# Counts file library
This python library `cflib` provides scripts to convert between fasta, VCF and
counts files. Counts files are used by
[PoMo](http://www.cibiv.at/software/iqtree/doc/Polymorphism-Aware-Models/), an
implementation of a polymorphism-aware phylogenetic model. We advice you to use
PoMo implemented in [IQ-TREE](http://www.cibiv.at/software/iqtree/).
For a reference, please see and cite:
Schrempf, D., Minh, B. Q., De Maio, N., von Haeseler, A., &
Kosiol, C. (2016). Reversible Polmorphism-Aware Phylotenetic
Models and their Application to Tree Inference. Journal of
Theoretical Biology, in press.
# Requirements
`cflib` requires [`python` (Version 3.x)](https://www.python.org/) to be
installed. `cflib` also uses the following python libraries that will be
automatically pulled when installing `cflib`:
- [scipy](http://www.scipy.org/),
- [numpy](http://www.numpy.org/) and
- [pysam](http://code.google.com/p/pysam/).
# Installation
Install `cflib` and the conversion scripts with
pip install --user cflib-pomo
Note that the name of `cflib` on the PyPI repository (which is used by `pip`) is
`cflib-pomo`, since the name `cflib` was taken!
If the standard Python version of your operation system is still 2.x (e.g.,
OSX), make sure that you use, `pip3`.
The `--user` flag is optional and tells Python to install `cflib` and
the scripts only for this user but not system wide.
If you want to uninstall `cflib`,
pip uninstall cflib-pomo
The [conversion scripts](#Conversion scripts) should be directly available if
your `PATH` environment variable is setup correctly. For my Linux installation,
the Python path `~/.local/bin` had to be included. This may vary for your
operating system.
# Example
Sample data can be found in [examples](./examples). Assuming that have installed
`cflib` we will now convert [`example.fasta`](./examples/example.fasta) to a
counts file named `example_from_fasta.cf`. The [script](#conversion-scripts)
that we will use is called [`FastaToCounts.py`](./scripts/FastaToCounts.py).
First, we have a look at the help message:
FastaToCounts.py --help
usage: FastaToCounts.py [-h] [-v] [--iupac] fastaFile output
Convert fasta to counts format.
The (aligned) sequences in the fasta file are read in and the data is
written to a counts format file.
Sequence names are stripped at the first dash. If the stripped
sequence name coincide, individuals are put into the same population.
E.g., homo_sapiens-XXX and homo_sapiens-YYY will be in the same
population homo_sapiens.
Take care with large files, this uses a lot of memory.
The input as well as the output files can additionally be gzipped
(indicated by a .gz file ending).
If heterozygotes are encoded with IUPAC codes (e.g., 'r' for A or G),
homozygotes need to be counted twice so that the level of polymorphism
stays correct. This can be done with the `--iupac` flag.
positional arguments:
fastaFile path to (gzipped) fasta file
output name of (gzipped) outputfile in counts format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose turn on verbosity (-v or -vv)
--iupac heteorzygotes are encoded with IUPAC codes
As requested, the sequence names in `example.fasta` are, e.g.,
`Sheep-1`, `Sheep-2`, and so on. The following code converts the file
`example.fasta` into the counts file `example_from_fasta.cf`:
FastaToCounts.py example.fasta example_from_fasta.cf
# Note on IUPAC codes
IUPAC codes are supported and handled adequately.
In particular,
- `N` can be used to denote any base or that the base is unknown; the letter `*`
can also be used in this case, although it is non-standard;
- `-` or `.` denote a gap or a deletion.
Also the other IUPAC codes are supported.
# Conversion scripts
- [CountsToFasta.py](./scripts/CountsToFasta.py): Convert a counts file to a
fasta file.
- [FastaToCounts.py](./scripts/FastaToCounts.py): Convert a fasta file to counts
- [FastaToVCF.py](./scripts/FastaToVCF.py): Convert a fasta file to variant call
- [FastaVCFToCounts.py](./scripts/FastaVCFToCounts.py): Convert a fasta
reference with VCF files to counts format.
- [FilterMSA.py](./scripts/FilterMSA.py): Filter a multiple sequence alignment
file (apply standard filters; cf. `libPoMo`).
- [GPToCounts.py](./scripts/GPToCounts.py): Experimental. Convert gene
prediction files with reference to counts format.
- [MSAToCounts.py](./scripts/MSAToCounts.py): Convert multiple sequence
alignments with VCF files to counts format.
Each script comes with its own documentation. Please execute, e.g.,
FastaToCounts.py --help
All conversion scripts can be found in the [scripts](./scripts) folder.
# Documentation
If you are interested in `cflib` itself, please refer to the
[cflib reference manual](http://cflib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).