climson is a tool for easy and simplify to implement applications that is using multi-command CLI.
climsonize your application
Let me show you climson with an example.
There are **Only 4 steps to implementation.**
#. Create handler-class extends *climson.BaseCommand*.
#. Specify *name(required)* as sub-command name and *description* into class field.
#. Implement *do_command(self, **kwargs)* method. If command executes with somw options, method takes it as **kwargs.
#. Make client instance & register command classes.
Create *handler-class* for each sub commands ::
# file:
from climson import climsonClient
from climson import climson
from climson.climson import make_option
class Hello(climson.BaseCommand):
# command name (required)
name = 'hello'
# sub command description
description = 'Say hello!'
def do_command(self):
print 'Hello!'
If you want to use some options, specify it to field *options* like this.
It means same as *argparse.add_argument()*, and it's 2 ways to reference opt's values in do_command(), **kwargs with do_command method or self.optargs.
options = climson.BaseCommand.options + (
make_option('-n', '--name', help='Your name', required=True, dest='name'),
make_option('-a', '--age', help='Your age', required=False, type=int, dest='age'),
class Goodbye(climson.BaseCommand):
name = 'goodbye'
description = 'Say goodbye!'
options = climson.BaseCommand.options + (
make_option('-n', '--name', help='Your name', required=True, dest='name'),
make_option('-a', '--age', help='Your age', required=False, type=int, dest='age'),
# commandline-option's name/value as **kwargs
def do_command(self, message=None, age=0):
print 'Goodbye, {}(age:{}) in kwargs'.format(message, age)
# Or can reference original args object with self.optargs
print 'Goodbye, {}(age:{}) in optargs'.format(self.optargs.message, self.optargs.are)
# Do Custom validate if you need.
def validate(self, message=None, age=0):
if age < 0:
raise ValidateError('Specify age!')
return True
.. note::
If you want to validate option values, override method *validate(self, **kwargs)*. It returns bool as check result or raise climson.climson.ValidateError when validate failed.
Register commands and kick it.
*climson.climsonClient.__init__* arguments link to *argparse.ArgumentParser()*'s it.
if __name__ == '__main__':
from climson import climsonClient
message_client = climsonClient(description='Show some messages!', prog='Myprog')
So you can execute application with command.
$ python --help
$ python hello --help
$ python hello
$ python goodbye --name Michel --age 20
Commandfy decorator
commandfy-decorator to simplify further these implementation of climsonize.
You can execute commands only prepare method of each commands.
from climson import commandfy
from climson import commandfy_client
@commandfy(description='Say hello!')
def hello():
print 'Hello!'
@commandfy(description='Say goodbye!')
def goodbye(name=None, age=0):
print 'Goodbye, {}(age:{})'.format(message, age)
if __name__ == '__main__':
.. note::
* If you want to validate options, you have to implement that yourself.
* Can not specify commandline opt type, short name, actions etc..
* But commandfy is so simple!
climson is hosted on two different platforms, PyPI_ and GitHub_.
#. **Install from PyPI**
Install climson from PyPI_ for a stable version ::
$ sudo pip install climson
#. **Get Clime from GitHub**
If you want to follow the latest version of climson, use ::
$ git clone git://
to clone a repository, or download manually from GitHub_.
.. _GitHub:
.. _PyPI: