# charlogger
A logging library for Python.
I've been using this myself for a while, and I thought that I may as well release it.
It's filled with bad code, but now that it is public, I'll probably improve it over time.

## Installation
You can install charlogger with `pip install charlogger`.
## How to use
### Simple example
import charlogger
logger = charlogger.Logger()
logger.info("What a great logging library!")
### Advanced example
import charlogger
# All parameters are optional.
logger = charlogger.Logger(
debug=True, # Whether to enable the output of debug logs
default_prefix="your prefix",
color_text=False, # Whether to have the info text be colored
log_file_patj=open("log.txt", "a"), # The file to put logs in
indent_level=8, # The indentation of the text when output.
centered=True # Whether to center text in the console.
logger.info("What a great logging library!")
### My personal configuration (best)
import charlogger
logger = charlogger.Logger(
default_prefix="<TIME> | WORKER-001",
logger.info("What a great logging library!")
## More in-depth documentation
### `defaultPrefix`
When initializing a Logger, you have the option of `default_prefix`.
For now, if you add `"<TIME>"` anywhere in that string, it will replace it with the time of the logging.
For instance, the following code will print `18:26:15 | hi! | i > What a great logging library! `
import charlogger
logger = charlogger.Logger(
defaultPrefix="<TIME> hi!"
logger.info("What a great logging library!")
### Logging methods
Possible arguments
import charlogger
logger = charlogger.Logger()
logger.info("What a great logging library!") # i > What a great logging library!
logger.info(title="DOCUMENTATION", data="What a great logging library!") # i > [DOCUMENTATION] What a great logging library!
All possible methods
import charlogger
logger = charlogger.Logger()
logger.info("What a great logging library!")
logger.warn("What a great logging library!")
logger.error("What a great logging library!")
logger.debug("What a great logging library!")
logger.valid("What a great logging library!")
logger.invalid("What a great logging library!")
logger.plus("What a great logging library!")
logger.paid("What a great logging library!")
Special methods
import charlogger
logger = charlogger.Logger()
# I can't imagine this one being all that useful. It's more there for my personal projects that use it,
logger.choice(1, "Option 1") # 1 > Option 1
# Will wait for user input in the console.
name = logger.ask("What is your name?") # ? > What is your name? >