# clai
Command Line AI- this tool lets you call ChatGPT from a CLI.
I'm designing this to be used in conjunction with a fork of [shin][shin], which will allow you
to call `clai` from any textbox in your computer. Finally, ChatGPT everywhere!
The long-term vision for this project is to add support for extracting context. For example, it would
read the current text on a window and be able to add to it, or answer questions about it.
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## Installation
1. The recommended installation method is to use `pipx`, via
pipx install clai
Optionally, install `tesseract` so that `clai` can read the screen context and send that along with requests:
sudo apt install tesseract-ocr scrot
1. Then go to [OpenAI] and create an API Key. Once it's generated, add the following to
your `~/.profile`:
export OPENAI_API_TOKEN=<paste here>
1. The best way to use this tool is in conjunction with the tool [shin][shin], which allows you
to run arbitrary bash commands in any textbox in a linux computer, using ibus. To use
that, install 'shin' via the fork above, then configure
it in your `~/.profile` to call `clai` by default:
1. Log out then log back in for the changes to take effect!
[OpenAI]: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
## Usage
Invoke the assistant with the format `clai <your prompt>`. For example:
clai Write an email saying I'll be late to work because I'm working on commandline AIs
## Development
### Installing python dependencies
poetry install
### Running Tests
pytest .
### Formatting Code
bash .github/format.sh
### Linting
bash .github/check_lint.sh
[shin]: https://github.com/apockill/shin