Check_json is a [Nagios]/[Icinga2] plugin for monitoring JSON files with [Jq] filters.
Requires Python 3.6+
# Installation
You can install with [pip]:
python3 -m pip install check-json
Or install from source:
git clone check_json.git
pip install check_json.git
# Usage
Pass the plugin any number of Jq filters (with thresholds) and a JSON file.
Essentially, any valid Jq filter you can formulate which returns a numerical value for comparison against its thresholds will work.
The plugin will test the result of each filter against its thresholds and report accordingly.
# usage: check_json [-h] [--filter LABEL FILTER THRESHOLDS] [--verbose] jsonfile
check_json --filter 'LABEL1' 'FILTER1' 'wRANGE,cRANGE' --filter 'LABEL2' 'FILTER2' 'wRANGE,cRANGE' /path/to/jsonfile
For example, this will warn if the value of `key` is more than 10, and will crit if it is more than 20:
check_json --filter 'my_label' '.key' 'w~:10,c~:20'
Or to report numerical `{1,0}` for perfdata if a string is present:
check_json --filter 'my_label' 'if .key == "some_string" then 1 else 0 end' 'w10,c20'
For more on Jq filters, refer to the [JQ Manual] for for your version of libjq.
For more on Nagios plugin ranges, thresholds, perfdata, and return codes, see [Nagios Plugin Development Guidelines].
## Icinga2
Here is an Icinga2 `CheckCommand` object for this plugin:
object CheckCommand "check_json" {
command = [ PluginDir + "/check_json", ]
arguments = {
# It appears the only way to get Icinga to repeat a particular key *and*
# pass it multiple separate arguments is to define it multiple times (as
# below), give them all the same key, and just increment the number for
# each subsequent usage of the key ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"--filter" = {
description = "Defines a filter, its name, and thresholds."
key = "--filter"
repeat_key = false
value = "$check_json_filter$"
"--filter0" = {
description = "Defines a filter, its name, and thresholds."
key = "--filter"
repeat_key = false
value = "$check_json_filter0$"
"--filter1" = {
description = "Defines a filter, its name, and thresholds."
key = "--filter"
repeat_key = false
value = "$check_json_filter1$"
"--filter2" = {
description = "Defines a filter, its name, and thresholds."
key = "--filter"
repeat_key = false
value = "$check_json_filter2$"
"--filter3" = {
description = "Defines a filter, its name, and thresholds."
key = "--filter"
repeat_key = false
value = "$check_json_filter3$"
"--filter4" = {
description = "Defines a filter, its name, and thresholds."
key = "--filter"
repeat_key = false
value = "$check_json_filter4$"
"--filter5" = {
description = "Defines a filter, its name, and thresholds."
key = "--filter"
repeat_key = false
value = "$check_json_filter5$"
"--filter6" = {
description = "Defines a filter, its name, and thresholds."
key = "--filter"
repeat_key = false
value = "$check_json_filter6$"
jsonfile = {
description = "The path to the file to inspect"
required = true
skip_key = true
value = "$check_json_jsonfile$"
And a minimal example Icinga Service:
object Service "host.domain.tld_check" {
import "generic-service"
display_name = "Jq JSON filter"
host_name = "host.domain.tld"
check_command = "check_json"
command_endpoint = "host.domain.tld"
notes = "The `check_json` command is a custom plugin to run Jq filters against JSON files."
notes_url = ""
vars.check_json_filter = ["mylabel1". ".somefilter1", "w@0"]
vars.check_json_filter2 = ["mylabel2". ".somefilter2", "w@0"]
vars.check_json_jsonfile = "/path/to/file.json"
NOTE on the command path: the above Icinga2 configuration object points to the `check_json` command in Icinga2's configured `PluginDir`, but this can be configured however you like. For instance:
* point it to wherever it is installed by its full path
* symlink from the specified path to the actual script.
* or take the kludge route, leave it as-is, and copy `check_json/` from this repo into `PluginDir + "/check_json"`
Up to you!
# Limitations
What this plugin is *not* for:
* Exceptionally huge JSON files - this plugin loads the entire JSON file into memory.
* Keeping place in a log file over time. For that (though with admittedly simpler pattern matching), see [check_logfiles].
# Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
To run the test suite:
# Up to you to create virtual environments etc
# make dependencies
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
# License
[Jq Manual]:
[Nagios Plugin Development Guidelines]: