# ChatBotMaker
This project aims to automate plateform messaging where the plateform support
message forwarding.
## Description
This module is based around a bot class in which you inject the necessary code
/ objects:
- Messenger (An object that sends message or event back)
- Dispatcher (An object that contains all the logic rule)
- Database (An object that allows database interaction)
## General Idea
User are in **states** and define what action should be executed.
A state is composed of 3 event and 1 input event (or main event):
- func(user, user\_input): **main** function called with the user's input
- enter\_func(user): called **every** time before the user sends text in its
current state
- pre\_func(user): called when entering a state (ie. during change\_state)
- post\_func(user): called when exiting a state (ie. during change\_state)
### Components
#### Messenger
You can create your own messenger class that should inherit the
**chatbotmaker.Messenger** class.
It must implement a send(user\_id: str, message:str)
method and can implement other optional methods.
#### Dispatcher
The dispatcher recieves your config as a dictionnary in the following format:
'actions': {
'handle_name': {
'enter_func': lambda user: user.send_message('Hi there every time'),
'pref_func': lambda user: user.send_message('Hi there'),
'func': lambda user, user_input: user.change_state('home'),
'post_func': lambda user: user.send_message('You are redirected'),
'home': {
'pref_func': lambda user: user.send_message('Welcome back!'),
'func': 'lambda user, user_input: user.change_state(user_input)',
'input': {
'func': 'lambda user, user_input: (
user.store_argument('input', user_input),
'help': Dispatcher.DEFAULT,
###### DEFAULT
You can associate function by their name to make the binding process easier.
You must name your functions with {key}\_{handle\_name} (eg: func\_help,
pre\_func\_help, post\_func\_help). You then must pass the binding table
dictionary to the Dispatcher constructor alongside the config
**\_\_init\_\_(self, config, env=None)** . This generally are locals() or
###### How does it work?
The user is the orm User class to whom we add some method (redirect failing
attribute calls):
- send\_message(message: str)
- change\_state(state: str)
- get\_argument(name: str)
- store\_argument(name: str, value: str)
- self.messenger, self.dispatcher, self.database (the one onjected in the bot)
#### Database
The given database database follows the following architecture:
- users:
- id = Column(Integer, primary\_key=True)
- fb\_id = Column(String)
- state = Column(String)
- arguments = relationship('Argument', back\_populates='user', lazy='dynamic')
- arguments:
- id = Column(Integer, primary\_key=True)
- name = Column(String)
- value = Column(String)
- user\_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('users.id'))
- user = relationship('User', uselist=False, back\_populates='arguments')
The database expects a config (sqlachemy.config) object to initialize the
database. Please check sqlalchemy configuration for more information.
###### Custom tables / ORM classes
You can add custom tables (thus ORM classes). To do so create your own base
(declarative_base() from sqlalchemy) and with it your own models . Then inject
it in the database object database([...], base=my_base).
In case you want to create relationships with default classes, it is possible.
A function **add_relationship(class_to_add, name, value)** is available in
the database module.
## Usage
### Default components
To avoid re-inventing the wheel, some "common" components have already been
coded. They are in chatbotmaker.default.
#### Facebook
- FacebookMessenger(authentication\_token)
- facebook\_route(request, facebook\_check\_token, bot)
- this flask routing should be called directly from the routing function
#### Dev
We have the dev file containing:
- DevMessenger() # prints everythin in console
## Installation
Using PIP since its a pip module repository:
``` bash
42sh$ : pip install chatbotmaker
## Contributing
Do no hesitate to make a pull request or launch a discussion. I am looking
foreward to expand the default capabilites.
## Authors and acknowledgment
> Dominique MICHEL <dominique.michel@epita.fr>
## Status
The project has reached its first final phase. Now there will be:
- need to think about the design and facilitate user-database integration
- Good work done here, maybe allow any orm engiine ine the future
- need of tests (why not make a CI pipeline)
- tests must tests more the content of the calls
- github ci pipeline is so confusing coming from gitlab :o
Once the backend is functional and robust, i aim to make a frontend plateform
to allow non-programming people to create bots too.