# ciberc-ca
CiberC Code Automation
Generation of interface reports for IOS devices in parallel, cross validations for migration of VRFs from IOS devices to XR
# https://www.ciberc.com
# Technology stack
Python 3.6 or higher
# Status
latest version validated and tested
# Use Case Description
One of our clients generated the VRF migration report in an exhausting time, in terms of the client, one week to validate each piece of equipment, ciberc-ca generates a comparative cross-validation report saving a lot of time and avoiding human errors.
# Installation
Ubuntu 20.04 or o any Distribution of Linux with support to Python3
# Steps to install in Ubuntu workstation (automation station)
prepare environment:
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
mkdir code & cd code
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install cibercca
# Configuration
The first step is to create the inventory files, in these will go the record of the devices assigned to evaluate
# Examples
## Commands:
alive Alive for all device filter with groups
interfaces Device interface information
inventory Create files for inventory system
ping report por vrf and ping results for inventory devices
ping-merge Command to merge the source vrf listing files and...
### Alive command:
Description: ping report of all inventory devices
--path TEXT
--group TEXT
--workers INTEGER
--output TEXT
$ ciberc-ca alive --path=inventory/ --group=guatemala --workers=4 --output=json > alive-report.json
### Inventory files command:
Description: create the necessary files to create the cyberc-ca system inventory
--create / --no-create create files from inventory examples [default: no-create]
$ ciberc-ca inventory --create
### Interfaces command:
Description: report interfaces of cisco ios devices currently, generates report in json as a summary in excel
- Vlans
- trunk interfaces
- bridge-domain
- mac-address-table dynamic
--path PATH The path to inventory [required]
--group TEXT The groups to filter inventory [required]
--workers INTEGER The parallel execution [default: 2]
--output TEXT The type to print report [default: json]
--mechanism TEXT The excel mechanism to print report
--name TEXT The name of excel report
$ ciberc-ca interfaces --path=core/inventory/ --output=json > interfaces.json
$ ciberc-ca interfaces --path=core/inventory/ --output=excel --mechanism=row --name=interfaces > interfaces.json
### Ping command:
Description: report por vrf and ping results for inventory devices
--path PATH The path to inventory [required]
--group TEXT The groups to filter inventory [required]
--workers INTEGER The parallel execution [default: 2]
--output TEXT The type to print report [default: json]
--name TEXT The name of the excel file
--process TEXT what type of process for the vrf report [src, dst] [required]
--help Show this message and exit.
$ ciberc-ca ping --path=core/inventory/ --group=src,guatemala,escuintla --output=json --name=ReportPingSource --process=src
$ ciberc-ca ping --path=core/inventory/ --group=dst,guatemala,escuintla --output=json --name=ReportPingDestinations --process=dst
### Ping-Merge command:
Description: Command to merge the source vrf listing files and destination with validated report
--file-src TEXT Vrf origin listing file [required]
--file-dst TEXT Target vrf listing file [required]
--output TEXT The type to print report [required]
--name TEXT The name of the excel file
--help Show this message and exit.
$ ciberc-ca ping-merge --file-src=file_vrfs_source.json --file-dst=file_vrf_destinations.json --output=excel --name=ReporteMigrations
# Structure
├── defaults.yaml
├── groups.yaml
└── hosts.yaml
Inventory is based on nornir structure
defaults.yaml: Contains all the default variables for the devices.
groups.yaml: Although based on nornir groups, two mandatory groups are needed for configuration, src, dst for the cross-validation ping-merge command.
hosts.yaml: where all IOS devices are registered for interface reporting, source IOS and destination XR for VRF's migration
# Usage
para implementar el servicio una vez que haya definido los equipos en el archivo de hosts (aquí se define el usuario y la contraseña que se aplicará por tipo de dispositivo), los nombres de los dispositivos de red correctamente (en el archivo etc/hosts) y los dispositivos tienen la configuración de SSH, entonces colocaría los comandos de ejemplo para activar el agente ssh y xml en XR.
# configuration example in XR device
# default.yaml
domain: local.local
# groups.yaml
# {} => ejemplo
guatemala: {}
# for the ping report, it contains all the source computers
src: {}
# for the ping report, it contains all the destination computers
dst: {}
# hosts.yaml
hostname: localhost
port: 22
username: user
password: secret
platform: ios
- guatemala
- src # used to separate the source computers from the migration
hostname: localhost
port: 22
username: user
password: secret
platform: iosxr
source: R1 # to which device does the migration belong, virtual link to compare reports
- guatemala
- dst # used to separate the migration destination computers
# How to test the software
you can check the configuration in the devices in the generated report
# Getting help
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc., please create an issue against this repository, or send me an email to: Dev.auto@ciberc.com
# Link Video Example