"></script>
{% endcompress %}
Advanced features
You can use django template language tags in your js files. It can be
processed with django compressor's template processors but there is a
hack to omit this markup during requirejs compilation.
.. code:: javascript
var importantVariableExcludedDuringCompilationButVisibleInRenderedFile = {{ PROJECT_VARIABLE }};
Those tags are used to exclude fragment of code (commenting it) during
requirejs compilation, and after compilation it will be available, and
can be processed by django compressor.
Also you can use tags in string without above markup:
.. code:: javascript
var x = '{{ STATIC_URL }}/path/';
Global js library mappings
You can use global path mappings for javascript files,
for example if you have a few apps in project and one handle main libraries simply add them to global paths.
.. code:: python
In django object simply type key value elements, where key is valid path mapping and value is path to js file.
- mapping name can be only solid string without dots eg.: ``mapping_for_path`` not ``mapping.for.path``
- path can be relative to current project and will be processed with defined static file finder
.. code:: python
'jquery': 'mainapp/js/libs/jquery-2.1.0.min.js'