.. -*-doctest-*-
For some sites, it may be useful to allow certain users, such as site
administrators, to edit content without satisfying field validators.
For example, a site with a content type for capturing member contact
information would use required fields for most of the contact
information fields. On rare occasions, however, the contact
information object may be required for some purposes, such as general
listing, but the full contact information may not be available, such
as wen a member is away.
The collective.validationoverride package provides patches the
Archetypes field validator method such that when field validation
failures are logged but validation status is still successful.
Specifically, a permission is checked and if the current user has that
permission in the context of the object, the validation error is
logged and then removed from the list of validation errors allowing
for a successful validation status.
The permission to check is taken from the
'validation_override_permission' field attribute defaulting to the
"Override validation" permission. As such, field validation may be
overridden without modifying the content types by assigning the
"Override validation" permission to the appropriate roles in the
desired contexts. By default, the "Manager" role has this permission.
Before installing collective.validationoverride, field validation must
be satisfied.
Capture logging output.
>>> from zope.testing.loggingsupport import InstalledHandler
>>> log_handler = InstalledHandler('collective.validationoverride')
Open a browser and log in as a user with the "Manager" role.
>>> from Products.Five.testbrowser import Browser
>>> from Products.PloneTestCase import ptc
>>> owner_browser = Browser()
>>> owner_browser.handleErrors = False
>>> owner_browser.open(portal.absolute_url())
>>> owner_browser.getLink('Log in').click()
>>> owner_browser.getControl(
... 'Login Name').value = ptc.portal_owner
>>> owner_browser.getControl(
... 'Password').value = ptc.default_password
>>> owner_browser.getControl('Log in').click()
Add an event and try to save it without valid field values.
The validation fails and reports the required fields.
>>> owner_browser.getLink(url='Event').click()
>>> owner_browser.getControl('Event URL').value = 'foo'
>>> owner_browser.getControl('Contact E-mail').value = 'bar'
>>> owner_browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> print owner_browser.contents
<dd>Please correct the indicated errors.</dd>...
<div class="fieldErrorBox">Title is required, please correct.</div>...
<div class="fieldErrorBox">Validation failed(isURL): 'foo' is not a valid url.</div>...
<div class="fieldErrorBox">Validation failed(isEmail): 'bar' is not a valid email address.</div>...
No validation errors have been logged.
>>> for record in log_handler.records:
... print record.getMessage()
After installing collective.validationoverride, field validation
failures will be omitted for users with the "Manger" role but not for
normal users since the "Override validation" permission is only given
to users with the "Manager" role.
Install the collective.validationoverride package.
>>> portal.portal_quickinstaller.installProduct(
... 'collective.validationoverride')
Now a user with the "Manager" role can successfully add an event with
invalid field values.
>>> owner_browser.open(portal.absolute_url())
>>> owner_browser.getLink(url='Event').click()
>>> owner_browser.getControl('Event URL').value = 'foo'
>>> owner_browser.getControl('Contact E-mail').value = 'bar'
>>> owner_browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> print owner_browser.contents
<dd>Changes saved.</dd>...
<a href="mailto:bar" class="email fn">bar</a>...
<a class="url" href="foo"...
All omitted validation errors have been logged.
>>> for record in log_handler.records:
... print record.getMessage()
Overriding the validation result u'Title is required, please correct.' on <ATEvent at /plone/portal_factory/Event/event... used for /plone>:
{'title': u'Title is required, please correct.'}
Overriding the validation result u"Validation failed(isURL): 'foo' is not a valid url." on <ATEvent at /plone/portal_factory/Event/event... used for /plone>:
Overriding the validation result u"Validation failed(isEmail): 'bar' is not a valid email address." on <ATEvent at /plone/portal_factory/Event/event... used for /plone>:
>>> log_handler.clear()
Open a browser and log in as a normal user.
>>> browser = Browser()
>>> browser.handleErrors = False
>>> browser.open(portal.absolute_url())
>>> browser.getLink('Log in').click()
>>> browser.getControl('Login Name').value = ptc.default_user
>>> browser.getControl(
... 'Password').value = ptc.default_password
>>> browser.getControl('Log in').click()
The normal use still cannot add an event with invalid field values.
>>> browser.open(self.folder.absolute_url())
>>> browser.getLink(url='Event').click()
>>> browser.getControl('Event URL').value = 'foo'
>>> browser.getControl('Contact E-mail').value = 'bar'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> print browser.contents
<dd>Please correct the indicated errors.</dd>...
<div class="fieldErrorBox">Title is required, please correct.</div>...
<div class="fieldErrorBox">Validation failed(isURL): 'foo' is not a valid url.</div>...
<div class="fieldErrorBox">Validation failed(isEmail): 'bar' is not a valid email address.</div>...
No validation errors have been logged.
>>> for record in log_handler.records:
... print record.getMessage()
Set the 'validation_override_permission' field attribute to a
permission the normal user has.
>>> from Products.ATContentTypes.content import event
>>> schema = event.ATEvent.schema
>>> schema['title'].validation_override_permission = (
... "Modify portal content")
>>> schema['eventUrl'].validation_override_permission = (
... "Modify portal content")
>>> schema['contactEmail'].validation_override_permission = (
... "Modify portal content")
Now the user can successfully add an event with invalid field values.
>>> browser.open(self.folder.absolute_url())
>>> browser.getLink(url='Event').click()
>>> browser.getControl('Event URL').value = 'foo'
>>> browser.getControl('Contact E-mail').value = 'bar'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> print browser.contents
<dd>Changes saved.</dd>...
<a href="mailto:bar" class="email fn">bar</a>...
<a class="url" href="foo"...
All omitted validation errors have been logged.
>>> for record in log_handler.records:
... print record.getMessage()
Overriding the validation result u'Title is required, please correct.' on <ATEvent at /plone/Members/test_user_1_/portal_factory/Event/event... used for /plone/Members/test_user_1_>:
{'title': u'Title is required, please correct.'}
Overriding the validation result u"Validation failed(isURL): 'foo' is not a valid url." on <ATEvent at /plone/Members/test_user_1_/portal_factory/Event/event... used for /plone/Members/test_user_1_>:
Overriding the validation result u"Validation failed(isEmail): 'bar' is not a valid email address." on <ATEvent at /plone/Members/test_user_1_/portal_factory/Event/event... used for /plone/Members/test_user_1_>:
>>> log_handler.clear()
0.1 - 2009-11-12
* Initial release