# Clara Viz
NVIDIA Clara Viz is a platform for visualization of 2D/3D medical imaging data. It enables building applications
that leverage powerful volumetric visualization using CUDA-based ray tracing. It also allows viewing of multi resolution
images used in digital pathology.
<div style="display: flex; width: 100%; justify-content: center;">
<div style="padding: 5px; height: 200px;">
<img src="images/rendering.gif" alt="Volume Rendering"/>
<div style="padding: 5px; height: 200px;">
<img src="images/pathology.gif" alt="Pathology"/>
Clara Viz offers a Python Wrapper for rapid experimentation. It also includes a collection of
visual widgets for performing interactive medical image visualization in Jupyter Lab notebooks.
## Known issues
On Windows, starting with Chrome version 91 (also with Microsoft Edge) the interactive Jupyter widget is not working correctly. There is a delay in the interactive view after starting interaction. This is an issue with the default (D3D11) rendering backend of the browser. To fix this open `chrome://flags/#use-angle` and switch the backend to `OpenGL`.
## Requirements
* OS: Linux x86_64
* NVIDIA GPU: Pascal or newer, including Pascal, Volta, Turing and Ampere families
* NVIDIA driver: 450.36.06+
## Documentation
## Quick Start
### Installation
This will install all Clara Viz packages use pip:
$ pip install clara-viz
Clara Viz is using namespace packages. The main functionality is implemented in the 'clara-viz-core' package,
Jupyter Notebook widgets are found in the 'clara-viz-widgets' package.
So for example if you just need the renderer use
$ pip install clara-viz-core
### Use interactive widget in Jupyter Notebook
Install the Jupyter notebook widgets.
$ pip install clara-viz-widgets
Start Jupyter Lab, open the notebooks in the `notebooks` folder. Make sure Git LFS is installed when cloning the repo, else the data files are not downloaded correctly and you will see file open errors when using the example notebooks.
from clara.viz.widgets import Widget
from clara.viz.core import Renderer
import numpy as np
# load a RAW CT data file (volume is 512x256x256 voxels)
input = np.fromfile("CT.raw", dtype=np.int16)
input = input.reshape((512, 256, 256))
### Render CT data from Python
from PIL import Image
import clara.viz.core
import numpy as np
# load a RAW CT data file (volume is 512x256x256 voxels)
input = np.fromfile("CT.raw", dtype=np.int16)
input = input.reshape((512, 256, 256))
# create the renderer
renderer = clara.viz.core.Renderer(input)
# render to a raw numpy array
output = renderer.render_image(1024, 768, image_type=clara.viz.core.ImageType.RAW_RGB_U8_DEPTH_U8)
rgb_data = np.asarray(output)[:, :, :3]
# show with PIL
image = Image.fromarray(rgb_data)
## Use within a Docker container
Clara Viz requires CUDA, use a `base` container from `https://hub.docker.com/r/nvidia/cuda` for example `nvidia/cuda:11.4.2-base-ubuntu20.04`. By default the CUDA container exposes the `compute` and `utility` capabilities only. Clara Viz additionally needs the `graphics` and `video` capabilities. Therefore the docker container needs to be run with the `NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES` env variable set:
$ docker run -it --rm -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=graphics,video,compute,utility nvidia/cuda:11.4.2-base-ubuntu20.04
or add:
ENV NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES graphics,video,compute,utility
to your docker build file.
See https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/user-guide.html#driver-capabilities for more information.
## WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
Currently Clara Viz won't run under WSL because OptiX is not supported in that environment.
## Acknowledgments
Without awesome third-party open source software, this project wouldn't exist.
Please find `LICENSE-3rdparty.md` to see which third-party open source software
is used in this project.
## License
Apache-2.0 License (see `LICENSE` file).
Copyright (c) 2020-2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# clara-viz 0.2.2 (October 17 2022)
## Bug Fixes
* Jupyter notebooks fail with AttributeError: 'Widget' object has no attribute 'on_displayed' (https://github.com/NVIDIA/clara-viz/issues/23)
## Security
* Update Jupyter widget Java code packages to fix vulnerabilities
## Documentation
* pip install fails on Windows machines (https://github.com/NVIDIA/clara-viz/issues/22)
* Windows is not supported, added a section on supported OS to readme
# clara-viz 0.2.1 (March 29 2022)
## Bug Fixes
* Widget can't be displayed because of version mismatch
# clara-viz 0.2.0 (March 29 2022)
## Features
* Add support for rendering multi resolution images used in digital pathology
## Security
* Update Jupyter widget Java code packages to fix vulnerabilities
## Bug Fixes
* Error when using a widget with a renderer using a numpy array (https://github.com/NVIDIA/clara-viz/issues/18)
## Documentation
* Fix typo for `image_type` parameter in the sample code of the readme file
* Extended documentation, added multi resolution image rendering
# clara-viz 0.1.4 (Feb 15 2022)
## Security
* Update Jupyter widget Java code packages to fix vulnerabilities
## Bug Fixes
* Regression - cinematic rendering example throws an error (https://github.com/NVIDIA/clara-viz/issues/16)
# clara-viz 0.1.3 (Jan 31 2022)
## New
* Support installation of recommended dependencies
## Bug Fixes
* Failed to load data files with ITK when using Clara Train docker image (https://github.com/NVIDIA/clara-viz/issues/12)
* Rendering is wrong when passing non-contiguous data in (e.g. transposed numpy array)
* Widget interaction in slice mode not working correctly (https://github.com/NVIDIA/clara-viz/issues/13)
# clara-viz 0.1.2 (Jan 19 2022)
## Bug Fixes
* When the renderer is immediately destroyed after creation there is a segmentation fault. This could happen when providing a unsupported data type (e.g. 64 bit floating point values), when creating a temporary object (e.g. in Python `print(Renderer(data)))`) or when the initialization of the Renderer failed. (https://github.com/NVIDIA/clara-viz/issues/7, https://github.com/NVIDIA/clara-viz/issues/8)
* Widget is not working with Jupyter Notebooks (but with Jupyter Lab) (https://github.com/NVIDIA/clara-viz/issues/9)
## Documentation
* Added missing `video` capability to docker run command
# clara-viz 0.1.1 (Dec 14 2021)
## Bug Fixes
* When installing the `clara-viz-core` Python package only there is the error `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'packaging'` when doing `import clara.viz.core`
* When getting the settings from the renderer the 'TransferFunctions' sections is returned as 'Transferfunctions' with lower case 'f'
## Documentation
* Added a section on using Clara Viz within a docker container.
* Added a link to the documentation.
* Added a section on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
## Notebooks
* The DataDefinition class is using ITK to load the data files, make sure ITK is available.
* Added a slice rendering example (Slice_rendering.ipynb)
* Fixed the check if the volume file exists in Render_image.ipynb, also fixed volume orientation and scaling.
* Updated the settings files to match the settings conventions used by the renderer.
## Misc
* Changed the camera names and removed the `Slice` prefix of the orthographic cameras. Renamed the perspective camera from `Cinematic` to `Perspective`
# clara-viz 0.1.0 (Dec 3 2021)
Initial release of Clara Viz