Cherrys : a Redis backend for CherryPy sessions
CherryPy_ kicks some serious arse in the 'I am just a HTTP framework' category!
As of version 3.2 it supports 4 types of storage for sessions by default:
+ Ram
+ File
+ PostgreSQL_
+ Memcached_
Redis_ is growing in popularity as an alternative to Memcached_ (and is
fully supported on dotCloud_!)
If you are not using pip_ yet. Install it and while you are at it consider
using virtualenv_ too.
$ pip install cherrys
redis-py_ and CherryPy_ are required dependencies hence will be installed if
We recommend installing hiredis-py_ (a faster parser) as well.
$ pip install hiredis
Usage (and abusage)
To tell CherryPy_ which backend to use, we need to specify the **storage_type**
for the **sessions** **tool**. You may want to read more about CherryPy_
tools.sessions.storage_type : 'redis'
But CherryPy_ doesn't know Redis_. Hence the first thing we need to do is add
the cherrys **RedisSession** class to **cherrypy.lib.sessions**.
import cherrys
cherrypy.lib.sessions.RedisSession = cherrys.RedisSession
It is that simple!
Config dictionary
There are a few optional parameters you can set:
+ **host** *[]* (when is_sentinel this is host for sentinel service)
+ **port** *[6379]* (when is_sentinel this is port for sentinel service)
+ **ssl** *[False]* (for both sentinel and redis)
+ **db** *[0]*
+ **prefix** *[""]* (prepended to session id if given; useful when ACLs are enabled)
+ **user** *[None]* (for old version of authentication can be set to empty string)
+ **password** *[None]*
+ **lock_timeout** *[None]* (None, or time in seconds until session lock expires)
+ **url** *[None]* (alternative to host/port/ssl/db/user/password combination)
Sentinel-related additional (optional) parameters:
+ **is_sentinel** *[False]*
+ **sentinel_pass** *[None]*
+ **sentinel_service** *[None]*
+ **tls_skip_verify** *[False]*
A full config dictionary to activate Redis_ backed sessions would look like
config = {
'tools.sessions.on' : True,
'tools.sessions.storage_type' : 'redis',
'tools.sessions.host': REDIS_HOST,
'tools.sessions.port': REDIS_PORT,
'tools.sessions.db': REDIS_DB,
'tools.sessions.prefix': REDIS_PREFIX,
'tools.sessions.user': REDIS_USER,
'tools.sessions.password': REDIS_PASS,
'tools.sessions.lock_timeout: LOCK_TIME_SECONDS,
A full config dictionary to activate RedisSentinelSSL_ backed sessions would look like
config = {
'tools.sessions.on' : True,
'tools.sessions.storage_type' : 'redis',
'tools.sessions.host': REDIS_HOST,
'tools.sessions.port': REDIS_PORT,
'tools.sessions.ssl': True,
'tools.sessions.db': REDIS_DB,
'tools.sessions.prefix': REDIS_PREFIX,
'tools.sessions.user': REDIS_USER,
'tools.sessions.password': REDIS_PASS,
'tools.sessions.lock_timeout: LOCK_TIME_SECONDS,
'tools.sessions.is_sentinel': True,
'tools.sessions.sentinel_pass': REDIS_SENTINEL_PASS,
'tools.sessions.sentinel_service': REDIS_SENTINEL_SERVICENAME,
'tools.sessions.tls_skip_verify': True,
Configuration via redis URL
As a shortcut a URL to the redis server can be provided as well.
import cherrys
config = {
'tools.sessions.on' : True,
# next setting removes the need for initializing `cherrypy.lib.sessions.RedisSession' above:
'tools.sessions.storage_class' : cherrys.RedisSession,
'tools.sessions.url': 'redis://your-name:your-pwd@redis-server:6379/2'
The number at the end of the URL ("2") denotes the redis database to be used.
Running unittests
Unittests require a running redis-server on localhost:6379 setup without
any authentication in place.
Then install pytest into your current virtualenv and start it from your command line:
$ pip install pytest
$ pytest
.. _CherryPy: http://www.cherrypy.dev
.. _PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org
.. _Memcached: http://memcached.org
.. _Redis: http://redis.io
.. _dotCloud: http://www.dotcloud.com
.. _pip: http://pip-installer.org
.. _virtualenv: http://www.virtualenv.org
.. _redis-py: https://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py
.. _hiredis-py: https://github.com/pietern/hiredis-py
.. _configuration: http://docs.cherrypy.org/stable/concepts/config.html
.. _RedisSentinelSSL: https://redis.io/topics/sentinel