Azavea_'s `Cicero API`_ can be used to look up the elected officials
for a given address. ``collective.megaphonecicerolookup`` integrates this
functionality with the Megaphone_ online advocacy tool, so that recipients
of Megaphone letters and petitions can be found via a Cicero lookup based
on the address entered by the user.
.. Note::
If Cicero returns an e-mail address for the official, Megaphone can
deliver the message directly. However, some officials only publicize
web forms for accepting messages. In this case, Megaphone will record
the letter but can't deliver it.
Megaphone will also record but not deliver the letter if it is unable
to find an elected official for the given address (if data is unavailable
for the given address or if Cicero cannot be reached.)
.. _Azavea:
.. _`Cicero API`:
.. _Megaphone:
``collective.megaphonecicerolookup`` has been tested with Plone 4.
Adding to buildout
``collective.megaphonecicerolookup`` has several dependencies. These should get
pulled in automatically if you add the collective.megaphonecicerolookup egg to your
buildout. _However_, you need to make sure that you get versions of the
dependencies that are compatible with your version of Plone. To do so, you may
extend the following known good set of version pins::
extends =
eggs =
Of course, you may need to adjust the specified Plone version, or create a
derivative set of version pins if the ones in this set conflict with those
recommended for some other add-on.
Activating the add-on
After running buildout and starting your Zope instance, install
collective.megaphonecicerolookup via the Add-ons control panel in Plone
Site Setup.
Now go to the ``Configuration registry`` control panel and configure your
Cicero API username and password.
1. Add a new Megaphone Action. Select the 'letter' type and continue through
the wizard. (Megaphone petitions do not have specific recipients.)
2. When you reach the Recipients step of the wizard, click the ``Add Recipient``
3. If ``collective.megaphonecicerolookup`` is correctly installed, you can now
choose to add a recipient of the ``Cicero lookup: address to official`` type.
4. Configure the lookup by specifying the label that will be shown to the user
sending a letter and the type of official you want to look up.
You may optionally specify a set of states for which lookups will be
performed. If you do so and the user chooses a different state, their letter
will be recorded but without a specific recipient. If you leave this option
blank, lookups will always be attempted.
1.0.1 (2011-02-15)
- Fix handling of WebFaults from Cicero.
1.0 (2011-01-11)
- Log a warning instead of raising an exception if the form submission is
missing required fields (street, city, state, zip).
1.0b2 (2010-10-18)
- Don't break Megaphones without a Cicero lookup source if they are missing
fields required by the Cicero lookup source.
1.0b1 (2010-10-14)
- Initial release