# chikkarpy
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chikkarpy は [Sudachi 同義語辞書](https://github.com/WorksApplications/SudachiDict/blob/develop/docs/synonyms.md)を利用し、[SudachiPy](https://github.com/WorksApplications/SudachiPy)の出力に同義語展開を追加するために開発されたライブラリです。
chikkarpy is a Python version of [chikkar](https://github.com/WorksApplications/chikkar).
chikkarpy is developed to utilize the [Sudachi synonym dictionary](https://github.com/WorksApplications/SudachiDict/blob/develop/docs/synonyms.md) and add synonym expansion to the output of [SudachiPy](https://github.com/WorksApplications/SudachiPy).
This library alone can be used as a search tool for our synonym dictionaries.
## 利用方法 Usage
## TL;DR
$ pip install chikkarpy
$ echo "閉店" | chikkarpy
閉店 クローズ,close,店仕舞い
## Step 1. chikkarpyのインストール Install chikkarpy
$ pip install chikkarpy
## Step 2. 使用方法 Usage
### コマンドライン Command Line
$ echo "閉店" | chikkarpy
閉店 クローズ,close,店仕舞い
chikkarpy looks at a headword of synonym dictionary by the entered word and returns a list of matching synonyms.
You cannot use a headword with an ambiguity flag of `1` in a synonym dictionary as a search trigger.
The output is in the form of a `query \t synonym list`.
デフォルトの [Sudachi 同義語辞書](https://github.com/WorksApplications/SudachiDict/blob/develop/docs/synonyms.md) の見出し語は、
SudachiPyの正規化形 (`normalized_form()`) で登録されています。
The headwords in the Sudachi synonym dictionary are registered in SudachiPy's normalized form, `normalized_form()`.
$ chikkarpy search -h
usage: chikkarpy search [-h] [-d [file [file ...]]] [-ev] [-o file] [-v]
[file [file ...]]
Search synonyms
positional arguments:
file text written in utf-8
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d [file [file ...]] synonym dictionary (default: system synonym
-ev Enable verb and adjective synonyms.
-o file the output file
-v, --version print chikkarpy version
When you use your user dictionary, you should specify the binary dictionary to read with `-d`.
(For building a binary dictionary, see [Building a Dictionary](#辞書の作成-Build-a-dictionary).)
When reading multiple dictionaries, pay attention to the order.
以下の場合,**user2 > user > system** の順で同義語を検索して見つかった時点で検索結果を返します。
In the following cases, the synonyms are searched in the order of **user2 > user > system**, and the search results are returned which are first found.
chikkarpy -d system.dic user.dic user2.dic
Also, the output is **noun** only by default.
When you want to output **verb** as well, please enable `-ev`.
$ echo "開放" | chikkarpy
開放 オープン,open
$ echo "開放" | chikkarpy -ev
開放 開け放す,開く,オープン,open
### Python ライブラリ / Python library
使用例 Example of use
from chikkarpy import Chikkar
from chikkarpy.dictionarylib import Dictionary
chikkar = Chikkar()
# デフォルトのシステム同義語辞書を使う場合,Dictionaryの引数は省略可能 You may omit the ``Dictionary`` arguments if you want to use the system synonym dictionary
system_dic = Dictionary()
# => ['クローズ', 'close', '店仕舞い']
print(chikkar.find("閉店", group_ids=[5])) # グループIDによる検索 Search by group ID
# => ['クローズ', 'close', '店仕舞い']
# => ['オープン', 'open']
chikkar.enable_verb() # 用言の出力制御(デフォルトは体言のみ出力) Output control of verbs (default is to output only nouns)
# => ['開け放す', '開く', 'オープン', 'open']
When you read multiple dictionaries with `chikkar.add_dictionary()`, pay attention to the order.
Priority is given to the last read dictionary.
If ``enable_trie`` is ``False``, a search by synonym group IDs takes precedence over a search by the headword.
chikkar = Chikkar()
system_dic = Dictionary(enable_trie=False)
user_dic = Dictionary(user_dict_path, enable_trie=True)
user2_dic = Dictionary(user_dict_path, enable_trie=True)
## 辞書の作成 Build a dictionary
Before using new dictionary, you need to create a binary format dictionary.
同義語辞書のフォーマットは[Sudachi 同義語辞書](https://github.com/WorksApplications/SudachiDict/blob/develop/docs/synonyms.md)に従ってください。
Follow the [Sudachi Synonym Dictionary](https://github.com/WorksApplications/SudachiDict/blob/develop/docs/synonyms.md) for the format of the synonym dictionary.
$ chikkarpy build -i synonym_dict.csv -o system.dic
$ chikkarpy build -h
usage: chikkarpy build [-h] -i file [-o file] [-d string]
Build Synonym Dictionary
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i file dictionary file (csv)
-o file output file (default: synonym.dic)
-d string description comment to be embedded on dictionary
## 開発者向け
### Code Format
`scripts/lint.sh` を実行して、コードが正しいフォーマットかを確認してください。
Run `scripts/lint.sh` to check if your code is formatted correctly.
`flake8` `flake8-import-order` `flake8-builtins` が必要です。
You need packages `flake8` `flake8-import-order` `flake8-builtins`.
### Test
`scripts/test.sh` を実行してテストしてください。
Run `scripts/test.sh` to run the tests.
## Contact
chikkarpyは[WAP Tokushima Laboratory of AI and NLP](http://nlp.worksap.co.jp/)によって開発されています。
chikkarpy is developed by WAP Tokushima Laboratory of AI and NLP.
Open an issue, or come to our Slack workspace for questions and discussion.
- https://sudachi-dev.slack.com/ ([招待を受ける/Get invitation](https://join.slack.com/t/sudachi-dev/shared_invite/enQtMzg2NTI2NjYxNTUyLTMyYmNkZWQ0Y2E5NmQxMTI3ZGM3NDU0NzU4NGE1Y2UwYTVmNTViYjJmNDI0MWZiYTg4ODNmMzgxYTQ3ZmI2OWU))