# cloudofficeprint-python
This project provides a Python interface for Cloud Office Print.
# Installation
To install the Cloud Office Print Python package, you can type in your terminal:
`pip install cloudofficeprint`
# Usage
1. Create a template (docx, xlsx, pptx, HTML, md, txt, csv), for the possible tags, click [here](http://www.cloudofficeprint.com/docs/#templates).
2. Create the input data with this Python SDK
3. Send template and data to a Cloud Office Print server and save the response to a file with this Python SDK
To see the JSON-data that is sent to the Cloud Office Print server, you can turn on verbose-mode by setting the argument `cop_verbose` to `True` when creating a `PrintJob`.
# Quickstart: Hello World example
## Template (docx)
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/United-Codes/cloudofficeprint-python/master/imgs/hello_world_template.png" width="600" />
## Data
The data can be generated by the Python SDK:
import cloudofficeprint as cop
# Main object that holds the data
collection = cop.elements.ElementCollection()
# Create the title element and add it to the element collection
title = cop.elements.Property(
value='Hello World!'
# Create the text element and add it to the element collection
text = cop.elements.Property(
value='This is an example created with the Cloud Office Print Python SDK'
## Cloud Office Print server
The template and the data need to be sent to a Cloud Office Print server that merges both. This can be done by setting up the configuration for a Cloud Office Print server and passing it to the print job instance. You can get your API key by signing up at https://www.cloudofficeprint.com.
SERVER_URL = "https://api.cloudofficeprint.com/"
API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY" # Replace by your own API key
# Add server
server = cop.config.Server(
# Create print job
printjob = cop.PrintJob(
# Execute print job and save response to file
response = printjob.execute()
where `PATH_TO_TEMPLATE_FILE` is the (relative) path to your template file (e.g. `./data/template.docx`) and `PATH_OF_OUTPUT_FILE` is the (relative) path where you want the output file to be stored (e.g. `./output/output_file`).
## Result
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/United-Codes/cloudofficeprint-python/master/imgs/hello_world_output.png" width="600" />
# Other examples
Going through the other examples is also recommended as this gives you a good idea on how to use the SDK. The current examples are:
- order_confirmation_example.py
- pdfsignature_example.py
- solar_system_example.py
- spacex_example.py (the most extensive example)
- multiple_request_merge_example.py
The examples can be found in the parent directory of the project on [Github](https://github.com/United-Codes/cloudofficeprint-python). Each example also has its own folder containing the used templates, the generated output files and a markdown file with explanation.
# Documentation
The documentation for this SDK can be found inside the `docs/cloudofficeprint/` folder on [Github](https://github.com/United-Codes/cloudofficeprint-python). Open the index.html file in a browser.
The documentation for Cloud Office Print can be found at the [Cloud Office Print docs](https://www.cloudofficeprint.com/docs/).
# Development
## Documentation
To generate the documentation, you can run the following command (after installing pdoc: `pip install pdoc3`) in the project directory:
pdoc --html --force --output-dir docs/ cloudofficeprint/
[pdoc](https://pdoc3.github.io/pdoc/) is used for documentation generation.
Things to keep in mind when writing docs (some of these are non-standard):
- Docstrings are inherited from `super()`.
- Instance variables (attributes) can have docstrings, start the docstring on the line *underneath* the attribute
- For `@property` properties, the setter's documentation is ignored. Make sure everything is in the getter.
- You can use markdown in the docstrings, along with the generated google-style docs.
- Doing something like \``ClassName`\` (with backticks, which are generally for inline code) makes pdoc look for the reference and try to hyperlink it in the generated docs.</br>
This works with any object, useful methods or instance variables of a class too.
## Tests
There are tests for all classes and methods. The tests check if the JSON that needs to be sent to the server is as expected. To run the tests:
1. Open a terminal in the parent directory of this project, which can be found on [Github](https://github.com/United-Codes/cloudofficeprint-python).
2. Type in the terminal:
python test.py
3. The tests succeeded if nothing is printed to the terminal
## Useful Visual Studio Code extensions
- `njpwerner.autodocstring`: Python docstring generator, uses Google-style docs by default.
## Publishing
To publish this project to [PyPI](https://pypi.org/), follow these steps:
1. Create an account on PyPI.
2. Install the [Twine utility](https://twine.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) by typing in your terminal:
pip install twine
3. In the parent directory, type in your terminal:
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
4. Check if the building succeeded (PASSED):
twine check dist/*
5. Upload to PyPI:
twine upload dist/*
More information can be found [here](https://realpython.com/pypi-publish-python-package).