CommandLib is a pythonic wrapper around subprocess that lets you pass around command objects
and daisy-chain:
* Arguments
* Paths
* Other environment variables
* Runtime directory
* Other runtime properties (run in shell, conceal stdout/stderr, ignore error codes, etc.)
It is somewhat inspired by amoffat's sh, Kenneth Reitz's requests, jaraco's
and SQLAlchemy.
To install:
.. code-block:: sh
$ pip install commandlib
.. code-block:: python
>>> from commandlib import Command
>>> ls = Command("ls")
>>> ls("-t").in_dir("/").with_shell().run()
sys tmp run dev proc etc boot sbin root vmlinuz initrd.img bin lib opt vmlinuz.old initrd.img.old media home cdrom lost+found var srv usr mnt
CommandPath example:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from commandlib import CommandPath
>>> bin = CommandPath("/bin")
sys tmp run dev proc etc boot sbin root vmlinuz initrd.img bin lib opt vmlinuz.old initrd.img.old media home cdrom lost+found var srv usr mnt
.. code-block:: python
>>> from commandlib import Command, run
# Create command object
>>> py = Command("/usr/bin/python")
# Run with *additional* environment variable PYTHONPATH (*added* to global environment when command is run)
>>> py = py.with_env(PYTHONPATH="/home/user/pythondirectory")
# Run with additional path (appended to existing PATH environment variable when command is run)
>>> py = py.with_path("/home/user/bin")
# Run in specified directory (default is current directory)
>>> py = py.in_dir("/home/user/mydir")
# Run in shell
>>> py = py.with_shell()
# Suppress stderr
>>> py = py.silently() # Suppress stdout and stderr
# Finally run command explicitly with all of the above
>>> run(py)
>>> # alternative syntax
Commandlib is a library to make it easier to pass around immutable (sort of) command objects between different
modules and classes and incrementally modify the command's behavior in a readable way - adding environment
variables, paths, etc.
* call, check_call and Popen do not have the friendliest of APIs and code that uses them a lot can get ugly fast.
* sh does a similar thing but has a lot of magic (e.g. overriding import).
* envoy and sarge are more focused on chaining commands rather than arguments, environment variables, etc.
Advanced API
Add trailing arguments:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from commandlib import Command, run
>>> manage = Command("/usr/bin/python", "").with_trailing_arguments("--settings", "").in_dir("projectdir")
>>> run(manage("runserver"))
[ Runs "/usr/bin/python runserver --settings" inside projectdir ]
Dynamically generate command bundles from directories with executables in them:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from commandlib import CommandPath, Command, run
>>> postgres94 = CommandPath("/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/")
>>> run(postgres94.postgres)
[ Runs postgres ]
>>> run(postgres94.createdb)
[ Runs createdb ]
Use with (or any other library where str(object) resolves to a string:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from path import Path
>>> postgres94 = CommandPath(Path("/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/"))
>>> run(postgres94.postgres)