# Conductor for Cinema 4d
A plugin to submit render jobs to Conductor from Cinema 4D. Tested on versions R21 to R24, Mac and Windows.
## Install
**To install the latest version.**
pip install --upgrade cioc4d --target=$HOME/Conductor
**To install a specific version, for example 0.1.0.**
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall cioc4d==0.1.0 --target=$HOME/Conductor
## Usage
Go to **Edit->Preferences->Plugins** and add the path to the cioc4d installation directory.
restart Cinema 4d.
To set up a render, choose **Conductor->ConductorRender**.
For detailed help, checkout the [tutorial](https://docs.conductortech.com/tutorials/c4d) and [reference](https://docs.conductortech.com/reference/c4d) documentation.
## Contributing
Clone the repo.
git clone git@github.com:ConductorTechnologies/cioc4d.git
cd cioc4d
Set up a clean virtual envirionment with Python 2.7 for development (optional).
python -m virtualenv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
Install development dependencies
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Build and install from this directory into to a convenient location for testing.
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt --target=$HOME/ConductorDev
When you install from the file requirements.txt, the dependency on ciocore is specified as a local sibling of this project, meaning you can develop ciocore and cioc4d in parallel.
Refer to the Usage section for setup within Cinema4D.
## License
## Changelog
### Version:0.7.7 -- 28 Jul 2022
* Changed preemptible label. [f2e0cfa]
### Version:0.6.17-- 28 Jun 2022
* Fixes bug where only the first use of a texture path would be made posix compliant.
* Submission success message box now links to the Conductor dashboard.
* Adds a validation to warn about Redshift proxies that contain absolute Windows paths, since they are impossible to render on Linux.
### Version:0.6.16-- 20 Jun 2022
* Makes the submission with asset and output paths adjusted for Linux.
* Supports redshift proxy objects and their contained texture files.
* Supports alembic files on differtent drives.
* Removes the Make Portable option.
### Version:0.6.11 -- 13 Jun 2022
* Locks dependency version in order to maintain support for Cinema4D R21. [ac90601]
### Version:0.6.9 -- 09 Mar 2022
* Sets up Conductor logging in in the Cinema4D plugin. [ac90601]
### Version:0.6.8 -- 23 Jan 2022
* Internal CircleCI config improvements. [74ef3c0]
### Version:0.6.7 -- 12 Jan 2022
* Fix a bug where submission would fail because Paths were initialized with an empty path string. [047834a]
### Version:0.6.5 -- 14 Sep 2021
* When validating absolute paths on Windows, we now only issue a warning so the submission can go ahead. Sometimes C4D
reports paths as absolute when in fact they are relative. This happens with mograph caches and
possibly other assets. [99006b1]
### Version:0.6.4 -- 15 Aug 2021
* Implements the Make-Portable feature to localize all paths. Includes reworked validations to block
the submission on Windows if not all paths are relative. This validation does not apply to output
paths if the user has chosen to override the task template. [9c34828]
### Version:0.6.2 -- 12 Aug 2021
* Accommodated a C4d bug where it thinks relative assets dont exist. As such they were not uploaded. [6557166]
* Refactor and simplify the task template. It now lets c4d handle output paths by default. [6b325f8]
### Version:0.6.1 -- 30 Jul 2021
* Improved validators, with a focus on saving customers money by warning about potentially costly
mistakes with regards to scout frames and GPU-enabled instance type selection. [3b6c2f2]
### Version:0.6.0 -- 12 Jul 2021
* Cinema 4D S24 support.
* Adds c4d-version-agnostic horizontal separator due to changes in S24. [d4f782f]
* Use a version of core (3.0.3) with bug fix for conflict of multiprocessing pkg in c4d. [1589565]
* Fix bug where dollar vars were not resolved when using a custom task command. [2ec3dc1]
* Adds conductor prefix to some console messages to avoid confusion. [949c935]
* Conductor is now accessible from the render menu, and is no longer in the main menu. [00d2cbc]
* Registered a new pluginid at maxon due to clash. [60091aa]
### Version:0.5.3 -- 27 Jun 2021
* Update version requirements. [deb51bb]
* Fix bug in string format in response messages. [4a6641c]
* Repaired project and inst type that failed to update. [12d45d7]
* Fix missing asset validation messaging. [1b42398]
### Version:0.5.2 -- 20 Jun 2021
* Use 0.1.6 of ciopath, which fixes a bug when relative paths would climb higher up the hierarchy. [079e4be]
* Catch c4d token resolution errors so as not to disrupt workflow. [37027bc]
### Version:0.5.1 -- 20 Jun 2021
* Now depends on ciocore 3.0.0 or greater due to breaking client API changes, namely refreshable Config. [949a70d]
* Fixed a bug where the info section was not populated when the dialog first opened. [8c3992e]
* Some validations would threow an error. They are now caught and explained as best as possible in
the validation message. [c9df12f]
* The title, and autosave template now use native C4D dollar tokens, and have been simplified.
Customers with existing scenes should either reset defaults or manually edit those two fields. [347a325]
* Adds missing assets validation. [9e5bd6f]
### Version:0.4.1 -- 14 Jun 2021
* Render path tokens such as $take and $camera are now resolved in the output path and in filenames
in the task template. [c59a9ac]
### Version:0.4.0 -- 11 Jun 2021
* Add support for C4d R23 with Python 3. [4dcee59]
### Version:0.3.7 -- 27 May 2021
* Adds a validation error when redshift is selected with no GPU enabled instance_type. [fa816ec]
### Version:0.3.6 -- 11 May 2021
* Fixed an issue where the submit button enabled state was not updated even though a connection to
Conduictor had previously been established. [2e9f2d4]
### Version:0.3.5 -- 10 May 2021
* Submission preview now stays updated when any value in render settings changes. Previously, the
destination path, that was generated from the save-image paths, did not update when image paths
were changed, which could cause confusion. [21b68a2]
* Validation now has better messaging with regards to relative asset paths. Specifically, we direct
the user to the Save Project with Assets function if they are on windows and are using absolute
drive letter paths. [0a3f51f]
### Version:0.3.4 -- 06 May 2021
* Remove asset cache and ensure that the c4d document is included in the upload list. [74032b3]
### Version:0.3.3 -- 06 May 2021
* Fix "variable use before assignment" bug. [1c5fefa]
### Version:0.3.2 -- 06 May 2021
* Adds validation to ensure relative or UNC paths on windows.. [af2fd89]
### Version:0.3.1 -- 05 May 2021
* Adds validation to ensure relative paths on windows.. [af2fd89]
### Version:0.3.0 -- 04 May 2021
* Uses ciocore > 1.0.2 (with separate seq, path, and template libs). [31a86b3]
* Remove recommendation to use the daemon. [838170e]
### Version:0.2.8 -- 16 Mar 2021
* Ensure the validation step always reminds the user about the upload daemon state. [8a571d6]
* Remove destination path from general section and movie it into the tasks section. The policy now is that if you want to override the task template with a custom task, then you must override the destination. Likewise, if you wan't the software to derive the task from Render Settings, then the destination will be auto generated. [9fba68c]
* Removed the preview max tasks functionality as it could cause confusion. [46cd12f]
* Remove the upload_only option, because upload only functionality is deprecated on the backend. [de2db33]
### Version:0.2.4 -- 15 Mar 2021
* Removed erroneous maya instruction in README.md [4d253fb]
### Version:0.2.3 -- 12 Mar 2021
* Add .circleci/config.yml. [0408186]
### Version:0.2.0 -- 15 Dec 2020
* Expand user home directory to resolve fixtures location. This is only useful for developers. [953d2e3]
* Repair fixtures bug that caused incompatibility with core 0.2.15. [25f7913]
* Remove failed-retries control. It is always zero now, so that customers don't waste money. [30cc1b4]
### Version:0.1.32 -- 08 Oct 2020
* Create long description from readme and changelog. [2d99da9]
### Version:0.1.31 -- 17 Sep 2020
* Fixed bad import. [3eeb75c]
### Version:0.1.30 -- 01 Sep 2020
* Resolve hidable task template when validating. [74a8dc2]
* Implemented upload_only. No longer emits tasks. [a47aabe]
### Version:0.1.29 -- 28 Aug 2020
* Fix bug on r21 where c4d scene file was not picked up in asset scraping. [71ed037]
### Version:0.1.28 -- 28 Aug 2020
* Destination path is automatically derived from out files. [6f53510]
* Fix asset scaping issue that affected R21 . [6f53510]
### Version:0.1.27 -- 28 Aug 2020
* Video post validations added, and image validations handle relelative paths. [16ddc92]
* Task and destination fields are now hidable, and hidden with default values by default. [dc96924]
* Make strings unicode. [20a007a]
* Reset UI works, except for instance type. [e72d4d0]
### Version:0.1.26 -- 11 Aug 2020
* Forward slashes in templated docfile path. [ed4b37c]
### Version:0.1.25 -- 11 Aug 2020
* Production release.
### Version:0.1.24 -- 10 Aug 2020
* Sanitize chunk size and make dest path literal (no token expansion). [80fc7f3]
* Adds validator framework and implemented some validators. [e5b8105]
### Version:0.1.23 -- 08 Aug 2020
* Render with redshift. Also uses core 0.2.2 which has a workaround for missing plugin-host links in packages. [abc0eba]
* Change last_commit to modified. [7954eca]
* Quotes around scene name in template. [6375881]
### Version:0.1.22 -- 07 Aug 2020
* Fixes broken preemptible checkbox. [600bdc2]
* Sets useUploadDaemon to False by default. [600bdc2]
### Version:0.1.21 -- 06 Aug 2020
* Remove redundant buttons and use minimal render template. [0613881]
### Version:0.1.20 -- 06 Aug 2020
* Fix a bug where the autosave cleanup parameter didn't disable when it should, i.e. when setting useUploiadDaemon to true. [9b9ba34]
* Make sure the location field does not contribute to the submission when empty. [bd22b84]
* Update icon. [494e61c]
### Version:0.1.19 -- 01 Aug 2020
* Adds ability for store to detect when new file loaded. [fd78816]
* Adds preview to bottom with green color. [4c1af37]
* Use coredata init, and commit to store continuously. [645753f]
* Save_to_store and resolve with context
app can now be installed in maxon plugins folder with no pythonpath set. [631fbf2]
* Remove special characters. [9d50a17]
* Implement max preview tasks. [1decc41]
* All parts now resolved in preview including assets. [8ceb769]
### Version:0.1.18 -- 22 Jul 2020
* Bump core dependency to 0.1.11. [cb60c26]
* Added wizard instructions in README. [358b6de]
### Version:0.1.17 -- 21 Jul 2020
* Wip generate submission json. [e62bf83]
* Replace vars with cio. [cc5d807]
* All fields populated from store except software pkgs. [5374257]
* Repair mod path instruction in readme. [a231fd7]
### Version:0.1.16 -- 08 Jul 2020
* Sets default collapsed states. [407bad9]
* Requires core 0.1.8. [aab99db]
### Version:0.1.15 -- 06 Jul 2020
* Adds location, diagnostics etc. plus tidy. [4aa36fa]
* Rename check_box to checkbox. [1bf934a]
* Refactor - use introspection for sections. [948f68c]
* Compact env section header row. [ff73ad5]
* Extra env section and tidy up. [c1b03e1]
* Adds extra assets section. [a1de885]
* File browser buttons work. [cfc829f]
* Better click-to-expand mouse detection region. [3a412f0]
* Adds asset button row. [a99f2cd]
* Tidy up groups file. [b9e8749]
* Groups inherit from CollapsibleGroup. [452ecaa]
* Adds frames info and does calculations. [7b7a51a]
* Adds frame section and cleaner widget making pattern. [88faef2]
### Version:0.1.14 -- 22 Jun 2020
* Flattened the structure, remove namespaces, and simplified the version file.
### Version:0.1.13 -- 15 Jun 2020
* Better version resolution. [9a9bb76]
### Version:0.1.12 -- 15 Jun 2020
* Made deployable with cmc_release script. [6fcee09]