Pre-process CMIP6 data
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``cmpdata`` package can handle and analyze raw CMIP6 data.
* GitHub repo: https://github.com/TaufiqHassan/cmpdata
- Handle raw CMIP6 data
- Analyze any specific models/experiments/variables
- Perform regridding for model ensemble means
- Data preprocessing
- Statistical analysis
Use the YAML file provided to create a virtual conda enviroment (cmpdata)
``conda env create -f environment.yml``
And then activate cmpdata to use cmpdata
``conda activate cmpdata``
Supports both Mac and Linux. Windows users can use `Windows Subsystem`_.
.. _`Windows Subsystem`: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10
``cmpdata`` can be used to handle and analyze raw CMIP6 data. A lot of the options available in ``acccmip6`` is available in ``cmpdata``, especially for selecting models, experiments and variables.
``cmpdata`` also tries to be a good command-line interface (CLI). Run ``cmpdata -h`` to see a help message with all the arguments you can pass.
``python cmpdata.py -h`` ::
usage: cmpdata.py [-h] -o {info,rm,mm,stats,ts} [-dir DIR] [-m M] [-e E] [-v V] [-r R] [-out OUT] [-f F] [-init INIT] [-end END] [-t] [-z] [-s S] [-mm]
[-std] [-clim] [-anom] [-manom] [-trend] [-aggr] [-freq FREQ] [-reg REG] [-rm] [-a] [-curve] [-w] [-ci CI] [-regrid]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o {info,rm,mm,stats,ts}, --output-options {info,rm,mm,stats,ts}
Select an output option
-dir DIR Select directory.
-m M Model names
-e E Experiment names
-v V Variable names
-r R Realization
-out OUT Output file name
-f F Input filenames for stats
-init INIT Initial year
-end END Ending year
-t Temporal mean option
-z Zonal mean option
-s S Seasonal mean option
-mm Calculate model ensemble mean
-std Calculate model std
-clim Calculate monthly climatology
-anom Calculate monthly anomaly
-manom Calculate model anomaly
-trend Calculate variable grid-by-grid trends
-aggr Calculate model aggreement
-freq FREQ Temporal mean frequency: annual/daily/monthly
-reg REG Select region for timeseries output
-rm Use the realization means
-a Use cell areas for spatial mean calculations
-curve Regridding to curvilinear grids
-w All model means as ens dim (used by -std, -mm, -aggr stats options)
-ci CI confidence interval used in -trend and -aggr options
-regrid regridding on/off
This code is licensed under the `MIT License`_.
.. _`MIT License`: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT