# 🤔 CompreheMD
**CompreheMD** is a Python package for parsing Markdown documents.
- [Installation](#installation)
- [MarkdownParser class](#markdownparser-class)
- [Parsing a stream](#parsing-a-stream)
- [Parsing chunks](#parsing-chunks)
- [Blocks classes](#blocks-classes)
- [Block](#block)
- [CodeBlock](#codeblock)
- [EmptyBlock](#emptyblock)
- [HeadingBlock](#headingblock)
- [Project](#project)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Licence](#licence)
- [Author](#author)
- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
## Installation
CompreheMD requires Python 3.8 or later.
Install CompreheMD via pip:
pip install comprehemd
## MarkdownParser class
### Parsing a stream
_The Markdown document parsed in this example is [example.md](https://cariad.github.io/comprehemd/example.md)._
To read an entire text stream, call `read()`. The method yields [blocks](#blocks-classes) until the stream ends.
from comprehemd import MarkdownParser
with open("docs/example.md", "r") as fp:
for block in MarkdownParser().read(fp):
<!--edition-exec as=markdown fence=backticks host=shell range=start-->
HeadingBlock (1): An Example Document
HeadingBlock (2): Introduction
Block: This is just a short example document.
HeadingBlock (2): Block examples
Block: Here's some backtick-fenced code:
CodeBlock (python): print("Hello, world!")
Block: Here's some tilde-fenced code:
CodeBlock (python): print("Hello, galaxy!")
Block: Here's some indented code:
CodeBlock (<None>): print("Hello, multiverse!")
Block: That's your lot!
<!--edition-exec range=end-->
### Parsing chunks
The parser can be fed ad-hoc chunks of Markdown. The `feed()` method yields all the [blocks](#blocks-classes) that the chunk completed.
After feeding the final chunk, you must call `close()` to flush and yield any buffered blocks.
from comprehemd import CodeBlock, HeadingBlock, MarkdownParser
def tease(chunk: str) -> None:
escaped = chunk.replace("\n", "\\n")
for block in parser.feed(chunk):
print(f'After "{escaped}", the parser yielded:')
print(f'After "{escaped}", the parser did not yield.')
parser = MarkdownParser()
tease("# Feeding exam")
tease("ple\n\nThis de")
tease("monstrates chu")
tease("nked feeding.")
for block in parser.close():
print("After closing, the parser yielded:")
<!--edition-exec as=markdown fence=backticks host=shell range=start-->
After "# Feeding exam", the parser did not yield.
After "ple\n\nThis de", the parser yielded:
HeadingBlock (1): Feeding example
After "ple\n\nThis de", the parser yielded:
After "ple\n\nThis de", the parser did not yield.
After "monstrates chu", the parser did not yield.
After "nked feeding.", the parser did not yield.
After closing, the parser yielded:
Block: This demonstrates chunked feeding.
<!--edition-exec range=end-->
## Blocks classes
### Block
The `Block` class is the base of all blocks.
- `source` returns the original Markdown source for the block.
- `text` returns the meaningful text representation of the block.
### CodeBlock
The `CodeBlock` class represents a code block.
- `language` returns the language hint if one was specified.
- The block can be rendered back to Markdown by calling `render()`.
### EmptyBlock
`EmptyBlock` represents an empty line.
### HeadingBlock
The `HeadingBlock` class represents a heading.
- `level` returns the heading's level (i.e. 1 for the top-most heading, down to 6 for the lowest).
## Project
### Contributing
To contribute a bug report, enhancement or feature request, please raise an issue at [github.com/cariad/comprehemd/issues](https://github.com/cariad/comprehemd/issues).
If you want to contribute a code change, please raise an issue first so we can chat about the direction you want to take.
### Licence
CompreheMD is released at [github.com/cariad/comprehemd](https://github.com/cariad/comprehemd) under the MIT Licence.
See [LICENSE](https://github.com/cariad/comprehemd/blob/main/LICENSE) for more information.
### Author
Hello! 👋 I'm **Cariad Eccleston** and I'm a freelance DevOps and backend engineer. My contact details are available on my personal wiki at [cariad.earth](https://cariad.earth).
Please consider supporting my open source projects by [sponsoring me on GitHub](https://github.com/sponsors/cariad/).
### Acknowledgements
- Epic ❤️ to John Gruber for developing [the original Markdown specification](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/).
- This documentation was pressed by [Edition](https://github.com/cariad/edition).