# ClimateServ API Access
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This is a python package to access the [ClimateSERV API](https://climateserv.servirglobal.net/)
you can install using conda or pip:
* conda install -c servir climateserv
* pip install climateserv
## Current supported operations:
* Timeseries CSV
* Variables
* Average
* Min
* Max
* Download Zip file of tifs
* Variable
* Download
* Download Zip file containing a NetCDF
* Variable
* NetCDF
## Current supported datasets:
* Rainfall
* Variable: CHIRPS
* Anomalies
* Variable: CHIRPS_GEFS_anom
* Precipitation
* Mean
* Variable: CHIRPS_GEFS_precip_mean
* Rainfall
* Variable: CHIRP
* Central Asia NDVI
* Variable: CentralAsia_eMODIS
* East Africa NDVI
* Variable: EastAfrica_eMODIS
* Southern Africa NDVI
* Variable: SouthAfrica_eMODIS
* West Africa NDVI
* Variable: WestAfrica_eMODIS
* Seasonal_Forecast
* Variable: CCSM4
* SeasonalEnsemble Variable: ens01 thru ens10
* seasonal_variable: Temperature or Precipitation
* Variable: CFSV2
* SeasonalEnsemble Variable: ens01 thru ens24
* seasonal_variable: Temperature or Precipitation
* IMERG 1 Day (late)
* Variable: IMERG
* IMERG 1 Day (early)
* Variable: IMERG_early
* Evaporative Stress Index
* ESI 4 week
* Variable: ESI_4
* ESI 12 week
* Variable: ESI_12
* NASA-USDA Enhanced SMAP Global Soil Moisture Data
* Soil moisture profile
* Variable: USDA_SMAP
* Surface soil moisture
* Variable: USDA_SSM
* Surface soil moisture anomaly
* Variable: USDA_SSMA
* Subsurface soil moisture
* Variable: USDA_SSSM
* Subsurface soil moisture anomaly
* Variable: USDA_SSSMA
# Sample Usage
This is sample code to produce a time series csv using the CentralAsia_eModis dataset. If you were to choose the OperationType of Download you would need to change the Outfile from .csv to .zip If you would like the data returned as a json object to a variable set Outfile to 'memory_object' and create a variable to hold the return from the climateserv.api.request_data call.
import climateserv.api
x = 81.27
y = 29.19
GeometryCoords = [[x-.01,y+.01],[x+.01, y+.01],
[x+.01, y-.01],[x-.01,y-.01],[x-.01,y+.01]]
DatasetType = 'CentralAsia_eMODIS'
OperationType = 'Average'
EarliestDate = '01/03/2018'
LatestDate = '03/16/2018'
SeasonalEnsemble = '' # only used for Seasonal_Forecast
SeasonalVariable = '' # only used for Seasonal_Forecast
Outfile = 'out.csv'
climateserv.api.request_data(DatasetType, OperationType,
EarliestDate, LatestDate,GeometryCoords,
SeasonalEnsemble, SeasonalVariable,Outfile)
## License and Distribution
ClimateSERVpy is distributed by SERVIR under the terms of the MIT License. See
[LICENSE](https://github.com/SERVIR/ClimateSERVpy/blob/master/LICENSE) in this directory for more information.
## Privacy & Terms of Use
ClimateSERVpy abides to all of SERVIR's privacy and terms of use as described
at [https://servirglobal.net/Privacy-Terms-of-Use](https://servirglobal.net/Privacy-Terms-of-Use).