# ckanny
## Introduction
ckanny is a [command line interface](#cli) for interacting with remote and local [CKAN](http://ckan.org/) instances. Under the hood, it uses [ckanutils](https://github.com/reubano/ckanutils).
With ckanny, you can
- Download a CKAN resource
- Create a CKAN package
- Update a CKAN DataStore from data in the FileStore
- Copy a FileStore resource from one CKAN instance to another
- and much more...
ckanny performs smart updates by computing the hash of a file and will only update the datastore if the file has changed. This allows you to schedule a script to run on a frequent basis, e.g., `@hourly` via a cron job, without updating the CKAN instance unnecessarily.
## Requirements
ckanny has been tested on the following configuration:
- MacOS X 10.9.5
- Python 2.7.9
ckanny requires the following in order to run properly:
- [Python >= 2.7](http://www.python.org/download) (MacOS X comes with python preinstalled)
## Installation
(You are using a [virtualenv](http://www.virtualenv.org/en/latest/index.html), right?)
sudo pip install ckanny
## CLI
ckanny comes with a built in command line interface `ckanny`.
### Usage
ckanny [<namespace>.]<command> [<args>]
### Examples
*show help*
ckanny -h
usage: ckanny [<namespace>.]<command> [<args>]
positional arguments:
command the command to run
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
available commands:
ver Show ckanny version
delete Deletes a datastore table
update Updates a datastore table based on the current filestore resource
upload Uploads a file to a datastore table
fetch Downloads a filestore resource
migrate Copies a filestore resource from one ckan instance to another
upload Updates the filestore of an existing resource or creates a new one
customize Introspects custom organization values
create Creates a package (aka dataset)
*show version*
ckanny ver
*fetch a resource*
ckanny fs.fetch -k <CKAN_API_KEY> -r <CKAN_URL> <resource_id>
*show fs.fetch help*
ckanny fs.fetch -h
usage: ckanny fs.fetch
[-h] [-q] [-n] [-c CHUNKSIZE_BYTES] [-u UA] [-k API_KEY] [-r REMOTE]
Downloads a filestore resource
positional arguments:
resource_id the resource id
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q, --quiet suppress debug statements
-n, --name-from-id Use resource id for filename
number of bytes to read/write at a time (default:
-u UA, --ua UA the user agent (uses `CKAN_USER_AGENT` ENV if
available) (default: None)
-k API_KEY, --api-key API_KEY
the api key (uses `CKAN_API_KEY` ENV if available)
(default: None)
-r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
the remote ckan url (uses `CKAN_REMOTE_URL` ENV if
available) (default: None)
the destination folder or file path (default:
*create a package*
ckanny pk.create -k <CKAN_API_KEY> -r <CKAN_URL> <org_id>
*create a package with resources*
ckanny pk.create -k <CKAN_API_KEY> -r <CKAN_URL> -f 'file1.csv,file2.csv' <org_id>
*show pk.create help*
ckanny pk.create -h
usage: /Users/reubano/.virtualenvs/ckan/bin/ckanny pk.create
[-h] [-q] [-u UA] [-k API_KEY]
[-r REMOTE] [-e END] [-S START]
[-T TAGS] [-t TITLE]
[-m {observed,other,census,survey,registry}]
Creates a package (aka dataset)
positional arguments:
org_id the organization id
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q, --quiet suppress debug statements
-u UA, --ua UA
the user agent (uses `CKAN_USER_AGENT` ENV if
available) (default: None)
-k API_KEY, --api-key API_KEY
the api key (uses `CKAN_API_KEY` ENV if available)
(default: None)
-r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
the remote ckan url (uses `CKAN_REMOTE_URL` ENV if
available) (default: None)
-e END, --end END
Data end date
-S START, --start START
Data start date (default: 09/25/2015)
Location the data represents (default: world)
-c CAVEATS, --caveats CAVEATS
Package caveats
-y TYPE, --type TYPE
Package type (default: dataset)
-T TAGS, --tags TAGS
Comma separated list of tags
-t TITLE, --title TITLE
Package title (default: Untitled 2015-09-25
-m {observed,other,census,survey,registry}, --methodology {observed,other,census,survey,registry}
Data collection methodology (default: observed)
Dataset description (default: same as `title`)
-f FILES, --files FILES
Comma separated list of file paths to add
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
Data source (default: Multiple sources)
-l LICENSE_ID, --license-id LICENSE_ID
Data license (default: cc-by-igo)
## Configuration
ckanny will use the following [Environment Variables](http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/set-environment-variable-linux/) if set:
Environment Variable|Description
CKAN_REMOTE_URL|Your CKAN instance remote url
CKAN_USER_AGENT|Your user agent
## Hash Table
In order to support file hashing, ckanny creates a hash table resource called `hash_table.csv` with the following schema:
By default the hash table resource will be placed in the package `hash_table`. ckanny will create this package if it doesn't exist. Optionally, you can set the hash table package in the command line with the `-H, --hash-table` option, or in a Python file as the `hash_table` keyword argument to `CKAN`.
ckanny ds.update -H custom_hash_table 36f33846-cb43-438e-95fd-f518104a32ed
## Scripts
ckanny comes with a built in task manager `manage.py` and a `Makefile`.
### Setup
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
### Examples
*Run python linter and nose tests*
manage lint
manage test
Or if `make` is more your speed...
make lint
make test
## Contributing
View [CONTRIBUTING.rst](https://github.com/reubano/ckanny/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst)
## License
ckanny is distributed under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT), the same as [ckanutils](https://github.com/reubano/ckanutils).
Here you can find the recent changes to ckanny..
.. changelog::
:version: dev
:released: Ongoing
.. change::
:tags: docs
Updated CHANGES.
.. changelog::
:version: 0.1.0
:released: 2015-06-12
.. change::
:tags: project
First release on PyPi.
.. todo:: vim: set filetype=rst: