''collective.recipe.modwsgi'' is a `zc.buildout`_ recipe which creates
a `paste.deploy`_ entry point for mod_wsgi_.
It is very simple to use. This is a minimal ''buildout.cfg'' file
which creates a WSGI script mod_python can use::
parts = mywsgiapp
recipe = collective.recipe.modwsgi
eggs = mywsgiapp
config-file = ${buildout:directory}/production.ini
This will create a small python script in parts/mywsgiapp called
''wsgi'' which mod_wsgi can load. You can also use the optional
''extra-paths'' option to specify extra paths that are added to
the python system path.
The apache configuration for this buildout looks like this::
WSGIScriptAlias /mysite /home/me/buildout/parts/mywsgiapp/wsgi
<Directory /home/me/buildout>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
If the python script must be accessed from somewhere else than the buildout
parts folder, you can use the optional ''target'' option to tell the recipe
where the script should be created.
For instance, the configuration for the mywsgiapp part could look like this::
recipe = collective.recipe.modwsgi
eggs = mywsgiapp
target = /var/www/myapp.wsgi
config-file = ${buildout:directory}/production.ini
The recipe would then create the script at /var/www/myapp.wsgi.
Note that the directory containing the target script must already exist on
the filesystem prior to running the recipe and be writeable.
The apache configuration for this buildout would then look like this::
WSGIScriptAlias /mysite /var/www/myapp.wsgi
<Directory /var/www>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
This recipe does not fully install packages, which means that console scripts
will not be created. If you need console scripts you can add a second
buildout part which uses `z3c.recipe.scripts`_ to do a full install.
Configuration files with multiple applications
It is possible to specify multiple applications or pipelines in a single
configuration file. If you do this you can specify which application to
run by using the ``app_name`` option. For example if your ini files looks
like this::
use = egg:my_application
pipeline = my_app
pipeline =
This specifies two way to run the your application: a *production*
configuration which runs the application directly, and a *devel*
configuration which also runs the WebError interactive debugger to
catch errors. To use the production pipeline in mod_wsgi supply
the app_name parameter::
recipe = collective.recipe.modwsgi
eggs = mywsgiapp
app_name = production
config-file = ${buildout:directory}/production.ini
.. _zc.buildout:
.. _paste.deploy:
.. _mod_wsgi:
.. _z3c.recipe.scripts:
2.1 - August 28, 2014
- Handle broken symlinks when using the target option. Patch submitted by
Jaap Roes.
2.0 - March 12, 2013
- Add Python 3 support. Patch submitted by Richard Mitchell.
1.7 - June 19, 2012
- Add option to configure where target script will be created.
Patch submitted by David Convent.
1.6 - January 31, 2012
- Fix packaging error.
1.5 - January 31, 2012
- Add option to configure which application to load from a .ini file.
Patch submitted by Stephan Hof.
1.4 - January 15, 2012
- Fix typo in the .ini handling logic for configuration files that do not
contain logging settings.
1.3 - January 13, 2012
- Gracefully handle .ini files that do not contain logging configuration.
- don't overwrite existing file permissions when setting execute permission.
This fixes `issue 1
1.2 - August 7, 2009
- Initialise the python logging module. Based on a patch from Philip Kershaw,
which was based on a discussion on pylons-discuss:
1.1 - April 20, 2009
* Add an 'extra-paths' option, similar the the zc.recipe.egg one.
1.0 - October 16, 2008
* No changes.
1.0rc1 - June 30, 2008
* Update the generated wrapper to test if a path is already in sys.path
before adding it. This prevents paths being duplicated in sys.path
when mod_wsgi reloads the module.
1.0b3 - June 23, 2008
* Do not make the recipe a subclass of zc.recipe.egg.Eggs but
use a local instance to determine the working set.
* Format the sys.path changes in the wrapper to make it more
human readable. This is purely cosmetic to help with debugging.
* Also recreate the wsgi wrapper file when updating a buildout part.
This is needed to get get changes to versions in the working set
(such as different version pins) reflected in the wrapper.
1.0b2 - June 13, 2008
* Call the Eggs constructor as well: working_set() needs too many of the
internal variables it sets for us to set them ourselves. This fixes
the recipe breaking when using find-links in buildout.
1.0b1 - June 13, 2008
* Initial release