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citeproc-py is a `CSL`_ processor for Python. It aims to implement the
`CSL 1.0.1 specification`_. citeproc-py can output styled citations and
bibliographies in a number of different output formats. Currently
supported are plain text, reStructuredText and HTML. Other formats can
be added easily.
citeproc-py uses `semantic versioning`_. Currently, its major version
number is still at 0, meaning the API is not yet stable. However, you
should not expect to see any major API changes soon.
.. _CSL: http://citationstyles.org/
.. _CSL 1.0.1 specification: https://docs.citationstyles.org/en/1.0.1/specification.html
.. _semantic versioning: http://semver.org/
citeproc-py supports Python 3.6 and up. It depends on `lxml`_ for parsing and
navigating the CSL style and locale files.
.. _lxml: http://lxml.de/
The recommended way of installing citeproc-py is by using `pip`_::
pip install citeproc-py
If lxml isn't installed, pip will try to install it for you.
.. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/
If you insist, you can manually install citeproc-py from distribution packages
hosted at `PyPI`_. Please ignore the release archives offered by GitHub.
.. _PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/citeproc-py/
Getting Started
To get started with citeproc-py, take a look at the examples under
``examples/``. Two examples are provided, one parsing references from a
JSON representation of references as supported by citeproc-js, another
parsing the references from a BibTeX file. Both show and explain how to
cite references and render the bibliography.
CSL Compatibility
Currently, citeproc-py passes almost 60% of the (relevant) tests in the
`citeproc-test suite`_. However, it is more than 60% complete, as
citeproc-py doesn't take care of double spaces and repeated punctuation
marks yet, making a good deal of the tests fail. In addition, the
following features have not yet been implemented (there are probably
some I forgot though):
- disambiguation/year-suffix
- et-al-subsequent-min/et-al-subsequent-use-first
- collapsing
- punctuation-in-quote
- display
Also, some `citeproc-js`_ functionality that is not part of the CSL spec
is not (yet) supported:
- raw dates
- static-ordering
- literal names
.. _citeproc-test suite: https://github.com/citation-style-language/test-suite
.. _citeproc-js: https://github.com/juris-m/citeproc-js
Running the Tests
First clone the `citeproc-test suite`_ so that it sits next to the
citeproc-py directory. Now you can run ``citeproc-test.py`` (in the ``tests``
directory). Run ``citeproc-test.py --help`` to see its usage information.
Release 0.6.0 (2021-05-27)
Bug fixes
* Various issues on Windows: testing, explicit utf-8 encoding
* Strings with unescaped \ declared r"aw"
Other changes:
* Removed support for Python 2.7, 3.5 and added for 3.9
* Travis CI is removed in favor of GitHub actions testing across
all 3 major OSes (MacOS, Windows, GNU/Linux Ubuntu)
* CSL test-suite progressed from 5779a8c to c3db429
Release 0.5.1 (2020-03-06)
Bug fixed:
* avoid rnc2rng 2.6.2 which breaks installation of citeproc-py
Release 0.5.0 (2020-02-09)
* handle commas and ampersands in a functional style
* Number: handle commas and ampersands
* added symbol for textquotesingle
* specify fallback locales for fr-CA and es-CL
* improved page number and ranges parsing
Bug fixed:
* don't fail on empty page ranges (#90) (bbm)
* detect end of file while parsing incorrect bib (#59) (John Vandenberg)
Other changes:
* Removed 3.2-3.4 and added 3.7, 3.8 to supported Pythons
* Refactored locales handling
Release 0.4.0 (2017-06-23)
New features:
* allow specifying the encoding of a BibTeX database file (#20 and #25)
* BibTeX 'month' field: support integers and "<month> <day>" values
* BibTeX 'pages' field: support "10", "10+", "10-12" and "10--12" formats
* BibTeX entry types: map the non-standard 'thesis' and 'report' entries
* update the CSL schema to version 1.0.1 (#5)
* update the CSL locales to commit 49bf3fc0
Bug fixed:
* avoid crash when there is nothing to affix (David Lesieur)
* fix BibTeX month to CSL month mapping (#24)
* strip leading/trailing whitespace from BibTeX values (#37)
Release 0.3.0 (2014-11-07)
Major improvements to the BibTeX parser:
* split names into parts and assign them to the equivalent CSL name parts
* fixed handling of accent macros and escaped characters
* more compatible (La)TeX macro handling in general (but still basic)
* handle standard Computer Modern ligatures such as --, ---, and <<
* added unit tests for the BibTeX and LaTeX parsers
Other changes:
* disable RelaxNG validation of CSL styles by default (API change)
Release 0.2.0 (2014-10-25)
* bad cite callback function can determine how a bad cite is displayed (hetsch)
* added option to disable RelaxNG validation (Jasper Op de Coul)
* distutils was replaced with setuptools (Joshua Carp)
* bug fixes (Yaroslav Halchenko, David Lesieur)
* CitationStylesBibliography.bibliography() now returns the list of entries