# Coinhandler :moneybag:
> A Python module to handle interacting with coins
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>>> from coinhandler import CoinHandler
>>> handler = CoinHandler(
... starting_float=(2.00, 1.00, 0.50, 0.20, 0.05)
... )
>>> handler.insert(0.50)
>>> handler.insert(1.00)
>>> handler.purchase(1.25)
>>> handler.return_coins()
CoinCollection(TwentyPence(1), FivePence(1))
## Installation
### [pipenv](https://github.com/pypa/pipenv)*
pipenv install coinhandler
### [pip](https://pypi.org/project/coinhandler)
pip install coinhandler
### From source
pip install git+git://github.com/alxwrd/coinhandler.git
> _*recommended_
## Useage
### CoinHandler
A `CoinHandler` object can be used to manage a transaction, or a series
of transactions. To create a handler instance, it should be provided
with a starting [float](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Float_(money_supply))
(money supply).
The `starting_float` should be an _iterable_ of either `float` or `int`
from coinhandler import CoinHandler
handler = CoinHandler(
starting_float=(2.00, 1.00, 0.50, 0.20, 0.05)
A `CoinHandler` object provides a simple interface for making trasactions
against the float it started with.
#### `.available_coins` -> [`CoinCollection`](#coincollection)
Provides access to the current supply of `Coin`s in in the handler.
>>> handler.available_coins
CoinCollection(TwoPound(1), OnePound(1), FiftyPence(1), TwentyPence(20), FivePence(5))
#### `.current_transaction` -> [`Transaction`](#transaction)
Provides access to the `Coin`s that are part of the current transaction.
>>> handler.insert(0.50)
>>> handler.current_transaction
#### `.total()` -> `float`
Returns the handlers current total value as a float.
>>> handler.total()
Also equivalent to:
>>> handler.available_coins.total() / 100
#### `.insert(` _`value`_ `)`
Add a coin of _value_ to the `current_transaction`.
>>> handler.insert(0.50)
>>> handler.current_transaction
#### `.purchase(` _`value`_ `)`
Moves the coins from `current_transaction` into the `available_coins` and
makes the difference in coins between the purchase _value_ and the
`current_transation.total()` available in `.current_transaction`.
>>> handler.available_coins
CoinCollection(TwentyPence(1), FivePence(1))
>>> handler.insert(0.50)
>>> handler.purchase(0.25)
>>> handler.current_transaction
Transaction(TwentyPence(1), FivePence(1))
>>> handler.available_coins
#### `.return_coins()` -> [`CoinCollection`](#coincollection)
Empties out the `current_transaction` and returns those coins as a
### CoinCollection
A `CoinCollection` object represents a collection of `Coin`s. It functions
similar to a python `list`, and provides some similar methods.
from coinhandler import CoinCollection
collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.50)
You can also create a `CoinCollection` from a value. This will return the
smallest amount of `Coin`s needed to create that value.
>>> CoinCollection.from_value(1.25)
CoinCollection(OnePound(1), TwentyPence(1), FivePence(1))
#### `Transaction`
A `Transaction` object is a subclass of `CoinCollection`, and functions
#### `.remove_by_value(` _`value`_ `)` -> [`CoinCollection`](#coincollection)
Removes coins from the collection by a value, and returns new collection
with valid coins from the original collection.
>>> collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.20, 0.05)
>>> collection.remove_by_value(1.25)
CoinCollection(OnePound(1), TwentyPence(1), FivePence(1))
> NOTE: `.remove_by_value` will only remove available coins from
> the original collection. So for the example:
> ```python
> >>> collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.20, 0.05)
> >>> collection.remove_by_value(1.30)
> CoinCollection(OnePound(1), TwentyPence(1), FivePence(0.05))
> ```
> Only '`1.25`' is returned.
#### `.total()`
Returns the total value of the collection as a _float_.
>>> collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.50)
>>> coins.total()
#### `.append(` _`value`_ `)`
Adds the _value_ to the collection.
>>> collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.50)
>>> collection.append(1.00)
>>> collection.total()
#### `.extend(` _`iterable[values]`_ `)`
Extends the collection by an _iterable_ of _values_.
>>> collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.50)
>>> collection.extend([1.00, 1.00])
>>> collection.total()
#### `.remove(` _`value`_ `)`
Removes a `Coin` represented by _value_ from the collection.
>>> collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.50)
>>> collection.remove(1.00)
>>> collection.total()
#### `.clear()` -> [`CoinCollection`](#coincollection)
Removes all `Coin`s from the collection, and returns them as a new collection.
>>> collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.50)
>>> coins = collection.clear()
>>> collection.total()
>>> coins.total()
#### `.pop(` _`index=-1`_ `)` -> [`Coin`](#coin)
Removes the `Coin` located _index_ out of the collection and returns it.
>>> collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.50)
>>> collection.pop()
>>> collection.pop(0)
>>> coins.total()
#### As a _list_
For basic useage, a `CoinCollection` can be [_duck typed_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_typing)
as a list. It can be:
Compared to an _iterable_ of _values_,
>>> collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.50)
>>> assert collection = [2.00, 1.00, 0.50]
>>> assert collection = (2.00, 1.00, 0.50)
Iterated over,
>>> collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.50)
>>> for coin in collection:
... print(coin)
And accessed by index.
>>> collection = CoinCollection(2.00, 1.00, 0.50)
>>> collection[1]
### Coin
A `Coin` object represents a _value_. Its use allows representing money
using _int_ vs. _float_.
The `Coin` class is a factory class for all other _Coins_ that have been defined.
It will return the highest value coin of a given _value_.
from coinhandler import Coin
from coinhandler.coins import OnePound, FiftyPence
assert Coin(100) == OnePound(1)
assert Coin(50) == FiftyPence(1)
When using the `Coin` factory class, a valid coin _value_ should be used. Not doing so
can create undesirable `Coin` objects.
>>> coin = Coin(23)
# Use a CoinColletion instead!
>>> CoinCollection.from_value(23)
CoinCollection(TwentyPence(1), TwoPence(1), OnePence(1))
_Coins_ of a specfic type can be created by just by creating an instance of them.
>>> from coinhandler.coins import OnePound
>>> OnePound()
All coins have a value, which is the represented as an _integer_.
>>> from coinhandler.coins import OnePound
>>> OnePound().value
Subclassing from `Coin` will add that coin to the available coins to be created.
>>> from coinhandler import Coin
>>> Coin(25)
>>> class Quarter(Coin):
... multiplier = 25
... def __str__(self):
... return f"{self.value}¢"
>>> coin = Coin(25)
>>> print(coin)
>>> coin.value