# combu
[](https://circleci.com/gh/takelushi/combu)  [](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) 
Execute your method with combination parameters.
## Use cases
* Testing
* Test pattern.
* Machine learning
* Model validation.
* Grid search.
* Web Scraping
* Query parameters pattern.
## Install
pip install combu
## Usage
### One time loop
import combu
def func(v1, v2):
return v1 + v2
params = {'v1': ['a', 'b'], 'v2': ['A', 'B']}
for res, param in combu.execute(func, params):
print(res, param)
# Output
aA {'v1': 'a', 'v2': 'A'}
aB {'v1': 'a', 'v2': 'B'}
bA {'v1': 'b', 'v2': 'A'}
bB {'v1': 'b', 'v2': 'B'}
# Set loop order
order = ['v2', 'v1']
for res, param in combu.execute(func, params, order=order):
print(res, param)
# Output
aA {'v2': 'A', 'v1': 'a'}
bA {'v2': 'A', 'v1': 'b'}
aB {'v2': 'B', 'v1': 'a'}
bB {'v2': 'B', 'v1': 'b'}
### Reloopable by using class
import combu
def func(v1, v2):
return v1 + v2
comb = combu.Combu(func)
# You can set order on initializer.
# comb = combu.Combu(func, order=['v2', 'v1'])
# If you want to show progress bar.
# comb = combu.Combu(func, progress=True)
params = {'v1': ['a', 'b'], 'v2': ['A', 'B']}
for res, param in comb.execute(params):
print(res, param)
params = {'v1': ['x', 'y'], 'v2': ['X', 'Y']}
for res, param in comb.execute(params):
print(res, param)
# You can set order on Combu.execute().
for res, param in comb.execute(params, order=['v2', 'v1']):
print(res, param)
### Hooks
* Hooks flow
order = [A, B]
for a in A:
for b in B:
* Define hooks.
def func(v1, v2):
def before_v1(v1, v2):
# Initialize with hooks.
# Available:
# * before
# * after
# * before_each
# * after_each
comb = Comb(func, before={'v1': before_v1})
# Set a hook after initialized.
# Available:
# * set_before(k, func)
# * set_after(k, func)
# * set_before_each(k, func)
# * set_after_each(k, func)
comb.set_before('v1', before_v1)
### Parallel
# Use n_jobs parameter.
for res, param in combu.execute(func, params, n_jobs=2):
print(res, param)
# Use combu.CombuParallel and n_jobs.
# n_jobs=-1 mean "use all cores."
comb = combu.CombuParallel(func, n_jobs=-1)
### Utility
* Create parameter combination (not execute any functions).
* `combu.create_values`
* Count combinations.
* `combu.util.count`
* Shuffle parameters.
* `combu.util.shuffle_params`
### Aliases
* combu.exec -> combu.execute
* combu.values -> combu.create_values
## Examples
* Available on `./examples`.
## Development
* Requirements: poetry, pyenv
# Setup
poetry install
# Lint & Test
mkdir report
poetry run flake8 --format=html --htmldir=report/flake-report src/ tests/
poetry run mypy src/ tests/combu/
poetry run pytest tests/
poetry run pytest tests/ --cov-report html:report/coverage
# Build and publish
poetry run python create_badges.py
poetry build
poetry publish