.. contents::
This product adds support for FAQ's in Plone. It defines Archetypes-based
content types "FAQ Item", "FAQ Folder" and "FAQ group". It defines two views
for the "FAQ folder" type. For all content types, you can set a content
object's language using the "Language" field.
- Two views for a FAQ Folder:
* `index_view` shows links to FAQ Items in the FAQ Folder
* `all_view` shows FAQ Items and their answers on one page
- A viewlet on FAQ Items which displays a link to the contact form.
- The FAQ Folder's views are available also on a Topic, so you can
compose Topics of FAQ Items according to your own criteria and
view them in the same way you would view a FAQ Folder.
- In a CollectionPortlet with id `faq`, links will be opened in an overlay.
0.5 (2012-07-02)
- Tested Plone 4.2 compatibility. [hvelarde]
- Added installation and content type tests. [hvelarde]
- Added buildout configurations for development and testing. [hvelarde]
- Fixed package distribution. [hvelarde]
- Fix view entry for types [lepri]
- Create menu entry for views [lepri]
- Fixed "NameError: global name 'cat' is not defined". [hvelarde]
- Brazilian portuguese translation added [lepri]
- Fix rst markup in documentation formatting
- Add viewlet to link to contact form
- Show "related items" in `onefaqview`.
0.4 (2011-04-12)
- Add a view for one single faq (no more the default view)
0.3 (2011-03-09)
- Add English in locales
- Add index view
- Change template for AnySurfer compliant
- Created recipe with ZopeSkel
[Benoit Suttor - CIRB/CIBG]
Detailed information
This is a full-blown functional test. The emphasis here is on testing what
the user may input and see, and the system is largely tested as a black box.
We use PloneTestCase to set up this test as well, so we have a full Plone site
to play with. We *can* inspect the state of the portal, e.g. using
self.portal and self.folder, but it is often frowned upon since you are not
treating the system as a black box. Also, if you, for example, log in or set
roles using calls like self.setRoles(), these are not reflected in the test
browser, which runs as a separate session.
Being a doctest, we can tell a story here.
First, we must perform some setup. We use the testbrowser that is shipped
with Five, as this provides proper Zope 2 integration. Most of the
documentation, though, is in the underlying zope.testbrower package.
>>> from Products.Five.testbrowser import Browser
>>> browser = Browser()
>>> portal_url = self.portal.absolute_url()
The following is useful when writing and debugging testbrowser tests. It lets
us see all error messages in the error_log.
>>> self.portal.error_log._ignored_exceptions = ()
With that in place, we can go to the portal front page and log in. We will
do this using the default user from PloneTestCase:
>>> from Products.PloneTestCase.setup import portal_owner, default_password
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
We have the login portlet, so let's use that.
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = portal_owner
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = default_password
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
Here, we set the value of the fields on the login form and then simulate a
submit click.
We then test that we are still on the portal front page:
>>> browser.url == portal_url
And we ensure that we get the friendly logged-in message:
>>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents
The FaqGroup content type
In this section we are tesing the FaqGroup content type by performing
basic operations like adding, updadating and deleting FaqGroup content
Adding a new FaqGroup content item
We use the 'Add new' menu to add a new content item.
>>> browser.getLink('Add new').click()
Then we select the type of item we want to add. In this case we select
'FaqGroup' and click the 'Add' button to get to the add form.
>>> browser.getControl('FaqGroup').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.button.Add').click()
>>> 'FaqGroup' in browser.contents
Now we fill the form and submit it.
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'FaqGroup Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
And we are done! We added a new 'FaqGroup' content item to the portal.
Updating an existing FaqGroup content item
Let's click on the 'edit' tab and update the object attribute values.
>>> browser.getLink('Edit').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'New FaqGroup Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
We check that the changes were applied.
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
>>> 'New FaqGroup Sample' in browser.contents
Removing a/an FaqGroup content item
If we go to the home page, we can see a tab with the 'New FaqGroup
Sample' title in the global navigation tabs.
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> 'New FaqGroup Sample' in browser.contents
Now we are going to delete the 'New FaqGroup Sample' object. First we
go to the contents tab and select the 'New FaqGroup Sample' for
>>> browser.getLink('Contents').click()
>>> browser.getControl('New FaqGroup Sample').click()
We click on the 'Delete' button.
>>> browser.getControl('Delete').click()
>>> 'Item(s) deleted' in browser.contents
So, if we go back to the home page, there is no longer a 'New FaqGroup
Sample' tab.
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> 'New FaqGroup Sample' in browser.contents
Adding a new FaqGroup content item as contributor
Not only site managers are allowed to add FaqGroup content items, but
also site contributors.
Let's logout and then login as 'contributor', a portal member that has the
contributor role assigned.
>>> browser.getLink('Log out').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'contributor'
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = default_password
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
We use the 'Add new' menu to add a new content item.
>>> browser.getLink('Add new').click()
We select 'FaqGroup' and click the 'Add' button to get to the add form.
>>> browser.getControl('FaqGroup').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.button.Add').click()
>>> 'FaqGroup' in browser.contents
Now we fill the form and submit it.
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'FaqGroup Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
Done! We added a new FaqGroup content item logged in as contributor.
Finally, let's login back as manager.
>>> browser.getLink('Log out').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = portal_owner
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = default_password
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
The FaqItem content type
In this section we are tesing the FaqItem content type by performing
basic operations like adding, updadating and deleting FaqItem content
Adding a new FaqItem content item
We use the 'Add new' menu to add a new content item.
>>> browser.getLink('Add new').click()
Then we select the type of item we want to add. In this case we select
'FaqItem' and click the 'Add' button to get to the add form.
>>> browser.getControl('FaqItem').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.button.Add').click()
>>> 'FaqItem' in browser.contents
Now we fill the form and submit it.
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'FaqItem Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
And we are done! We added a new 'FaqItem' content item to the portal.
Updating an existing FaqItem content item
Let's click on the 'edit' tab and update the object attribute values.
>>> browser.getLink('Edit').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'New FaqItem Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
We check that the changes were applied.
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
>>> 'New FaqItem Sample' in browser.contents
Removing a/an FaqItem content item
If we go to the home page, we can see a tab with the 'New FaqItem
Sample' title in the global navigation tabs.
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> 'New FaqItem Sample' in browser.contents
Now we are going to delete the 'New FaqItem Sample' object. First we
go to the contents tab and select the 'New FaqItem Sample' for
>>> browser.getLink('Contents').click()
>>> browser.getControl('New FaqItem Sample').click()
We click on the 'Delete' button.
>>> browser.getControl('Delete').click()
>>> 'Item(s) deleted' in browser.contents
So, if we go back to the home page, there is no longer a 'New FaqItem
Sample' tab.
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> 'New FaqItem Sample' in browser.contents
Adding a new FaqItem content item as contributor
Not only site managers are allowed to add FaqItem content items, but
also site contributors.
Let's logout and then login as 'contributor', a portal member that has the
contributor role assigned.
>>> browser.getLink('Log out').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'contributor'
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = default_password
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
We use the 'Add new' menu to add a new content item.
>>> browser.getLink('Add new').click()
We select 'FaqItem' and click the 'Add' button to get to the add form.
>>> browser.getControl('FaqItem').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.button.Add').click()
>>> 'FaqItem' in browser.contents
Now we fill the form and submit it.
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'FaqItem Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
Done! We added a new FaqItem content item logged in as contributor.
Finally, let's login back as manager.
>>> browser.getLink('Log out').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = portal_owner
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = default_password
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
The FaqFolder content type
In this section we are tesing the FaqFolder content type by performing
basic operations like adding, updadating and deleting FaqFolder content
Adding a new FaqFolder content item
We use the 'Add new' menu to add a new content item.
>>> browser.getLink('Add new').click()
Then we select the type of item we want to add. In this case we select
'FaqFolder' and click the 'Add' button to get to the add form.
>>> browser.getControl('FaqFolder').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.button.Add').click()
>>> 'FaqFolder' in browser.contents
Now we fill the form and submit it.
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'FaqFolder Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
And we are done! We added a new 'FaqFolder' content item to the portal.
Updating an existing FaqFolder content item
Let's click on the 'edit' tab and update the object attribute values.
>>> browser.getLink('Edit').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'New FaqFolder Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
We check that the changes were applied.
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
>>> 'New FaqFolder Sample' in browser.contents
Removing a/an FaqFolder content item
If we go to the home page, we can see a tab with the 'New FaqFolder
Sample' title in the global navigation tabs.
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> 'New FaqFolder Sample' in browser.contents
Now we are going to delete the 'New FaqFolder Sample' object. First we
go to the contents tab and select the 'New FaqFolder Sample' for
>>> browser.getLink('Contents').click()
>>> browser.getControl('New FaqFolder Sample').click()
We click on the 'Delete' button.
>>> browser.getControl('Delete').click()
>>> 'Item(s) deleted' in browser.contents
So, if we go back to the home page, there is no longer a 'New FaqFolder
Sample' tab.
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> 'New FaqFolder Sample' in browser.contents
Adding a new FaqFolder content item as contributor
Not only site managers are allowed to add FaqFolder content items, but
also site contributors.
Let's logout and then login as 'contributor', a portal member that has the
contributor role assigned.
>>> browser.getLink('Log out').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'contributor'
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = default_password
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
We use the 'Add new' menu to add a new content item.
>>> browser.getLink('Add new').click()
We select 'FaqFolder' and click the 'Add' button to get to the add form.
>>> browser.getControl('FaqFolder').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.button.Add').click()
>>> 'FaqFolder' in browser.contents
Now we fill the form and submit it.
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'FaqFolder Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
Done! We added a new FaqFolder content item logged in as contributor.
Finally, let's login back as manager.
>>> browser.getLink('Log out').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = portal_owner
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = default_password
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
- Benoit Suttor - CIRB/CIBG, Author
- Gustavo Lepri
- Héctor Velarde