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# ckanext-dcat_usmetadata
This extension provides a new dataset form for [inventory.data.gov](https://inventory.data.gov/). The form is tailored to managing metadata meeting the [DCAT-US Schema](https://resources.data.gov/resources/dcat-us/).
## Usage
### Dependencies
This module currently depends on the [USMetadata app](https://github.com/GSA/USMetadata) for server-side validation and rendering.
Make sure it is enabled in CKAN's plugins.
This extension is compatible with these versions of CKAN.
| CKAN version | Compatibility |
| ------------ | ------------- |
| <=2.8 | no |
| 2.9 | yes |
### Installation
To install this package, activate CKAN virtualenv (e.g. "source /path/to/virtenv/bin/activate"), then run
(virtualenv) pip install ckanext-dcat-usmetadata
In your CKAN .ini file add `dcat_usmetadata` to your enabled plugins:
`ckan.plugins = [YOUR PLUGINS HERE...] dcat_usmetadata`
### Commands
### publishers-import
This extension adds a new CLI command for importing publishers linked to CKAN
organizations. The [list of
should be exported in a CSV data and it should have the following structure
(note the headers):
agricultural-marketing-service-department-of-agriculture,Department of Agriculture,Agricultural Marketing Service,,,,
ars-usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,Agricultural Research Service,,,,
aphis-usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service,,,,
risk-management-agency-department-of-agriculture,Department of Agriculture,Departmental Management,,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,Office of Chief Information Officer,,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,Economic Research Service,,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,Farm Service Agency,,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,Food and Nutrition Service,,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,Food Safety and Inspection Service,,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,Foreign Agricultural Service,,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,National Agricultural Statistics Service,,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,National Institute of Food and Agriculture,,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,Natural Resources Conservation Service,Colorado State University,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,Rural Development,,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,GIPSA,Federal Grain Inspection Service,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,Natural Resources Conservation Service,,,,
usda-gov,Department of Agriculture,US Forest Service,,,,
Each CKAN organization must have its own list of publishers.
Example of running the command:
$ ckan dcat-usmetadata import-publishers /path/to/publishers.csv
## Development
### Prerequisites
These tools are required for development.
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) 12.x
- [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/) 1.22.x
- [Cypress](https://www.cypress.io/) 6.0.0+
### Setup
Install Node.js dependencies.
yarn install
Build the JS application. The new build files can be found in `ckanext/dcat_usmetadata/public` folder.
yarn build
Build and start the docker containers.
yarn build:docker
yarn up
## Testing
There are several levels of testing:
| Suite | Description | Command |
| ------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------ |
| Unit tests for the JS app | Tests for the React app. | `yarn test:metadata-app` |
| CKAN extension tests | Python tests using Nosetests | `yarn test` |
| End to end tests | Cypress tests against inventory app | `yarn e2e` |
| End to end tests (local) | Cypress tests against inventory app | `yarn front-end` |
## Linting
Lint the python code.
yarn lint:python
Lint the JavaScript code.
yarn lint:js
## Metadata app
The Metadata app is a [Create React App](https://create-react-app.dev/)-bootstrapped project.
To run the app use `yarn && yarn start:metadata-app` command.
_TODO briefly describe how the metadata application relates to the CKAN
### Development
This project uses [cosmos](https://reactcosmos.org/) for development.
Run CKAN locally (`yarn up`), get the Admin user's API Key and add it in `/metadata-app/public/index.html` as `data-apiKey` attribute of the `div` element. Add a test org for development purposes.
Run `yarn && yarn cosmos` to start the cosmos server, which will watch the `metadata-app/src` directory for changes.
Run the unit tests:
yarn test:metadata-app
# To run it in watch mode:
yarn test:metadata-app:watch
### Update Jest snapshots
Some tests render a fixture component with [Jest](https://jestjs.io/) and then
match against a known good snapshot (HTML rendering) of the component. When you
edit a component, you'll usually have to update the snapshot and inspect the
diff to make sure all changes are as intended.
yarn test:metadata-app --updateSnapshot
## Local development and end-to-end testing
We use the [inventory app](https://github.com/GSA/inventory-app) locally for development and end-to-end (e2e) testing.
To build the latest JS code and update assets in the CKAN extension, you can run the following command from the root directory of this project:
yarn build
For convenience, we have prepared a single script that you can run to perform end-to-end tests locally. Don't forget to `yarn build` prior to running e2e tests, otherwise, the tests could run against older builds:
yarn e2e
Note, it may be necessary to remove cached images when rebuilding the inventory app docker container, in order to ensure that the new usmetadata-app template is included in the build. If you want to make sure that you aren't using cached builds, you can try:
docker-compose build --no-cache --pull ckanext-dcat_usmetadata_app
To run e2e tests interactively use:
yarn e2e:interactive
## Publishing a new version of the extension
We publish this extension to PyPI - https://pypi.org/project/ckanext-dcat-usmetadata/. This is done by CI job that is triggered on tagged commit on master branch. When you need to release a new version of the extension, you need to:
0. Create a new branch for releasing a new version of the extension. You can name your branch with the following convention: `release/x.y.z`;
1. Update version in `setup.py`;
2. Get your PR merged to master branch;
3. Tag the merged commit with the new version (`git tag $version`).
In the CI job, the following is done for tagged commits:
- It builds the JS bundles and puts them into the relevant directory so the extension can use them;
- It runs integration tests to make sure everything is working as expected;
- It packages the extension and publishes it to PyPI.
Below is a sequence diagram demonstrating the flow (you need to have `github + mermaid` chrome extension to view it):
Developer->>Git: Push tagged commit to master branch
Git-->>CI/CD: Trigger deployment
CI/CD-->>CI/CD: Build assets (JS bundles)
CI/CD-->>CI/CD: Build python package
CI/CD-->>CI/CD: Run tests
CI/CD-->>PyPI: Publish the package
Inventory-->>PyPI: Install
## Ways to Contribute
The Data.gov team manages all Data.gov updates, bugs, and feature additions via GitHub's public [issue tracker](https://github.com/GSA/ckanext-dcat_usmetadata/issues) in this repository.
If you do not already have a GitHub account, you can [sign up for GitHub here](https://github.com/). In the spirit of open source software, everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are some ways you can contribute:
- by reporting bugs
- by suggesting new features
- by translating content to a new language
- by writing or editing documentation
- by writing specifications
- by writing code and documentation (no pull request is too small: fix typos, add code comments, clean up inconsistent whitespace)
- by reviewing pull requests.
- by closing issues
### Submit Great Issues
- Before submitting a new issue, check to make sure a similar issue isn't already open. If one is, contribute to that issue thread with your feedback.
- When submitting a bug report, please try to provide as much detail as possible, i.e. a screenshot or gist that demonstrates the problem, the technology you are using, and any relevant links.
### Ready for your Help
Issues labeled [help wanted](https://github.com/GSA/data.gov/labels/help%20wanted) make it easy for you to find ways you can contribute today.
## Public Domain
This project constitutes a work of the United States Government and is not subject to domestic copyright protection under 17 USC § 105. Additionally, we waive copyright and related rights in the work worldwide through the CC0 1.0 [Universal public domain dedication](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/).
All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.