Using the architecture of Zope's Pluggable Authentication Service and PlonePAS, Salesforce
Auth Plugin provides the infrastructure to manage site users as arbitrary objects within a
Plone portal. Features and capabilities for Plone user management via Salesforce.com include:
- Configurable SFObject type to serve as Plone user for authentication
- Configurable username and password field on an SFObject for credential checking
- Optional password encryption
- Optional caching of user data from Salesforce.com to improve performance
- Addition of new users as designated SFObject type from Plone portal into Salesforce.com
- Property retrieval and setting for Plone users as stored in Salesforce.com
Installation, Configuration, and Usage
* Active Salesforce.com account with API access from http://www.salesforce.com
* Developed and tested against Plone 3.x and 4.0.
* salesforcebaseconnector (and its pre-reqs, such as 'beatbox' python product)
Instructions for configuration of salesforcebaseconnector are in README.txt of the
product which is downloadable here:
* Some basic understanding the PAS and PlonePAS infrastructure and capabilities
Steps for Installation into Plone
1. IMPORTANT: Make sure you install/configure salesforcebaseconnector as
mentioned above and set your login and password.
2. Install the salesforceauthplugin product as you would for any normal Plone
product (using Add/Remove Products or the Quick Installer).
Configure Plugin
Though you've already installed the Salesforce Auth Plugin, which creates and
activates a PAS plugin for use in authentication, user creation, and profile
management, this has no impact on your Plone site's authentication scheme until
you've done some additional configuration.
Configure the salesforceauthplugin through the ZMI, at
acl_users/salesforceauthmultiplugin. (This is the acl_users *within* your Plone
site, not the one at the Zope root.)
At a minimum, you need to determine and configure on the Salesforce Auth Plugin:
* Which Salesforce.com object (i.e. Contact, Lead, Account, etc.) you'll treat
as users within your site (remember that if you'd like to treat multiple
Salesforce objects as users, you can do so by setting up multiple Salesforce
Auth Plugins). See "Caveats" in this document for more information on this.
* Which fields of the aforementioned chosen SFObject will serve as the username
and password credentials for authentication. At this point, the Salesforce
Auth Plugin assumes that credentials will include and be limited to some
field used for "username" and another optionally encryption aware field for
password. This would look like::
* In addition, you can enable password encryption, setup additional
authentication requirements (in the form of a SOQL statement), and choose which
properties to manage in Salesforce.com, rather than within Mutable Properties.
This would look like::
In addition to creating and activating a PAS plugin for use in authentication,
user creation, and profile management within your acl_users object, Salesforce
Auth Plugin also associates a RAM cache with the created plugin. The cache
period is set for 10 minutes by default. This is essential for ensuring that
the use of Salesforce Auth Plugin doesn't adversely impact the performance of
your Plone site.
The Salesforce Auth Plugin caches user enumerations and user properties. If you
only manage your users and user properties through Plone, the cache will not have
any adverse effects, as the Salesforce Auth Plugin will invalidate the cache when
changes take place. However, be aware that when modifying users through
Salesforce.com, Plone may not be aware of the changes for up to 10 minutes. This
applies for any of the following modifications via Salesforce.com:
* new user added
* user removed
* user properties for user are changed
To modify the cache period: In the ZMI, go to SalesforceAuthPluginCache in your
portal root.
To remove the cache: In the ZMI, go to acl_users/salesforceauthmultiplugin and
go to the Caching tab.
User authentication can also be optionally cached. This is disabled by default,
and is probably unnecessary unless you routinely have users logging into Plone
from other sources besides the Salesforce Auth Plugin. To enable it, set
CACHE_PASSWORDS to True in config.py. This may boost performance at the expense
of also introducing a 10-minute delay when passwords are changed via
Through The Web Testing
Let's try joining a site and seeing if the login appears in Salesforce.com
Once the plugin is installed open up a browser and enter the URL of your
Plone instance. You may need to log out first which will require closing your
browser and reopening it.
In Plone 3.0, registration is disabled by default.
As site admin, head over to "Site Setup->Security" then check the
"Enable self-registration" option.
You may want to make sure your new Plone site's Mail server settings (and
"From:" address) are setup so when you create a new account, Plone can
send its Welcome email.
Click on the link to join (in the upper right hand corner, next to the log-in
link) to create a new login.
Go ahead and add the user and then log in to your Salesforce account
at http://www.salesforce.com. The user you just added
should be found in your list of contacts.
Then, you should be able to log out of Plone and try logging in as
the new user you just created. See the "Customizing" section of this
document for tips about how you might tweak the user experience a bit more.
For simple tweaks to the personalize form, see documentation in
"customizing_personalize.txt" within the docs directory of this package.
* If you're setting a Date or DateTime property on a Salesforce object
make sure your input field type is of DateTime format. Manually, this
is done with::
<input type="text" name="birthdate:date"/>
* At this time, Contact, Account, and Lead objects have been pretty
thoroughly tested and are the target use cases for this product. One might
commonly want to use some custom Salesforce.com object to serve as the user
object. While technically, probably any object could work for authentication,
assuming a username and password field have been configured, other
Salesforce.com objects may or may not work with all available PAS
configuration options.
* As a follow-up to the caveat regarding which Salesforce objects are likely
to work with this product, at this time objects where there are required
fields that don't except a string data type will not work as a user adder
For example, the Event object requires an integer for length in
minutes as well as an HTML4 formatted date/time for start of event. By
contrast, the interface for doAddUser mandates that only the login and
password are passed in the signature. For this reason, when create is called
via the Salesforce.com API, we use the provided login value for all required
fields needed to create the object. Thus, PAS join capability is unlikely
to pass doAddUser the appropriate data types for all required fields for more
complex Salesforce objects (a la Event) in order to allow the initial
creation of the object to happen. Of course, PlonePAS will then go forth and
update (using set property capabilities) those fields that were temporarily
stocked with the login value if they were asked somewhere in the signup
process, since this happens after doAddUser is called.
* Self-Service Users and Salesforce.com Users have not been tested with this
product. They may or may not work.
Additional Resources
Product home is http://plone.org/products/salesforceauthplugin. A
`documentation area`_ and `issue tracker`_ are available.
.. _documentation area: http://plone.org/documentation/manual/integrating-plone-with-salesforce.com
.. _issue tracker: http://plone.org/products/salesforceauthplugin/issues
A Google Group, called `Plone Salesforce Integration`_ exists with the sole aim
of discussing and developing tools to make Plone integrate well with
Salesforce.com. If you have a question, joining this group and posting to the
mailing list is the likely best way to get support.
.. _Plone Salesforce Integration: http://groups.google.com/group/plonesf
Failing that, please try using the Plone users' mailing list or the #plone IRC
channel on freenode for support requests. If you are unable to get your
questions answered there, or are interested in helping develop the product, see
the credits below for individuals you might contact.
The Plone & Salesforce crew in Seattle and Portland:
- Jon Baldivieso <jonb --AT-- groundwire --DOT-- org>
- Andrew Burkhalter <andrewburkhalter --AT-- gmail --DOT-- com>
- Brian Gershon <briang --AT-- webcollective --DOT-- coop>
- David Glick <davidglick --AT-- groundwire --DOT-- org>
- Jesse Snyder <jesses --AT-- npowerseattle --DOT-- org>
Thanks to Salesforce.com Foundation and Enfold Systems for their gift and work
on beatbox and the original proof of concept code that has become Salesforce
Auth Plugin (see:
See the changelog for the growing list of people who helped
with particular features or bugs.
Distributed under the GPL.
See LICENSE.txt and LICENSE.GPL for details.
Running Tests
It is strongly recommended that you run your tests against a free developer
account, rather than a real production Salesforce.com instance. ... With that
said, to run the tests for Salesforce Auth Plugin do the following:
Configure your Salesforce.com instance:
In order to successfully run all of the automated unit tests, some
modifications need to happen within your Salesforce.com instance.
In many of the tests, authentication, user creation, and modification happen
against the Salesforce.com contact and/or lead object. Specifically, the unit
tests create objects and then authenticate against two custom fields: Password
and UserName.
For all tests to successfully work create and configure the following
fields as shown below:
================= ================ =============
Field Label Field Name Field Type
================= ================ =============
Password Password Text(100)
User Name UserName Text(50)
Favorite Boolean FavoriteBoolean Checkbox
Favorite Float FavoriteFloat Number(13, 5)
================= ================ =============
Note: You can accept the defaults for the other field attributes.
Running Tests --> "To run tests in a unix-like environment" from
`SalesforceBaseConnector`_, which is a dependency, so you should have it :)
.. _SalesforceBaseConnector: http://plone.org/products/salesforcebaseconnector
Running the tests
Rather than running the test suite for salesforcebaseconnector
do the following:
bin/instance test -s collective.salesforce.authplugin
If you have trouble running tests, consult "FAQ about running tests" from
1.5.2 (2011-12-20)
- Bug fix: don't break during uninstallation if the plugin has already been
1.5.1 (2011-01-26)
- Fixed bug where a "baseconnector" attribute was being accidentally
1.5 (2010-11-24)
- Don't try to retrieve properties for groups.
- Disallow searching by the email property for now, as an optimization
targeted at the Plone users & groups control panel.
- Optimization for when querying for user existence or user properties on
many users after doing a full enumeration: fetch the properties during
enumeration and populate caches.
- Deal with unicode userids supplied by the Plone 4 session plugin.
- Don't separate the login and id in the enumerateUsers cache key, since we
treat them the same way.
- Optimization for when using multiple auth plugins: Use a mapping of object
type "hints" to avoid unneeded queries. Also include the plugin_id in the
cache key to avoid multiple plugins clobbering each others' caches.
- Optimization: populate getPropertiesForUser and enumerateUsers cache during
authentication for calls that we know will happen.
1.4 (2010-05-12)
- Fix for ids and logins passed to enumerateUsers as unicode strings.
- Make it possible to specify an id for the plugin when calling the install
method, to facilitate installing multiple auth plugins.
- Update one more query call using the deprecated call signature.
- Make the properties plugin set an sf_obj_type property indicating the
sObject type associated with the Salesforce auth plugin. This can be
useful if multiple Salesforce auth plugins are being used.
1.3 (2010-02-24)
- Fixed issue that prevented removing an additional authentication clause
once it had been added.
- Fixed issue with creating query for enumerating users when an additional
authentication clause was configured.
1.2 (2010-01-25)
- Add workaround for issue where the type of a user property returning a
null value from Salesforce couldn't be guessed, resulting in breakage of
the Plone user preferences page and other things that fetch the full
property sheet.
1.1 (2009-12-17)
- Zope 2.12 and Plone 4 are now supported.
- Don't try to authenticate if the credentials don't contain a login and
password (such as if they are from the session plugin). This avoids
some spurious swallowed exceptions, and drastically reduces the need for
turning CACHE_PASSWORDS on to avoid needless queries to Salesforce --
although turning it on might still be a good idea if you're routinely
logging in users from other sources alongside Salesforce.
1.1rc1 (2009-09-16)
- In the case of a SoapFaultError when trying to connect to Salesforce,
catch the exception, log a warning, and return None so that PAS tries
the next plugin. This makes it easier to recover after the password
gets changed in Salesforce.
1.1b1 (2009-09-08)
- Updated query calls to use a full SOQL statement.
- _buildAuthenticationQuery now returns a full SOQL statement rather than
the old set of 3 parameters that used to be expected by
salesforcebaseconnector's query method.
- Updated version spec for dependency on beatbox.
- Critical fix for security vulnerability when using
collective.salesforce.authplugin with configuration constant
CACHE_PASSWORDS enabled. The view stored within the
SalesforceAuthPluginCache RAM Cache Manager as
authenticateCredentials-username doesn't include a hash of the user's
password thereby allowing others to log into the portal with a correct
username, but incorrect password after a successful login has been
accomplished with the correct credentials for the length of the cache
period. Though CACHE_PASSWORDS is disabled by default, most users are
likely to have enabled this option in attempt to either improve performance
or save Salesforce.com API requests. Users of versions prior to 1.0b2 with
CACHE_PASSWORDS enabled are encouraged to upgrade immediately!
[andrewb, thanks to Quintagroup for discovery and patch]
- Stop using trademarked Salesforce.com icon. [davisagli]
- More gracefully handle Plone's default sharing tab which searches for
similarities to a given query within id, login, and fullname. The latter
was leading to erroneous results and often completely exceeding the timeout
period for XHR calls from the form itself. The workaround is to inspect the
search parameters for fullname and if not mapped within the
'authentication' or 'properties' treat the search query as a login so the
search doesn't timeout and lose other valid results. [jessesnyder]
- User Enumeration accounts for Additional Condition Clause, which was
previously supported in authentication, but various search forms would
return ineligible users per the site's configuration. [andrewb]
- Initial release of egg-based Salesforce Auth Plugin product with
significant historical influence from various other proof of concept
implementations. [Thanks to Salesforce.com Foundation, Enfold Systems,
ONE/Northwest, NPower Seattle, Web Collective, The Plone/Salesforce
Integration crew (http://groups.google.com/group/plonesf)]