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<img src="https://i.imgur.com/9RtyTib.gif">
<h5 align="center">A jinja CLI.</h5>
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clinja is a versatile command line interface for [`jinja`](https://github.com/pallets/jinja).
# Instalation
clinja should run just fine on Windows, macOS and Linux, to install open up a terminal and run:
pip install clinja
As always, it's a good idea to use a virtual env, or maybe consider using [`pipx`](https://github.com/pipxproject/pipx).
##### To generate \<tab\> completion for your shell run:
# Bash:
clinja completions bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/clinja.bash-completion
# Bash (Homebrew)
clinja completions bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/clinja.bash-completion
# Fish:
clinja completions fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/clinja.fish
# Fish (Homebrew)
clinja completions fish > $(brew --prefix)/share/fish/vendor_completions.d/clinja.fish
# Zsh
clinja completions zsh > /somewhere/in/your/fpath/_clinja
# Zsh (Homebrew)
clinja completions zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_clinja
# Dependencies
clinja relies on the following dependencies:
* python3
* [`jinja`](https://github.com/pallets/jinja): the templating engine.
* [`click`](https://github.com/pallets/click): for the command line interface and completion.
* [`myopy`](https://github.com/loiccoyle/myopy): to run the **dynamic** source python file.
# How it works
When you run clinja on a template containing some `jinja` variables to fill in, clinja will fetch values for these variables from 2 sources.
#### The static source
The **static** source is simply a json file which contains unchanging, static, key value pairs, a la `cookiecutter`'s `cookiecutter.json` file. This is where you would want to add your name, email, username etc. You have full control over these values and can easily manage the stored values using clinja.
#### The dynamic source
This is where things get a bit more interesting, clinja can also get values from a so called **dynamic** source, check the [wiki](https://github.com/loiccoyle/clinja/wiki) for some examples. This source is a python file, with a few variables provided to it at run time. The provided variables are:
TEMPLATE # Pathlib Path to the template, is None when using stdin.
DESTINATION # Pathlib Path to the destination, is None when using stdout.
RUN_CWD # Pathlib Path, Directory were the clinja command was run.
STATIC_VARS # Dictionary of static variables.
DYNAMIC_VARS # Dictionary of dynamic variables, initially empty, populated by the dynamic file.
With this file you can do some nifty things, such as [automatically determining the name of the git repo in which the completed template will live in](https://github.com/loiccoyle/clinja/wiki/git-repository-name). Any values computed in this file should be added to the ```DYNAMIC_VARS``` dict.
#### Missing variables
When clinja runs into a variable it can't get from either the **static** or the **dynamic** source, it will prompt you for a value, and offer to store it in the **static** file for later use.
# Usage
$ clinja --help
Usage: clinja [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
A versatile jinja command line interface.
Clinja uses two sources to find values for jinja variables. A
static source, which is just a json file, and a dynamic
source, which is a python source file. Clinja populates the static
source with user entered values. Whereas the dynamic variables are
computed at run time by the python file.
In short:
Clinja stores all static variables in:
Clinja's dynamic variables are computed by the python file:
--help Show this message and exit.
add Add a variable to static storage.
completion Generate autocompletion for your shell.
list List stored static variable(s).
remove Remove stored static variable(s).
run Run jinja on a template.
test Test run your dynamic.py file.
#### Static variables:
To manage the **static** variables, use the subcommands: `clinja add`, `clinja remove` and `clinja list`. They should be self explanatory.
#### Dynamic variables:
$ clinja test --help
Usage: clinja test [OPTIONS]
Test run your dynamic.py file.
Run your dynamic.py file using mock values.
template, destination, run_cwd and static_vars are provided to the
dynamic.py file in their respective variable names.
--template PATH mock template path.
--destination PATH mock template path.
--run_cwd PATH mock current working directory path.
--static_vars TEXT mock json format static variables.
--help Show this message and exit.
The `clinja test` subcommand is provided to help setup and test your **dynamic** source. It allows you to provide any values to the [`dynamic` source's input variables](#The-dynamic-source), run the `dynamic.py` file and will print out the results.
#### Run jinja
$ clinja run --help
Run jinja on a template.
TEMPLATE (optional, default: stdin): template file on which to run jinja,
if using stdin, --prompt is set to "never".
DESTINATION (optional, default: stdout): output destination.
--prompt [always|missing|never]
When to prompt for variable values.
-d, --dry-run Dry run, won't write any files or change/add
any static values.
--help Show this message and exit.
###### --prompt
* Using `--prompt always`, will use the values fetched from both sources as defaults and prompt you for each variable's value, giving you a chance to overwrite.
* Using `--prompt missing`, will only prompt you for the variables it can't find a value for.
* Using `--prompt never`, will never prompt and will fail if clinja encounters a variable for which it has no value.
###### -d
The `-d` flag will do a dry run, no files will be written and your **static** source will not change.
<sub>This is part 2 of my ongoing personal mission to improve template handling from the command line, see part 1: [tmpl](https://github.com/loiccoyle/tmpl.sh).</sub>