# cli_utility
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> Cli_utility is a python module whitch provide a high-level API to generate an appealing colorful single/multiple selection menu and informational logging output. Cli-utility brings a new life to boring command-line menus and log output programming.
*What can I do?*
Most things that you can do with cli_utility module! Here are a few examples to get you started:
- Generate a single/multiple selection menu and get the result easily
- Logging messages with colorful `[+]` `[-]` `[!]` `[*]` symbol by using built-in functions
- Free logging output of custom foreground colors and meaningful symbols
- Using call chain to log messages
![Peek 2019-10-25 01-45](https://i.loli.net/2019/10/25/dJHh5wUZ8jupPlQ.gif )
Issues or pull requests are welcome.
## Table of Contents
- [cli_utility](#cli_utility )
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents )
- [Features](#features )
- [Getting Started](#getting-started )
- [Installation](#installation )
- [Usage](#usage )
- [Dependences](#dependences )
- [Change Log](#change-log )
- [Alternatives](#alternatives )
## Features
- Beautiful single/multiple selection menu with default value
- Highlight the selection line
- Standardized color log tools
- Highly customizable color log output
- Log tools supports chain call
- Support for all types of output supported by standard print functions
## Getting Started
### Installation
This module can be easily installed with `pip`:
pip install cli_utility
Or you can just use `git clone`:
git colne https://github.com/bluewingtan/cli_utility.git
### Usage
**Example 1 - generate a single/multiple selection menu and get the result**
Use direction key `up`, `down` to move cursor. In single selection mode, use key `enter` to select and confirm. Comparatively, in multiple selection mode, use key `space` to select and key `enter` to confirm.
Here goes the single selection menu code:
***Code 1.1***
import cli_utility
menu = cli_utility.cli_menu(False)
logger = cli_utility.output_manager()
choices = ['Haruhi Suzumiya', 'Yuki Nagato', 'Mikuru Asahina']
title = 'Who do you love?'
selected = menu.show(title, choices)
logger.print('Girls you selected:',
***Result 1.1***
![Peek 2019-10-25 01-29](https://i.loli.net/2019/10/25/Fo73ctIyPSqTzeJ.gif )
Here goes the multiple selection menu code:
***Code 1.2***
import cli_utility
menu = cli_utility.cli_menu()
logger = cli_utility.output_manager()
choices = ['Haruhi Suzumiya', 'Yuki Nagato', 'Mikuru Asahina']
default_selection = [1]
title = 'Who do you love?'
selected = menu.show(title, choices, default_selection)
logger.print('Girls you selected:',
for index, choice in enumerate(choices):
if index in selected:
***Result 1.2***
![Peek 2019-10-25 01-45](https://i.loli.net/2019/10/25/dJHh5wUZ8jupPlQ.gif )
**Example 2 - logging messages with colorful symbol**
Here goes the code:
***Code 2.1***
import cli_utility
logger = cli_utility.output_manager()
logger.print('What if you woke up one morning')
logger.print('and everything changed?')
logger.print_success('Yuki Nagato')
logger.print_error('Haruhi Suzumiya')
logger.print_info('Mikuru Asahina')
logger.print_warn('Itsuki Koizumi')
***Result 2.1***
![2019-10-25_02-29](https://i.loli.net/2019/10/25/t9x6z7EuGDVPKoj.png )
**Example 3 - free logging output of custom foreground colors and meaningful symbols**
Here goes the code:
***Code 3.1***
import cli_utility
logger = cli_utility.output_manager()
Kyon1 = logger.print_string_constructor(
'What if you woke up one morning',
'[^] ',
Kyon2 = logger.print_string_constructor(
'and everything changed?',
'[%] ',
logger.print_success('Yuki Nagato')
logger.print_error('Haruhi Suzumiya')
logger.print_info('Mikuru Asahina')
logger.print_warn('Itsuki Koizumi')
***Result 3.1***
![2019-10-25_17-44](https://i.loli.net/2019/10/25/qEaYZWJTui6fcD3.png )
**Example 4 - using call chain to log messages**
Here goes the code:
***Code 4.1***
import cli_utility
logger = cli_utility.output_manager()
Kyon1 = logger.print_string_constructor(
'What if you woke up one morning',
'[^] ',
Kyon2 = logger.print_string_constructor(
'and everything changed?',
'[%] ',
.print_success('Yuki Nagato')\
.print_error('Haruhi Suzumiya')\
.print_info('Mikuru Asahina')\
.print_warn('Itsuki Koizumi')
***Result 3.1***
![2019-10-25_17-44](https://i.loli.net/2019/10/25/qEaYZWJTui6fcD3.png )
## Dependences
Cli_utility depend on [colorama](https://pypi.org/project/colorama/ ) version 0.4.1 and above version.
## Change Log
version | simple description
1.0.0| Initial repo
## Alternatives
[tty_menu](https://github.com/gojuukaze/tty_menu ) - python terminal memu (一个快速创建命令行菜单的工具)