# como: batteries complete
[`como`](https://github.com/cwoebker/como) is a minimalistic utillity to monitor your battery.
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## Naming ##
**Why como?**
The answer is simple: Alessandro Volta grew up in the town of [Como](https://maps.google.com/maps/place?ftid=0x47869c481027ed63:0xb99b96af785ff524&q=Como+italy&gl=us&ie=UTF8&ll=45.905539,8.869743&spn=0.000239,0.000343&t=h&z=12&vpsrc=0)
and since he invented the battery I thought it would be a great name.
![Map not found](https://mts0.google.com/vt/data=9JDtAHjlTn3x-Sj-pwj3TI8qbtmqB_-LnEoOWHi1JIH9W7fJrfYPYf2ali6aD042Ny8SYFLwPPZZKXlfEZ4QdxIpwulW3ms6uP5wUAoVf93Jyw3RqOzuf7phyiJTNTa7F40NnNzgarXK_1t3AxD-WqBu5Go8Gincuj1Ho04og_3Sa2UiBghMZdgO5C25rkiQkreOKiiL1sBaWOqNe2jnAM4MI2IC)
## What is this? ##
With como you can check out how your battery is doing.
You can easily `automate` this process so that you don't need to worry about it.
Every once in a while you can quickly check out your battery `info`.
You can `export` this data into the portable `.csv` format and `import` it again later.
You can even import data form another battery utility such as [coconutBattery](http://www.coconut-flavour.com).
## [como.cwoebker.com](https://como.cwoebker.com) ##
Most importantly you can take all this to the next level, if you choose to do so.
`Upload` your battery data to the como web application to check everything out in a nice interface wherever you are.
You can always easily `open` your computer's personal page.
## Installation
It's as simple as that:
`$ pip install como`
Afterwards run the `init` command to get everything setup and stop worrying.
`$ como init`
## Usage
`como` - Saves the current battery state.
`como info` - Prints information about battery and battery history.
`como import <file>` - Imports statistics from .csv file (time, capacity, cycles)
`como export` - Exports data to `como.csv` file to current directory.
`como upload` - Uploads data to server.
`como open` - Opens personal battery information page.
`como automate` - Turns scheduling on or off. Saving and Uploading.
`como init` - Quick command to get everything setup on first start.
`como reset` - Removes all entries in database.
## Advanced
`como` stores all battery information (with zlib compression) in the file `~/.como`.
You are free to do whatever you want with this data, it is yours after all.
So go out there and hack some code!
## Features ##
- Cross-Platform (Linux & Mac)
- Automatically run with `cron`/`launchd` scheduling
- Export data to `.csv` file
- Import data from `.csv` file
- Simple Statistics
- Histories for Cycles and Capacity
- Upload Data to server
## Contribute
[Fork and contribute!](https://github.com/cwoebker/como)
For questions and suggestions, feel free to shoot me an email at <me@cwoebker.com>.
Also, follow or tweet [@cwoebker](https://twitter.com/cwoebker).
Copyright (c) 2012-2020, Cecil Wöbker.
License: BSD (see LICENSE for details)