# cfgpie
Simplified `ConfigParser` setup.
This module automates, to some extent, the setup of [ConfigParser](https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/configparser.html)
with cmd-line args parsing ability.
#### Installation:
python -m pip install [--upgrade] cfgpie
#### Usage:
After installation, simply import the method `get_config` from `cfgpie` module:
from cfgpie import CfgParser, get_config
By passing a name with the `name` param we can have multiple instances:
# mymodule.py
from cfgpie import CfgParser, get_config
cfg: CfgParser = get_config(name="main")
cfg2: CfgParser = get_config(name="main")
other: CfgParser = get_config(name="other")
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("*" * 80)
print("cfg:", cfg.name)
print("cfg2:", cfg2.name)
print("other:", other.name)
print("*" * 80)
print("cfg == other:", cfg == other)
print("cfg is other:", cfg is other)
print("*" * 80)
print("cfg == cfg2:", cfg == cfg2)
print("cfg is cfg2:", cfg is cfg2)
cfg: main.CfgParser
cfg2: main.CfgParser
other: other.CfgParser
cfg == other: False
cfg is other: False
cfg == cfg2: True
cfg is cfg2: True
Setting up our config environment:
# constants.py
from os.path import join, dirname, realpath
from sys import modules
from types import ModuleType
# main module:
MODULE: ModuleType = modules.get("__main__")
# root directory:
ROOT: str = dirname(realpath(MODULE.__file__))
# default config file path:
CONFIG: str = join(ROOT, "config", "config.ini")
# backup config params:
BACKUP: dict = {
"logger": r"${DEFAULT:directory}\logs",
"TESTS": {
"option_1": "some_value",
"option_2": 23453,
"option_3": True,
"option_4": r"${DEFAULT:directory}\value", # extended interpolation
"option_5": ["abc", 345, 232.545, "3534.5435", True, {"key_": "value_"}, False],
For interpolation, refer to `interpolation-of-values`
# mymodule.py
from cfgpie import CfgParser, get_config
from .constants import ROOT, CONFIG, BACKUP
cfg: CfgParser = get_config(name="main")
# we can set default section options:
# also possible at instance creation:
# cfg: CfgParser = get_config(defaults=some_dict)
# we can provide a backup dictionary
# in case our config file does not exist
# and by default a new file will be created
cfg.open(file_path=CONFIG, encoding="UTF-8", fallback=BACKUP)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# we're parsing cmd-line arguments
print(cfg.get("TESTS", "option_1"))
print(cfg.getint("TESTS", "option_2"))
This is also possible given that cmd-args are fetched as a list of strings:
if __name__ == '__main__':
cfg.parse(["--tests-option_1", "another_value", "--tests-option_2", "6543"])
print(cfg.get("TESTS", "option_1"))
print(cfg.getint("TESTS", "option_2"))
To pass cmd-line arguments:
python -O main.py --section-option value --section-option value
cmd-line args have priority over config file and will override the cfg params.
#### Defaults:
If not provided, by default, `CfgParser` will set:
* `defaults` parameter as dict with section `DEFAULT` and option `directory` to the root folder of the `__main__` module.
* `name` parameter to: `cfgpie`;
* `interpolation` parameter to [ExtendedInterpolation](https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/configparser.html#configparser.ExtendedInterpolation);
* `converters` parameter to evaluate:
* `list`, `tuple`, `set` and `dict` objects using [ast.literal_eval()](https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/ast.html#ast.literal_eval) function;
* `decimal` objects using [decimal.Decimal()](https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/decimal.html);
* `path` strings using [os.path.realpath()](https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/os.path.html#os.path.realpath);
* `folder` and `file` paths which:
* return a path-like formatted string depending on the operating system;
* will recursively create the folder structure if missing (see `folder()` & `file()` methods in [utils.py](src/cfgpie/utils.py)).
> All of which can be accessed by prefixing them with `get`:
> * `getlist("SECTION", "option")`
> * `gettuple("SECTION", "option")`
> * `getset("SECTION", "option")`
> * `getdict("SECTION", "option")`
> * `getdecimal("SECTION", "option")`
> * `getpath("SECTION", "option")`
> * `getfolder("SECTION", "option")`
> * `getfile("SECTION", "option")`
All other parameters are passed directly to