Easy storage of tabular data
collective.table is a replacement for the "store equipment lists, book loans,
etc. in Excel files and upload to Plone". It's a list of items where members
can add/edit columns and rows and of course data. By default, collective.table
stores its data in the ZODB, however storage is pluggable and it's easy to
write storage adapters to have data stored in SQL, LDAP, etc.
collective.table is based on `DataTables <http://datatables.net>`_ and
`jEditable <http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable>`_ jQuery plugins.
Developer documentation is available at `ReadTheDocs.org
To install collective.table you simply add ``collective.table`` to the list of
eggs in your buildout, run buildout and restart the Plone server. In Plone's
portal_quickinstaller you select ``collective.table`` and install it.
Now you can add a Table content-type and start adding your tabular data.
Upon adding a new table you have to specify which columns you would like. You
do that by entering column names, one per line, into `columns` field. When you
click save your table will be created, containing one initial row. At the
moment, all columns are of type `string`.
Double-click on a cell of your choosing and enter something. Hitting `Enter`
will save this value.
Add a new row
Click the `Create a new row` button and a new row will be appended, which you
can edit to enter your data.
Deleting a row
Start by selecting a row by clicking on it. Then click the `Delete this row`
button and this row will be deleted. You can select and delete multiple rows.
Current status
At this point, collective.table offers basic functionalities and is usable. It
can be used as an out-of-the-box product for end-users or as a third-party
Archetypes widget for custom content-types.
Being pluggable as it is, we expect more people to use it with their own
content-types on their own custom data sources. Hopefully some that code will
propagate back into the community so we can have multiple source possibilities
in the future. UI could also use some more love.
* `Martijn Pieters <http://www.jarn.com/people/mj>`_ (Jarn AS) is the
original author.
* `Nejc Zupan <http://twitter.com/nzupan>`_ (NiteoWeb Ltd.) drove the code
towards the first few releases as part of his Google Summer of Code project.
1.1 (2012-06-18)
* Bah. 1.1 was a brown bag release.
1.1 (2012-06-18)
* Restore form values in the request to string after ``processInputs``
converts them to unicode for ``z3c.form``. [danjacka]
* Force ``beforepost`` callback to hide spinner graphic when closing
the popup. [danjacka]
* Minor updates to buildout, documentation, tests. [danjacka]
1.0.1 (2011-08-22)
* Newline was missing in Future.rst. [zupo]
1.0 (2011-08-22)
* Added support for localizations. [zupo]
* More cleanup. [zupo]
* Added support for source configuration view. [MJ]
* Added project to ReadTheDocs.org. [zupo]
* Refactored row deletion handling. [MJ]
* Support for multiple tables is back. [MJ]
* Move the versions section to re-enable the mr.developer entries. [MJ]
* Refactored usage of ``storage`` into ``source`` to avoid confusing them with
Archetypes storages. [zupo]
* Save source name per context, not globally on the field. [zupo]
* Split ``manageable`` flag into ``editable``, ``sortable`` and
``queryable`` flags. [zupo]
* Added shebangs and module-level docstrings. [zupo]
* Added a script to do pre-commit checks. [zupo]
* PEP8 and PyFlakes cleanup. [zupo]
* Added Sphinx documentation. [zupo]
0.3alpha (2011-07-20)
* Fixed a bug with deleting rows. [zupo]
0.2alpha (2011-07-20)
* Renamed ``README.txt`` to ``README.rst`` and added ``README`` as a
soft-link. [zupo]
0.1alpha (2011-07-19)
* Initial release. [zupo]