**Checkov** is a static code analysis tool for infrastructure-as-code.
It scans cloud infrastructure provisioned using [Terraform](https://terraform.io/), Terraform plan, [Cloudformation](https://aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/), [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/), Dockerfile, [Serverless](https://www.serverless.com/) or [ARM Templates](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/templates/overview) and detects security and compliance misconfigurations.
Checkov also powers [**Bridgecrew**](https://bridgecrew.io/?utm_source=github&utm_medium=organic_oss&utm_campaign=checkov), the developer-first platform that codifies and streamlines cloud security throughout the development lifecycle. Bridgecrew identifies, fixes, and prevents misconfigurations in cloud resources and infrastructure-as-code files.
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## **Table of contents**
- [Features](#features)
- [Screenshots](#screenshots)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Disclaimer](#disclaimer)
- [Support](#support)
## Features
* [Over 500 built-in policies](docs/3.Scans/resource-scans.md) cover security and compliance best practices for AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.
* Scans Terraform, Terraform Plan, CloudFormation, Kubernetes, Serverless framework and ARM template files.
* Detects [AWS credentials](docs/3.Scans/Credentials%20Scans.md) in EC2 Userdata, Lambda environment variables and Terraform providers.
* Evaluates [Terraform Provider](https://registry.terraform.io/browse/providers) settings to regulate the creation, management, and updates of IaaS, PaaS or SaaS managed through Terraform.
* Policies support evaluation of [variables](docs/2.Concepts/Evaluations.md) to their optional default value.
* Supports in-line [suppression](docs/2.Concepts/Suppressions.md) of accepted risks or false-positives to reduce recurring scan failures. Also supports global skip from using CLI.
* [Output](docs/1.Introduction/Results.md) currently available as CLI, JSON, JUnit XML and github markdown and link to remediation [guides](https://docs.bridgecrew.io/docs/aws-policy-index).
## Screenshots
Scan results in CLI

Scheduled scan result in Jenkins

## Getting started
### Requrirements
* Python >= 3.7 (Data classes are available for Python 3.7+)
* Terraform >= 0.12
### Installation
pip3 install checkov
Installation on Alpine:
pip3 install --upgrade pip && pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
pip3 install checkov
Installation on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:
Ubuntu 18.04 ships with Python 3.6. Install python 3.7 (from ppa repository)
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt install python3.7
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo python3.7 -m pip install -U checkov #to install or upgrade checkov)
or using homebrew (MacOS only)
brew install checkov
brew upgrade checkov
### Upgrade
if you installed checkov with pip3
pip3 install -U checkov
### Configure an input folder or file
checkov --directory /user/path/to/iac/code
Or a specific file or files
checkov --file /user/tf/example.tf
checkov -f /user/cloudformation/example1.yml -f /user/cloudformation/example2.yml
Or a terraform plan file in json format
terraform init
terraform plan -out tf.plan
terraform show -json tf.plan > tf.json
checkov -f tf.json
Note: `terraform show` output file `tf.json` will be single line.
For that reason all findings will be reported line number 0 by checkov
check: CKV_AWS_21: "Ensure all data stored in the S3 bucket have versioning enabled"
FAILED for resource: aws_s3_bucket.customer
File: /tf/tf.json:0-0
Guide: https://docs.bridgecrew.io/docs/s3_16-enable-versioning
If you have installed `jq` you can convert json file into multiple lines with the following command:
terraform show -json tf.plan | jq '.' > tf.json
Scan result would be much user friendly.
checkov -f tf.json
Check: CKV_AWS_21: "Ensure all data stored in the S3 bucket have versioning enabled"
FAILED for resource: aws_s3_bucket.customer
File: /tf/tf1.json:224-268
Guide: https://docs.bridgecrew.io/docs/s3_16-enable-versioning
225 | "values": {
226 | "acceleration_status": "",
227 | "acl": "private",
228 | "arn": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket",
### Scan result sample (CLI)
Passed Checks: 1, Failed Checks: 1, Suppressed Checks: 0
Check: "Ensure all data stored in the S3 bucket is securely encrypted at rest"
Passed for resource: aws_s3_bucket.template_bucket
Check: "Ensure all data stored in the S3 bucket is securely encrypted at rest"
Failed for resource: aws_s3_bucket.sls_deployment_bucket_name
Start using Checkov by reading the [Getting Started](docs/1.Introduction/Getting%20Started.md) page.
### Using Docker
docker pull bridgecrew/checkov
docker run --tty --volume /user/tf:/tf bridgecrew/checkov --directory /tf
Note: if you are using Python 3.6(Default version in Ubuntu 18.04) checkov will not work and it will fail with `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dataclasses'` error message. In this case, you can use the docker version instead.
Note that there are certain cases where redirecting `docker run --tty` output to a file - for example, if you want to save the Checkov JUnit output to a file - will cause extra control characters to be printed. This can break file parsing. If you encounter this, remove the `--tty` flag.
### Running or skipping checks
Using command line flags you can specify to run only named checks (allow list) or run all checks except
those listed (deny list).
List available checks:
checkov --list
Allow only 2 checks to run:
checkov --directory . --check CKV_AWS_20,CKV_AWS_57
Run all checks except 1 specified:
checkov -d . --skip-check CKV_AWS_52
Run all checks except checks with specified patterns:
checkov -d . --skip-check CKV_AWS*
For Kubernetes workloads, you can also use allow/deny namespaces. For example, do not report any results for the
kube-system namespace:
checkov -d . --skip-check kube-system
### Suppressing/Ignoring a check
Like any static-analysis tool it is limited by its analysis scope.
For example, if a resource is managed manually, or using subsequent configuration management tooling,
a suppression can be inserted as a simple code annotation.
#### Suppression comment format
To skip a check on a given Terraform definition block or CloudFormation resource, apply the following comment pattern inside it's scope:
* `<check_id>` is one of the [available check scanners](docs/3.Scans/resource-scans.md)
* `<suppression_comment>` is an optional suppression reason to be included in the output
#### Example
The following comment skip the `CKV_AWS_20` check on the resource identified by `foo-bucket`, where the scan checks if an AWS S3 bucket is private.
In the example, the bucket is configured with a public read access; Adding the suppress comment would skip the appropriate check instead of the check to fail.
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "foo-bucket" {
region = var.region
#checkov:skip=CKV_AWS_20:The bucket is a public static content host
bucket = local.bucket_name
force_destroy = true
acl = "public-read"
The output would now contain a ``SKIPPED`` check result entry:
Check: "S3 Bucket has an ACL defined which allows public access."
SKIPPED for resource: aws_s3_bucket.foo-bucket
Suppress comment: The bucket is a public static content host
File: /example_skip_acl.tf:1-25
To suppress checks in Kubernetes manifests, annotations are used with the following format:
`checkov.io/skip#: <check_id>=<suppression_comment>`
For example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: mypod
checkov.io/skip1: CKV_K8S_20=I don't care about Privilege Escalation :-O
checkov.io/skip2: CKV_K8S_14
checkov.io/skip3: CKV_K8S_11=I have not set CPU limits as I want BestEffort QoS
#### Logging
For detailed logging to stdout setup the environment variable `LOG_LEVEL` to `DEBUG`.
#### Skipping directories
To skip a whole directory, use the environment variable `CKV_IGNORED_DIRECTORIES`.
Default is `CKV_IGNORED_DIRECTORIES=node_modules,.terraform,.serverless`
#### VSCODE Extension
If you want to use checkov's within vscode, give a try to the vscode extension availble at [vscode](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Bridgecrew.checkov)
## Alternatives
For Terraform compliance scanners check out [tfsec](https://github.com/liamg/tfsec) and [Terraform AWS Secure Baseline](https://github.com/nozaq/terraform-aws-secure-baseline) for secured basline.
For CloudFormation scanning check out [cfripper](https://github.com/Skyscanner/cfripper/) and [cfn_nag](https://github.com/stelligent/cfn_nag).
For Kubernetes scanning check out [kube-scan](https://github.com/octarinesec/kube-scan) and [Polaris](https://github.com/FairwindsOps/polaris).
## Contributing
Contribution is welcomed!
Start by reviewing the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md). After that, take a look at a [good first issue](https://github.com/bridgecrewio/checkov/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22).
Looking to contribute new checks? Learn how to write a new check (AKA policy) [here](docs/5.Contribution/New-Check.md).
## Disclaimer
`checkov` does not save, publish or share with anyone any identifiable customer information.
No identifiable customer information is used to query Bridgecrew's publicly accessible guides.
`checkov` uses Bridgecrew's API to enrich the results with links to remediation guides.
To skip this API call use the flag `--no-guide`.
## Support
[Bridgecrew](https://bridgecrew.io/?utm_source=github&utm_medium=organic_oss&utm_campaign=checkov) builds and maintains Checkov to make policy-as-code simple and accessible.
Start with our [Documentation](https://bridgecrewio.github.io/checkov/) for quick tutorials and examples.
If you need direct support you can contact us at info@bridgecrew.io.