A plugin for `Django CMS`_, which renders restructured text into html, using docutils.
Install ``cmsplugin_rst`` using pip or your favorite method, using a virtualenv or not.
$ pip install cmsplugin_rst
Add ``'cmsplugin_rst'`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``, in your django settings.
And then migrate the DB:
$ python manage.py migrate
Beware, if you upgrade from **cmsplugin_rst v0.1.1**,
which didn't use django migrations but South,
you may have to skip the initial migration (eg. if you get the
"OperationalError: table "cmsplugin_rst_rstpluginmodel" already exists" error):
$ python manage.py migrate --fake-initial cmsplugin_rst
To speed up the (potentially heavy) rendering of cmsplugin_rst plugins,
consider using the cache framework of django.
The behaviour of cmsplugin_rst can be tweaked with these Django settings (all are optional).
**The plugin disallows, by default, insecure features like *file insertions*
and *raw* directive, in the restructured text renderer.**
Name of the docutils writer to be used for rendering HTML (default: "html4css1")
A restructuredtext string wich will be prepended to all your RST plugin contents, before rendering.
Useful to define replacement blocks, custom roles, etc.
A restructuredtext string wich will be appended to all your RST plugin contents, before rendering.
A dict of settings which will be merged over plugin defaults, and passed to the docutils renderer.
See docutils ``publish_parts()`` and its ``settings_overrides`` parameter (http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/config.html#html4css1-writer).
Amongst interesting settings are "initial_header_level" and "report_level".
If and only if ``BeautifulSoup`` is installed, these postprocessors are applied
to the rendered HTML before displaying it.
It must be a list of qualified function names, eg. ["mymodule.mysubmodule.myfunction"].
Each of these functions must expect a beautifulsoup tree as unique argument,
and modify it in-place.
Specific Roles and Replacements
The restructured text is not evaluated by the django template engine,
so you can't use django/djangocms tags and filters.
But some specific replacements take place:
- {{ MEDIA_URL }} and {{ STATIC_URL }} tags are replaced, *before* html rendering,
by corresponding django settings.
- {{ BR }} and {{ NBSP }} are replaced, *after* html rendering, by corresponding html
Additionally, you can create links to other CMS pages with
the custom "cmspage" role provided, using the "reverse IDs"
that you'll have set previously in advanced page parameters:
:cmspage:`My-Reverse-Id` // the menu title will be use as the link name
:cmspage:`My Link Name <My-Reverse-Id>` // here the link name is embedded in role
Reverse IDs must exist and be unique in the djangocms DB, else the rendering of the link fails.
Test Project
A demo project with a sqlite DB is included in repository,
as a git submodule (https://git-scm.com/docs/git-submodule).
Its django admin credentials are test/test.
.. _Django CMS: https://www.django-cms.org