# CLImatic
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**CLImatic** is tool to ease and automate CLI usage. It abstracts the CLI connection for you and
you just need to send commands and process the returned results.
## Install
Install the last stable release from PyPI using pip or easy_install:
> pip3 install climatic
Or install the latest sources from Github:
> pip3 install -e git+git://github.com/evedovelli/climatic.git#egg=climatic
## Usage
Import the **CLImatic** CLI client, open the connection, and run commands. That's all!
from climatic.cli.Linux import SshLinux
cmd = SshLinux("", "your.user", "your.password")
cmd.run("mkdir /tmp/test")
cmd.run("ls /tmp/")
And what if you need to check the outputs of the commands?
That's easy! Well, some basic validations
are already made inside the `run` method. It verifies if the command hangs, or if and `error_marker`
is outputed.
Besides, the `run` method returns you the outputs of the command which you can use
to make any validation you'd like. When used with the [`expects`](https://github.com/jaimegildesagredo/expects)
library (or with the assertion library of your preference), it becomes a powerfull tool to write
TDD/BDD tests for CLIs. Take a look at this example:
from climatic.cli.Linux import SshLinux
from expects import *
cmd = SshLinux("", "your.user", "your.password")
cmd.run("mkdir /tmp/test")
# In an expressive manner, you can test if the cmd run output contains a specific term:
expect(cmd.run("ls /tmp/").output).to(contain("test"))
cmd.run("rm -r /tmp/test")
# Or if it does not contain it:
expect(cmd.run("ls /tmp/").output).not_to(contain("test"))
# You can also verify the duration of a command run:
expect(cmd.run("sleep 2").duration).to(be_below(3))
expect(cmd.run("sleep 3").duration).to(be_above(2))
> Read the [`expects`](https://github.com/jaimegildesagredo/expects) docs for discovering other matchers or how to build your own.
Also, instead of `run` you can call the `cli` method. In this case you pass as argument a
complete CLI session, and the command will parse the commands, execute them, and match the outputs.
Like this:
from climatic.cli.Linux import SshLinux
from expects import *
cmd = SshLinux("", "your.user", "your.password")
# Run the commands line by line and expect for outputs
# for the lines without the shell marker:
~# mkdir /tmp/test
~# ls /tmp/
~# rm -rv /tmp/test
removed directory '/tmp/test'
**CLImatic** includes only a few built-in CLI clients, as the Linux client from the example above,
but you will find many other CLI clients extensions. There a list with supported CLI clients in
In this example, we are accessing and running commands in a remote python3 CLI through a
SSH connection with [CLImatic-Python](https://github.com/evedovelli/climatic-python) client:
from climatic_python.Python3Shell import SshPython3Shell
python_cmd = SshPython3Shell("", "your.user", "your.password")
i = 3
for x in range(i):
print("Iteration {}".format(x))
## List of CLI Clients
- [climatic-python](https://github.com/evedovelli/climatic-python)
- [climatic-ipinfusion](https://github.com/evedovelli/climatic-ipinfusion)