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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

مشاهده بیشتر


Plone add-on to host document templates
ویژگی مقدار
سیستم عامل -
نام فایل collective.templates-3.2
نام collective.templates
نسخه کتابخانه 3.2
نگهدارنده []
ایمیل نگهدارنده []
نویسنده Andreas Mantke
ایمیل نویسنده maand@gmx.de
آدرس صفحه اصلی https://pypi.python.org/pypi/collective.templates
آدرس اینترنتی https://pypi.org/project/collective.templates/
مجوز GPL version 2
.. This README is meant for consumption by humans and pypi. Pypi can render rst files so please do not use Sphinx features. If you want to learn more about writing documentation, please check out: http://docs.plone.org/about/documentation_styleguide.html This text does not appear on pypi or github. It is a comment. ==================== collective.templates ==================== Collective.templates adds a folder to Plone where users could upload document templates and set categories e.g. compatibility, license. It's also possible to rate the templates and give feedback to the template authors. Features -------- - The add-on has a cofiguration settings entry in the site administration yet. It's form contains fields to set a choice of categories, platforms, licenses and versions of the product (for which the templates are used). There are also fields to set the allowed file extensions of the template files, the image files (e.g. screenshots, logos) and the documentation. - A template center with listing and display of template projects respectively to their rating, a search form and a listing of the latest projects. - The template center edit form contains fields to set the title of the center and the name of the templates and add a description of the center. - Template projects with the abbility to upload template files and replace them with newer ones. The edit form of the project contains fields to choose the product versions, categories, licenses and plattforms. - The add-on send message once a new project was added. It push a message too, once a project was submitted for publication. It send an email to the project contact address for every change in the workflow status of the project. - The user could send a message to the author of a template via a mail. The mail form uses a honeypot field and honeypot widget for protecting it against robots. The contact data of the author of the template will not be made public. - The file extensions of the uploaded templates will be checked. It is possible to set the allowed file extensions distinct for the specific use case of the template center. They could be dynamically changed at any time. - The add-on sends messages to the project contact email on every edit of the template center's product versions field (thus the contributors could potentially add this new product version to their project). Examples -------- This add-on can be seen in action at the following sites: - Documentation ------------- Full documentation for end users isn't available yet, but will be available soon in the "docs" folder Translations ------------ This product has been translated into - German Installation ------------ Install collective.templates by adding it to your buildout:: [buildout] ... eggs = collective.templates and then running ``bin/buildout`` Contribute ---------- - Issue Tracker: https://github.com/collective/collective.templates/issues - Source Code: https://github.com/collective/collective.templates Support ------- If you are having issues, please let us know. Please create an issue in the project issue tracker (see above). License ------- The project is licensed under the GPLv2. Contributors ============ - Andreas Mantke, maand@gmx.de Changelog ========= 3.2 (2021-12-25) ---------------- - This release applied the changes, which where made with release 2.6 to 2.8 upon release 2.5, to the release line 3.x. The changes of release 3.2 were the same as listed for the releases 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 in total (see for details the entries for this releases below) [Andreas Mantke] 2.8 (2021-12-25) ---------------- - Use mode instead of direction down for image rendering on project view because of a Deprecation warning [Andreas Mantke] - Add restapi endpoints for portal_catalog search for categories, release compatibility, licenses, email address and name public [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] 2.7 (2021-12-16) ---------------- - Fix renaming issues especially in functions in the modules mailtoauthor and mailtoprojectowner as well as the tlcenter view [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] 2.6 (2021-12-15) ---------------- - Use Github actions and add a workflow script for building and testing [Andreas Mantke] - Improve naming of the test-plone cfg-files [Andreas Mantke] - Use the schema field Email instead of a TextLine field with an own constraint script [Andreas Mantke] - Rename the content types for template center and template project for compatibility with the new Plone 6 frontend Volto [Andreas Mantke] - Rework of the views to work with the new naming of the custom content types [Andresa Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] 3.1 (2021-09-23) ---------------- - This release applied the changes, which where made with release 2.5 upon release 2.4 to the release line 3.x. The changes of release 3.1 were the same as listed for release 2.5 (see below) [Andreas Mantke] 2.5 (2021-09-23) ---------------- - Use Products.PrintingMailHost 1.1.6 for compatibility with Python 3.9 [Andreas Mantke] - Add Python 3.8 and 3.9 to the classifiers [Andreas Mantke] - Remove not used function tlprojects from the view of the tlcenter [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] - Fix validation functions in the common module [Andreas Mantke] 3.0 (2021-07-31) ---------------- - Change the main release number to 3.x because this version breakes compatibility due to move to honeypot instead of captcha technology to protect mail forms. [Andreas Mantke] - Update README with information about honeypot technology [Andreas Mantke] - Add contactauthor and contactprojectowner module with honeypot technology to protect against robots, add collective.honeypot to the requirements. [Andreas Mantke] - Add configuration for collective.honeypot to the buildout script. [Andreas Mantke] - Remove mailtoauthor and mailtoprojectowner modules with hcaptcha technology and plone.formwidget.hcaptcha from the requirements. [Andreas Mantke] 2.4 (2021-07-31) ---------------- - Fix of the get_latest_program_release function and remove not any more used import. [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] 2.3 (2021-07-27) ---------------- - Add PloneHotfix to the buildout [Andreas Mantke] - Migrate mail forms from plone.formwidget.recaptcha to plone.formwidget.hcaptcha and revome the recaptcha Plone add-on from the buildout [Andreas Mantke] - Add PrintingMailHost to the buildout [Andreas Mantke] 2.2 (2020-11-13) ---------------- - Add listing of the number of projects per category to the sidebar of the templatecenters view template [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] 2.1 (2020-09-27) ---------------- - Reordering view templates and move them to one new folder [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] 2.0 (2020-07-29) ---------------- - Add a controlpanel and move configuration entries from the templatecenter module to this panel, create new vocabulary and functions from this entries in the configuration registry instead of entries in the portal_catalog, register vocabularies as named utilities in the configure.zcml file, use the new functions (inside the common module) for the project creation / edit form and their views as well as for the search feature of the template center module. [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files and German localization [Andreas Mantke] - Adapt the user documentation to the new functions and structure of the add-on and create documentation in html and pdf file format [Andreas Mantke] - Use safe_unicode for unicode strings, make more labels translatable [Andreas Mantke] - Update README.rst [Andreas Mantke] 1.2.1 (2020-05-07) ------------------ - Fix strings in tlproject module [Andreas Mantke] - Change tests about publication of project owner name and contact e-mail in the tlproject view template to more secure and explicit expression [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files and German localization of new strings [Andreas Mantke] 1.2 (2020-05-03) ---------------- - Add information about getting in contact with project owners/main contacts to the documentation and update the user documentation in html and pdf file format [Andreas Mantke] - Add fields to choose if the e-mail address and / or the name of the project owner should be displayed on the project page and index the selection in the portal_catalog. Create a catalog query to get the appropriate value from the catalog and use it to manage the display of the data on the project website. [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files and localization into German [Andreas Mantke] 1.1 (2020-03-25) ---------------- - Add information about buildout entries and update documentation in HTML and PDF file format. [Andreas Mantke] - Add versions to test_plone52.cfg [Andreas Mantke] - Add a messaging to the admin or a special address for the edits of published project to prevent from misuse [Andreas Mantke] - Improve the mail to template author form and add a new module for a contact with the project owner, add a link to the mail forms from template project respective the template center view. [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] 1.0 (2019-11-30) ---------------- - Complete user documentation [Andreas Mantke] - Flake8 fixes [Andreas Mantke] - Add a custom.css for creating documentation in HTML file format [Andresa Mantke] - Update Manifest.in [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] 1.0b0 (2019-09-10) ------------------ - Made additions to travis.yml to get the robot test running successfully [Andreas Mantke] - Update the Readme and add more features of the add-on [Andreas Mantke] 1.0a8 (2019-09-01) ------------------ - Activate include dependencies in configure.zcml [Andreas Mantke] - Remove Travis test for Plone 4.3 [Andreas Mantke] - Send notifications about a new product version only to the project email address instead of all users of the site [Andreas Mantke] 1.0a7 (2019-08-30) ------------------ - Fix the content type in the search for own projects in the own projects viewlet [Andreas Mantke] - Improve the message to the sender of a author contact form [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] 1.0a6 (2019-08-26) ------------------ - Improve the edit view of the tlcenter and the tlproject with further register and reordered fields. [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] 1.0a5 (2019-08-25) ------------------ - Pep8 and other code fixes [Andreas Mantke] - Change the sender of the messages to the portal email address [Andreas Mantke] - Use api.content.find instead of api.portal.get_tool for portal_catalog searches [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization files [Andreas Mantke] 1.0a4 (2019-08-16) ------------------ - Fix rendering for DefaultView of projects [Andreas Mantke] - Fix regular expressions for validation of file extensions [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization template and localization files and add translation into German for further strings [Andreas Mantke] 1.0a3 (2019-08-11) ------------------ - Change the tag for rendering a RichText field in the template view page template [Andreas Mantke] - Use safe_unicode util for strings in the mailtoauthor form [Andreas Mantke] 1.0a2 (2019-07-29) ------------------ - Improve Manifest.in [Andreas Mantke] - Remove replaced functions from the tlproject module [Andreas Mantke] - Remove default values for allowed file extensions [Andreas Mantke] - Use only the first value of the catalog search result tuple for the pattern of the regular expression [Andreas Mantke] - Update localization template file and localization files [Andreas Mantke] 1.0a1 (2019-07-09) ------------------ - Initial release. [andreasma]

زبان مورد نیاز

مقدار نام
==2.7, >=3.6 Python

نحوه نصب

نصب پکیج whl collective.templates-3.2:

    pip install collective.templates-3.2.whl

نصب پکیج tar.gz collective.templates-3.2:

    pip install collective.templates-3.2.tar.gz