Yet another Python library for terminal and logs coloring and styling using ANSI
escape sequences (`ECMA-48`_).
Standalone library, no extra dependency required.
Main features:
* file-like wrapper
* ``logging.Handler`` class for automatically formatted and colored logs
* regex-based highlighting
* default behavior depends on whether output is written on a TTY
* text and binary streams both supported everywhere possible
Extra features:
* pre-defined ANSI codes for colors and styling
* auto-resetting of coloring and styling
* auto-stripping of ANSI escape sequences before writing
* Windows: easy enabling of VT100 emulation if needed
* `NO_COLOR <https://no-color.org/>`_ honored by default and overridable
.. code-block::
python demos/hello.py
You should get a result similar to this:
.. figure:: demos/hello.png
:align: center
By default, output format differs if you redirect output to a file::
Hello World! \o/
2021-01-21 08:03:39.045 [1048] DEBUG Debug messages are suffixed with source info <hello:56>
2021-01-21 08:03:39.045 [1048] INFO Some informational message <hello:57>
2021-01-21 08:03:39.045 [1048] NOTICE A NOTICE has a slightly higher priority than an INFO message <hello:58>
2021-01-21 08:03:39.045 [1048] WARNING This is some test WARNING <- auto highlighted keyword <hello:59>
2021-01-21 08:03:39.045 [1048] ERROR And an ERROR message <hello:60>
2021-01-21 08:03:39.045 [1048] INFO This demo took 0.1 second to run <hello:61>
Check out ``demos/`` directory.
*coloration* can be installed from PyPI::
python -m pip install -U coloration
Hello World
.. code-block:: python
import coloration as color
# Wrap std streams and enable VT100 emulation if on Windows and if needed
# coloration.cprint() works pretty much like print(), except it deals with
# coloration's AnsiCode objects and it resets attributes when done (colors
# and styling)
color.cprint(color.GREEN, "Hello", color.YELLOW, "World!")
color.cprint("This message is not colored")
Colored Logging
.. code-block:: python
import coloration
import coloration.logging as logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.debug("Debug messages are suffixed with source info")
logger.info("Some informational message")
logger.notice("A NOTICE has a slightly higher priority than an INFO message")
logger.warning("This is some test WARNING <- auto highlighted keyword")
logger.error("And an ERROR message")
.. code-block:: python
import coloration
hl = coloration.DefaultHighlighter()
text = """
Some keywords like False, True, None, DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR
and OK are automatically highlighted with default highlighter, as well as
UUIDs like 51605be1-b026-4bfe-8934-478092d04376, numbers like 123.4, IPv4
addresses like (IPv6 addresses supported), HTTP verbs like GET
and POST, log marks like [i] and [+], and Python-like keyword-value pairs
like some_var=True.
text = hl(text)
print(text, end="")
This project is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
See the `LICENSE.txt <LICENSE.txt>`_ file for details.
.. _ECMA-48: https://www.ecma-international.org/publications-and-standards/standards/ecma-48/
.. :changelog:
Change Log
v0.1.1 (2022-10-29)
* First release