# click-keyring
**click-keyring** provides a customized [click](https://click.palletsprojects.com) password option decorator to store and retrieve credentials using [keyring](https://keyring.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
When a command is decorated with `click-keyring`:
* `click-keyring` generates a keyring service name using the command name by default (this can be customized).
* `click-keyring` uses the service name to look up an existing password using keyring.
* If an existing password is found, it is used as the param value.
* If not found, the user is prompted to enter a password.
* The new password is then saved to the keyring backend.
## Installation
pip install click-keyring
## Example
See the examples folder for additional examples.
import click
from click_keyring import keyring_option
@keyring_option('-p', '--password')
@click.option('-u', '--username', prompt='Username')
def simple_cmd(username, password):
Example of click_keyring using defaults.
The password will be saved to keyring with service name
matching the click command name (in this case "simple_cmd").
This can be overridden by setting `prefix` and/or `keyring_option`
on the decorator.
click.echo('** Command Params. User: {}, Password: {}'.format(username, password))
if __name__ == '__main__':
When executed the first time, both username and password will be prompted.
~/g/c/examples python ./simple.py
Username: testuser
** Command Params. User: testuser, Password: testpw
Subsequent executions using the same username will retrieve the password from the keyring backend.
~/g/c/examples python ./simple.py
Username: testuser
** Command Params. User: testuser, Password: testpw
## Service Names
By default, the value of the `click.Command.name` attribute is used as the service name.
The name is based on the function name or, if provided, the name argument on the `@click.command` decorator.
@keyring_option('-p', '--password')
@click.option('-u', '--username', prompt='Username')
def simple_cmd(username, password):
# service name will be the value of `simple_cmd.name`
# This will likely be "simple-cmd" as click replaces underscores with hyphens.
A custom service name can be specified using the `prefix` argument.
@keyring_option('-p', '--password', prefix='customnservice')
@click.option('-u', '--username', prompt='Username')
def simple_cmd(username, password):
# service name will be "customnservice"
Other options on the command can be included in the service name using the `other_options` argument.
This is an iterable of option names. The values provided for those options is appended to the service name.
@keyring_option('-p', '--password', prefix='customnservice', other_options=('hostname',))
@click.option('-n', '--hostname')
@click.option('-u', '--username', prompt='Username')
def simple_cmd(username, hostname, password):
# service name will be "customnservice_[value provided for hostname]"