# collectd-prometheus
A collectd Python plugin to read Prometheus metrics endpoints
## Installation
1. Find out which version of Python your collectd is built against to know
which python/pip binary to use. So e.g. with Debian:
$ dpkg -S python.so | grep collectd
collectd-core: /usr/lib/collectd/python.so
$ ldd /usr/lib/collectd/python.so | grep python
libpython2.7.so.1.0 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython2.7.so.1.0 (0x00007f953a5c2000)
which uses Python 2.7 still so I need to use `pip2` when installing the
1. Install `collectd-prometheus`:
# pip2 install collectd-prometheus
## Usage
1. Create a collectd configuration e.g.
LoadPlugin python
<Plugin python>
Import "collectd_prometheus"
<Module "collectd_prometheus">
Interval 30 # How often to scrape metrics. This is the default, can be omitted
Process "mycoolservice" # Name this instance, e.g. after what service you're scraping
Protocol "http" # This is default, can be omitted
Host "" # This is default, can be omitted
Port "8080" # This is default, can be omitted
Filter "only|these" # A regex which matches the names of the metrics you only want to include
Filter "metrics" # You can even specify multiple regexes
# Scrape another another service as well, e.g.
Process "anothercoolservice"
# This time we use the defaults, except Port
Port "8081"
## Using a virtualenv
In Python, using a virtual environment [is the
recommended](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html) way to isolate your
applications dependencies from other applications. To use a virtualenv with
collectd we have to create one, activate it, install our package into it.
1. Using the steps listed [Installation](#installation) figure out which Python
version collectd uses.
1. If python3 use `venv` which is included in Python 3. When using Python 2.7,
we have to [install
virtualenv](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/installation.html) which
can be packaged in your OS/distribution (`python-virtualenv` in Debian) or
you install it manually, see the linked documentation.
1. Create your virtualenv where you want to store it, e.g:
# python -m virtualenv /usr/lib/collectd/prom
1. Activate it and install our package, e.g.:
# source /usr/lib/collectd/prom/bin/activate
(prom) # pip install collectd-prometheus
1. Find your virtualenvs site-packages folder, e.g:
# find /usr/lib/collectd/prom/ -type d -iname "site-packages"
1. Configure collectd to look for `collectd-prometheus` and it's dependencies
in the directory that you found in step 5. E.g:
LoadPlugin python
<Plugin python>
ModulePath "/usr/lib/collectd/prom/lib/python2.7/site-packages" # Right here
Import "collectd_prometheus"